List every political candidate you've supported in your lifetime, by year
>2012 - Ron Paul, Gary Johnson
>2016 - Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump
List every political candidate you've supported in your lifetime, by year
>2012 - Ron Paul, Gary Johnson
>2016 - Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump
Doesn't necessarily have to be US politics, either.
>gary johnson
>bernie sanders
you seem like a genuinely awful person
I don't take surveys, shariablue.
2008, McCain
2012, Romney
2016, God Emperor
My birthday is in December so I missed the 04 election by a month.
gas yourself
2000 - Bush
2004- Bush
2008 - Ron Paul
2012 - Ron Paul
2016 - Trump
Future - Literally no politician ever again.
2012 Ron Paul
2016 Bernie Sanders
2016 Donald Trump
I'm 36. First one I voted for was W. Bush, which was a huge fucking mistake.
W. Bush 2000
Kerry 04 (because I hated Bush)
Obama '08 (because I hated bush therefore hated McCain)
Romney '12 (because I found out Obama is a nigger)
God Emperor Trumpuu '16!!!! (Because KeK)
You went from Ron Paul
Bernie sanders???
What happened did you get ass raped by someone wearing an An-cap shirt or something?
hyper-conspiratorial political atheist until voting for Trump -- regret it because I think I just got caught up in the drama -- 2016 was so damn entertaining.
2008 - McCuck
2012 - Obama
2016 - God Emperor
2000 - Hitler
2004- Hitler
2008 - Hitler
2012 - Ron Paul
2016 - Hitler
Future - Hitler
>2000 - Gore
>2004 - Kerry
>2008/2012 - Obama
>2016 - Clinton
At least my conscience is clear. Drumpf is getting impeached soon anyway.
2008: almost too you to care. I remember liking Obama for silly (muh 1st black president) reasons
2012: Ron Paul
2016: Initially supported Rand Paul, later pivoted to Donald Trump when it became clear that Dr. Paul did not have a viable campaign. Still supporting Trump, will likely support him again in 2020
young *
2004: Kerry
Clinton 1996
Gore 2000
Kerry 2004
Clinton 2008
Romney 2012
Trump 2016
Was a dem until 2012.
>2010 - Nick Griffin
>2015 - Are Nige
>2017 - Nobody
2008- Ron Paul
2012- Ron Paul
2016- Rand Paul, voted Drumpfy
>Bernie Sanders, Gary Johnson
In all seriousness though, I voted for John Kerry in the first election I was old enough to do so because I believed the evil republican meme
>2008 - Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama
>2012 - none
>2016 - Bernie Sanders
I voted for James S. in the 8th grade student body president race.
same as this one
2008 Ron Paul - he was on the ballot in my state for president.
I refuse to participate in democracy any longer however.
2012- whoever ran in the Communist Party, I was apolitical so I meme'd it. Never again though
2016- Drumpf
1996 Ross Perot (retroactive)
2000 Al Gore (retroactive)
2008 Barack Obama (not anymore)
2012 Ron Paul
2012 Gary Johnson (not anymore)
2016 Donald Trump (not anymore)
2017 Jeremy Corbyn
2020 Tulsi Gabbard
>2000: Bush
>2004: Bush
>2008: McCain
>2012: Ron Paul and Gary Johnson
>2016: Rand Paul then Trump
You won't vote for Trump in 2020?
1992 - Bill Clinton (I was a liberal retard when I turned 18)
1996 - Bill Clinton again (didn't learn the first time around)
2000 - Harry Browne for Libertarian
2004 - whoever the fuck was running as the libertarian candidate that year
2008 - I think I wrote in Ron Paul if I remember correctly
2012 - Romney, because Obama was fucking up my retail business game (and his shit continues to do so today) and I couldn't stand that smug nigger closet case
2016 - TRUMP
Of course not, campaignTrump had policies closer to Tulsi Gabbard than presidentTrump.
2008- Obama
2012- Obama
2015-2016 primary- Bernie
2016- Trump (and when I became far-right in general because of Sup Forums
I've been on Sup Forums for 5 months. Not a short amount of time, but I've gone from berniebro to national socialist in that time. I still use reddit, my original home for years, but nothing beats some good Sup Forums memes.
Gary Johnson wasn't a shit candidate for years ago. Sanders is and always will be garbage though.
>2012 Ron Paul
>2016 Bernie Sanders
>2016 Donald Trump
2000 neither (too young)
2004 neither
2008 Ron Paul
2012 neither
2016 Bernie then Trump
2008- king nigger
2012 - ron paul
2012 Trump
>supporting gun control increases and the EPA
Nah fuck off
>2000 - Bush
>2004 - Bush
>2008 - Obama (I feel for the "hope and change" bullshit. Regretted this later
>2012 - Ron Paul in the primaries, Obama very reluctantly in the general. Did not vote in the general.
>2016 - Rand Paul, then Trump. Full Trump Train by early 2016
>2020 - Trump
>Also: Fag marriage ban
>Primary: Fred Thompson
>General: Bob Barr
>Primary: Paul
>General: Romney
>Primary: Trump
>General: Trump
>all these bernie to trump
honest question: is this a reddit thing? are your opinions that influenced by your reddit peers? cause this seems dumb as fuck tbqh
So many young people here. It explains so much about this board.
nice bait and wrong
It's obviously because both campaigned on bucking the establishment, maaann.
But I'm 36 user...
2010 Cameron
2015 Farage
2016 Leave
2016 Leadsom
2017 Nuttall/[spoiler]Corbyn[/spoiler]
Thankfully there's a few oldfags, or this place would be more intolerable than it is.
