British flag

If scotland left the UK would great Britain still use the same flag?

and what abou tthe rest of the commonwealth that uses the union jack? fuck scotland

Scotland won't leave now. If they do leave and the UK changes its flag, it will lead to the loss of the butifel British ensign

Probably not going to leave. We've had our chimpout. Depending on how incompetent the anglo becomes, depends on how triggered we get. Time will tell...

The best design is replacing the back blue St Andrew's flag of Scotland with the black St David's flag of Wales.

Actually with the cross of st. Andrew this union jack uses the cross of st. David, George and Patrick to form an even more badass flag.

>scots talking about others being incompetent

That looks absolutely disgusting

I think it's a thing with Americans. They love shit flags; look at their state flags (all abominations aside from Texas) and their national flag. Yuck. This is a real flag, burgers.

I lol'd

we're going nowhere, lad.

>things that will never happen.

No, it'll just be St George and St Patrick then.

St David has no place on the flag. Wales is part of the Kingdom of England and is represented by St George.

Thats one sexy flag senpai

It isn't anymore. It used to be, however, but we're recognised as a nation like Scotland. The Kingdom of England doesn't even exist anymore. It's like saying England is still part of the Duchy of Normandy or the Angevin Empire because you've been ruled by frogs for almost a millennium.

>taffies not even represented on the flag

Top kek

>The Kingdom of England doesn't even exist anymore
The crown of England does still exist as part of the Kingdom as Great Britain, if Scotland were to leave then it would go back to just being England. Wales has never been an independent kingdom.
>we're recognised as a nation like Scotland
The Kingdom of Wales does not, and never has, existed. You're recognised as a local entity I believe, but not as a kingdom in your own right.

Aye I'm English as fuck but Wales have a fucking badass flag.
Certainly beats A FUCKING LEAF.

>Wales has never been an independent kingdom
What? Countless monarchs have ruled as the King of Wales/King of the Britons/Prince of Wales.
No, Wales is acknowledged as a country the same as England and Scotland. We have our own parliament too. You are absolutely talking out of your arse.
The Kingdom of England was dissolved in 1707 when it unified with Scotland. Both kingdoms do not exist. It's just the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Anglo-Saxon version of the English flag is pretty based. A hu-wite dragon.

>Countless monarchs have ruled as the King of Wales/King of the Britons/Prince of Wales.
Prince of Wales is just a title given to the eldest son of the King of England. There has never been a unified, independent, Kingdom of Wales and this is backed up in everything out there.
>Wales is acknowledged as a country the same as England and Scotland. We have our own parliament too.
It's commonly seen as a 'part' of the UK, which I'm not disputing. The point I'm making is that technically, de jure, there is no Kingdom of Wales, it isn't part of the UK this way, so Wales deserves no representation on the flag.
>The Kingdom of England was dissolved in 1707 when it unified with Scotland
It wasn't dissolved. You must remember that the Act of Union combined the Parliaments of England and Scotland more than anything else. The Kingdom of Great Britain was formed in its place by this was a formal union of two kingdoms, not a dissolution. I fear that you are throwing out terms here with little regard for what the mean in this context.
>It's just the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
No it's not, and the clue's in the name. There is the Kingdom of Great Britain (the Kingdoms of England and Scotland) and the Kingdom of Ireland (the geographical extent of which has been reduced to the 6 counties in the north since 1922).

>We have our own parliament too
You have an Assembly, not a Parliament. They are very different things.

>doesn't know what Prince means
All rulers in Wales referred to themselves as "Prince" (Welsh: Tywysog, meaning Principle Ruler; pic related). "Prince of Wales" was used by independent rulers before the conquest. There were also Kings of Wales and Kings of the Britons (e.g. Rhodri the Great).
>there is no kingdom of Wales
No kingdom of England or Scotland either, dipshit. They were both done away with in 1707. It officially no longer exists.
>de jure
This isn't CKII. Is there a de jure Roman Empire still?
The clue isn't in the name. The only kingdom that existed after 1707 was the Kingdom of Great Britain.
We have our own parliament and are given country status, equal to Scotland and England. We are officially a country, and the Prime Minister will tell you.

No, they aren't. We just prefer to call it an assembly. It has the exact same function as the Scottish Parliament, but we call it assembly.

Plus, the Welsh Assembly is set to be renamed as Parliament.

>It has the exact same function as the Scottish Parliament
No it doesn't. The most basic research would tell you this.

It has administrative powers in the vast majority of policies in Wales. It is lacking SOME of the Scottish Parliament's powers, like influencing tax. That's about it.

No, it would likely be a white flag with red cross and x or a complete redesign.
But they're going nowhere anyway.

>"Prince of Wales" was used by independent rulers before the conquest.
But in reality they did not rule all of Wales. Making a claim is not the same as actually possessing the power to back that claim up.
>Kings of the Britons
OK but this bears little relation to what we're talking about, the point is that a 'Kingdom of Wales' has never been officially part of GB or the UK.
>No kingdom of England or Scotland either
The Kingdom of Great Britain was formed by a union of them, though. Wales was (and remains) part of the Kingdom of England. There's a reason why some laws apply to 'England and Wales' and others to Scotland or NI. Why do you think England and Wales are put together?
>This isn't CKII. Is there a de jure Roman Empire still?
So you've never heard the word de jure outside of CK2? OK lad. Comparing it to the Roman Empire is plain wrong and you know it. There is still de jure a Crown of England, which encompasses Wales in its jurisdiction.
>We have our own parliament and are given country status, equal to Scotland and England. We are officially a country, and the Prime Minister will tell you.
First of all, Secondly, that's all well and good, I'm not disputing that you're a distinct part of the UK#s 4 nations. But you are technically part of the Kingdom of England which is why you shouldn't have Wales on the Union flag. Because it's the UNION flag, the Union of England and Scotland (GB) and NI.
If hypothetically they did away with the entire concept of the Union flag, then sure put Wales in. But don't fiddle with flags as if they're a art competition. Everything on there is there for a historical reason.

Right I'm done with this autism

>didn't rule the south coast of Wales
The entire Principality of Wales is therefore invalid, right?
There isn't a de jure Kingdom of England. That title no longer exists, and hasn't since 1707.
The Welsh Assembly (Welsh Parliament soon) has almost every power the Scottish Parliament has.
The legal jurisdiction, which is probably what you mean by "de jure", is England AND Wales. Therefore, it isn't crazy to include any sort of reference to Wales should Scotland leave.
