The best team of all time in the second most popular sport in America will be skipping the white house meeting as a whole.
>Trump BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
The best team of all time in the second most popular sport in America will be skipping the white house meeting as a whole.
>Trump BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
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this just seems cowardly. if you don't like him why not go and trash him while you are there.
Good, keep those niggers away from Trump. He doesn't deserve to have to host trash.
Because Silvershekelstien wouldn't want that.
no shit, they're from commiefornia
Good, less nigs at White House. Oooga boogaloo niggerios.
Not only that, they're also from the most degenerate city in all the US.
Good. We need to establish a tradition of keeping niggers out of the white house. Fucking monkeys.
How would you have felt if they actually went to the white house and started talking shit to Trump? Because half the people on here would want them executed. You know Trump is the president, right?
it really wouldn't bother me all that much desu. it'd be good for the lols
Their official statement from the team is that they have not been extended the invitation by the WH just yet.
In other news the 95% white Penguins unanimously accepted their WH invitation
Niggers do what now?
Enjoy less fans next season
BREAKING: dumb niggers with abnormal pituitary glands are still dumb niggers, just taller.
You say that like it is a bad thing.
It doesn't surprise me given how whipped up the media has libs against trump. I bet these millionaire nogs couldn't name one reason why they aren't attending other than, "muh black lives matter" bullshit. Even then Trumps policies towards nigs are basically the same as they were towards nigs under obama.
Along with that, they may all be butthurt over black lives matter, but they probably aren't going because if they did go all their nig friends would give them shit till the end of their days
Basketball is a shit tier sport nowadays anyway
It's honestly pretty irrelevant
Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag
Why do you guys even like this retarded sport?
Why anyone would care to watch blacks playing basketball is beyond me.
The fact that white America feeds this stupid spectacle sport billions of dollars each year showcases just how severely demented & unconscious humanity as a whole is.
You guys still watch roundball?
Based. Penguins are classy winners.
NBA is just niggers.
>caring about the nba after 1998.
They're doing that thing the right hates the most.
>Free speech
Why do people worship sports niggers so hard?
Nice thats why I'm a devoted fan of golden state
please. No one here has said anything against them being able to do this. We all know the left hates free speech way more than than righties. Plus there are right wing athletes that do this from time to time. although the only one off the top of my head was matt birk, supposedly over abortion if i recall correctly.
No one cares about Basketball
Sup Forums BTFO
Trump BTFO
Sup Forums is so butthurt
those tears and that bitterness taste fantastically
Not that I give a shit about apehoop; but the White House has not yet extended an invitation to the Golden State Warriors that could be declined.
Not to mention the story is blatantly false to begin with and was started by noted racetard Shaun King.
>apehoop niggers are too triggered to come to the white house
Good, the White House will not have to buy all new silverware.
>how do you stop five niggers from raping a white woman?
> throw them a basketball
Who cares
It's the second most popular sport in the US. A lot of people do.
good President Trump has better things to do
theres golfing or tweeting, both = time better spent
They were never invited.
Bunch of Muslim chimps.
More people watch computer games than Basketball
>No shit, they're a bunch of niggers
Who the fuck are the Warriors?
Haven't watched a basketball game since Jordan played. Fucking garbage sport.
hope they get boycotted
>The best team of all time in the second most popular sport in America will be skipping the white house meeting as a whole.
Cool everybody wins
Good sports are the way the white man keeps us down am I right my brothers?
Fuck them.
More time to MAGA
This is fake news. Warriors have said nothing about visiting the white house
Wow, Adam (((Silver))) is really doing great things for the Association. Fucking Clemson was there the other day and Dabo gave Trump a jersey. Fuck, even Deshan Watson was hype to get a shout out from based #45
>two jews are 97% white
kek no
Millionaires dissing Trump. He's gonna fucking sperg tweet so hard on this.
>watching NiggerBall
Literally any white person (male or female) who watches this should be murdered and sent to live on Cuck Island where they get raped by horses until they died and then are murdered again
all I'm getting from this graphic is that if video game watchers actually watched this on tv, the players they support could be making over 25$million a year like baseball/basketball players. Also kek why doesn't this show the superbowl?
I swear you faggots take everything as 100% real and run with it. Warriors said they haven't even discussed it, nor have they received an inivitation.
Not letting a bunch of niggers in the white house, sounds like a good deal to me.
wow only something niggers would be worried about im so upset! wow these niggers sure showed our whuite president how they feel about the only country that allows them to be free and live free! god it's such an honor to be able to live with niggers ladeda stupid niggers .
well now that this story is out, do you think they will go? I heard this first on the radio this afternoon.
I think they've got one white guy on the whole team. If they do to the whitehouse, all their "gangsta" friends would give them shit. Plus they are from california, and we all know how far gone Cali is. Everytime trump stepped foot in the state a riot broke out. Even if they weren't before, I doubt they will now
Golden state fan here. Everyone in .ca hates Trump. I support my team telling him to fuck off.
No USA KKK No Trump. He's not my president and anything that belittles him is worth it.
Fuck you rednecks that voted for this retard
Actually the NBA fan base is largely white people.
Why do you faggots hate sports? Serioislu, it's gay
>Haha sportsball amirite?
>Did you see that new episode of Game of Thronees? SOO EPIC XD
Niggers are garbage and do not belong in polite society
>being an adult
>watching niggers play with balls
Pick one