God forbid I say this, but four years ago my social studies teacher convinced me to support Justin Trudeau.
Now I want to McGas him, but hey, you grow up, you learn.
Bernie Sanders was the only good candidate the USA had in decades.
This is some top-tier datamining here boy
>Gary Johnson wasn't a shit candidate for years ago
There's a lot more overlap than you think, but yeah, I basically went from libertarian to left-leaning classical liberal. As for my explanation of Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders:
Both of them:
- are anti-Fed.
- are against the War on Drugs.
- have non-interventionist foreign policies.
- were against the bailouts.
- are for cutting military spending.
- are against the Patriot Act and NSA spying.
- are for cutting corporate welfare before general welfare.
- are against the anti-American trade deals like the TPP
- are genuine, honest politicians
I've been on Reddit for maybe a few hours total in my entire life.
2010: Cameron
2015: Cameron
2016: Leave
US Election: Trump
French Election: Le Pen
2017: May
>Age 7, Al Gore (because people called me Al back then)
>Age 11, W (i liked him cus i thought he was tough for going to war)
>Age 15, Newt (i think i was most at my racist at this age, full 1488 pretty much)
>Age 19, R. Money (obvious better candidate)
>Age 23, President Donald J. Trump (literally no downside, no matter what happens)
>Bill Clinton
> Al Gore
>John Kerry
>Hillary Clinton
>Donald Trump
I still think Obama was a better choice than Romney or McCain. I was taken off gaurd by how crooked Hillary was and the left went over a cliff. Trump is at least entertaining. I'm not voting anymore.
>2008 - Ron Paul
>2012 - Ron Paul, wanted Romney to beat Obama
>2016 - Marco Rubio
inb4 hate
Why Rubio?
>1976 - Jimmy Carter
>1980 - Ronald Reagan
>1981 - 2017 - Too fed up with the parade of shitheads to bother to vote.
classical liberals don't support modern welfare policies. You're a social liberal.
>Marco Rubio
jesus christ where did you go wrong, if you wanted an establishment candidate you could have at least gone with Kasich, Jeb or Cruz(inb4 cruz not establishment kek)
1992 Perot
1996 Buchanan
2000 Buchanan
2004 Buchanan
2008 Ron Paul, Bob Barr
2012 Ron Paul
2016 Rand Paul early on then Trump
Came here to say this.
Didn't actually support Rubio, he just looked like the only realistic chance Republicans had. SCOTUS is everything. When Rubio started self-destructing I got on board the Trump train. Didn't think Trump could win until early summer.
Other than the first part; this is me. Now knowing how much of a cunt McCain is I would have voted for Obama.
Yeah, I'm honestly in-between a social libertarian and a classical liberal, maybe slightly toward the green square, social democrat side. The problem with that is I get lumped in with the baggage of SJWs and identity politics.
All politicians are snakes. Fuck politicians
>Jon Huntsman
guy's a borderline genius.
rename that file "shareblue_sample" for a more comic effect
Just because they support the same goals doesn't mean there's overlap at all.
Bernie wants those things because he loves "diversity" and "anti-racism", and hates capitalism.
Ron wants those things so that people can make their own free decisions
>2008 McCain (too young to vote)
>2012 Gary Johnson
He's why I registered as a Republican
>Paul 2008
>Paul 2012
>Trump 2016
Martin O'Malley 2020
Genghis Khan
Tolui Khan
Ögedei Khan
Güyük Khan
Möngke Khan
Then I got a felony and lost the right
>2006 - José Serra
>2010 - Geraldo Alckmin
>2014 - Aécio
>2016 - Dória
>2018 - Geraldo Again
But, that's the very definition of overlap. Who cares why they want those things, the important thing is they want to make people's lives better with those policies, and they would.
>Tony Blair
>Ed Miliband
>Angela Eagle
>Hillary Clinton
>Emannuel Macron
>Jeremy Corbyn
>2012 Gary Johnson
>2016 Rand Paul, Bernard Sandman
gas yourself.
>Obama 2012
>Trump 2016
>tfw 2/2 in voting booth
i only pick winners
just a reminder
Imagine being such a fuckup of a governor that you make a state with a more than 2:1 ratio of democrats to republicans vote for a republican governor after you.
>2004--Kerry, even though I couldn't vote yet.
>2012--Obama, only because i didn't like Romney
The Democratic party made me hate liberalism.
I've only been following politics since the early 2010s but I supported Romney in 2012 and McMullin in 2016.
>inb4 Mormon
Plan on voting Trump again?
>2004 - José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
>2017 - Jeremy Corbyn
Ron Paul, every year, all years.
The people I support are all dead by 70 years or more, and weren't elected.
No modern politician or world leader is worth an ounce of my support, only my absolute disgust.
Here's my list:
2008 ) mccain
2012) romey
2016 ) /ourguy/
Bush, Obama, Romney, Sanders
2017 - teh shulz
>82% Jill Stein
>Green and Socialist over Libertarian
Well, you'd be on the far left fringes of the libertarian movement. I'd just call myself a social democrat at that point.
2000 Gore
2004 Kerry
2008 Obama
2012 Obama
2016 Hillary
I vote straight ticket Democrat and would.never vote for.a Republican under any circumstances
2008 - Obama
2012 - Ron Paul, voted Obama
2016 - Bernie, voted Trump
>voting for either side of the establishment
>especially the very face of the corrupt establishment, shitlerry
But why
2008, Ron Paul (write-in)
2012, Gary Johnson
2016, Drumpf
Bill Clinton
I'm from North Carolina, and the funniest shit is, I never actually voted for the candidate who won my state until last year.
Trump broke the curse.
I want UHC and the dems will give it to me.