Sessions ROASTED On Twitter


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i honestly don't get it

Im with her

>muh White privilege

>i honestly don't get it
Me neither. And that faggot is probably blocked by Trump now so he has to feed his followers some BS

Alright drumpfkin I'll explain: it's because he's white. Get it?

What I don't get is why faggots like OP are constantly posting random faggot nobodies here and making whole threads about them

who here thought harris was expecting an answer or just wanted to keep asking questions that sessions wont answer because it gives dems political ammo

Democrat Memes and Logic:
>(((misrepresent opposition)))
>"yass queen"
>"everyone against my bias is stupid"
>"hwite boogeyman"


oh wow some fucktarded post on twitter

he's surely rekt this time :)

Gee progressive lefty person but I see a human being, aren't we all human part of a whole, all equal - we are not seperate colours but one people - you see white I see a person - who is the bigot I wonder?? Peace out

He must have been watching a different hearing because Sessions wrecked all of them.

Nigger spelling

>white privilege
nice anti-white conspiracy theory

because op is faggot nobody

also "privilige"


Sessions said he could not recall events less than a year old twenty-five times. I haven't seen that much forgetfulness under oath since Iran-Contra. Besides, he managed to perjure himself within the first two minutes of his testimony. within minutes of him claiming that he never saw the Russian ambassador at the hotel, photographs showed up on Twitter of him right next to the guy.

>remembering inane conversations that took place months ago
nice try

>I haven't seen that much forgetfulness under oath since Iran-Contra.

Umm sweetie.

Why are you using twitter faggot

I was watching the open session and he never even said that

they really have a nice operation running the wiki pages. The other day I was browsing Sally Yates page and jesus christ


If Sessions is a Senator serving on the Armed Services Committee, and Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee (he was)
And he speaks to a high-level Russian official (the Ambassador is)
About an important matter concerning the security of a nation-state ally (like Ukraine)
Then as part of his job, as a Senator, it would have been a matter of public record and reported in writing to the Committee and Subcommittee.

If Sessions is a Senator serving on the Committee on the Judiciary, and Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security Subcommittee (he was)
And he speaks to a high-level Russian official (the Ambassador is)
About an important matter concerning the intrusion of a hostile nation to hack state elections servers, post fake news to deceptively manipulate the information our electorate gets (like Russia)
Then as part of his job, as a Senator, it would have been a matter of public record and reported in writing to the Committee and Subcommittee.

Why did none of that happen? Why only forgetting meetings with the Russians, no one else? And why did Sessions instead lie his ass off repeatedly about it? Because he's guilty as sin. He tried to resign. He desperately tried to shirk his legal and civic responsibilities. He recused himself because he didn't want anyone poking around in his dirty business colluding with teh Russkies.

Wasn't she talking to Feebs and not a Congressional panel?

Helping black people was the biggest mistake white people have ever done.
We should have treated them the same way everyone else treated slaves when they were done with them

You're saying democrats are lying and smearing instead of arguing a well reasoned point?


What did they change it to? The only other one I was aware of was during the primaries when Kissinger's bio was altered to add that he wasn't a friend of Bernie Sanders.

>Then as part of his job, as a Senator, it would have been a matter of public record and reported in writing to the Committee and Subcommittee.
[citation needed]

Congratulations America on sucking so much Russian cock.

Kamala Harris is the newest leftist token nigger that is completely clueless the left is going to push.

>claiming that he never saw the Russian ambassador at the hotel, photographs showed up on Twitter of him right next to the guy.

You mean the one where Sessions is talking to some guy and the Russian Ambassador is standing off 8 feet to his left not even looking at him, because they're both waiting in the same dining hall for a speech?



she didn't make him nervous. he was saying that, in light of the fact there are laws against lying to congress, rapid-fire questions complete with rude interruptions during a witch hunt make him nervous, and that he needs to be allowed to answer with depth before being interrupted.

the grilling makes him nervous because he is aware they're just trying to make him slip up, to grandstand for their 2020 or 2018 highlight reels, and will not stop until heads roll. this would make anyone nervous about not being able to fully answer a question.

i wish death on whoever edited that in, and everyone running with this meme

Post proofs faggot

I don't get the Russia fixation. How the fuck is this still an investigation? How do we not know if they hacked us or not yet? It's almost like they have nothing and are trying to draw this out as long as possible.


STFU obamaleaf

Clinton was answering questions in 2016 about a server set-up from 8 years earlier in 2008. Years.

Sessions supposedly couldn't remember meeting the Ambassador to Russia 6 months earlier. Months.

>at least we got some quipy tweets out of our months long russian conspiracy that will keep our party happy
I wish republicans weren't so fucking inept and were able to capitalize on this time of utter failure for the dems

True, he said he wasn't claiming executive privilege, he was merely claiming the hypothetical possible maybe future exercise of executive privilege.

Yeah if you saw this segment of the hearing it was pathetic. She wouldn't let him fully answer before blurting out the next question. Based Sessions didn't fall for it.

dude what are you on about. All the times he meet with russian officials as part of his job were on the public record. The only situation that was not was when he met him incidentaly in other unrelated events.

>Why only forgetting meetings with the Russians, no one else?
He was only asked about meeting with russians.

>And why did Sessions instead lie his ass off repeatedly about it?
He didn't lie a single time.

>He recused himself because he didn't want anyone poking around in his dirty business colluding with teh Russkies.
By recusing himself he loses any power he had over the investigation.

I am sure everyone will be surprised to hear that her husband Douglas Emhoff is Jewish.



>Congratulations America on sucking so much Russian cock.
It's only the right-wing conservatives their knees worshiping the Kremlin and taking turns sucking Putin's cock.

The liberals are the only patriots left in America now.




What did you have for lunch on Tuesday, April 11th?
Who did you first say good morning to on May 27th?

Lefties are past this point. It's not about equality anymore, they openly hate white people now.

sessions is thinking dumb nigger.

no no no no fuck off. they're never clear how they are using "meeting" like shaking a hand and saying oh hello is meeting someone. a meeting is generally an in-depth talk with a purpose. a get-together. jeff sessions meets a lot of people. he certainly can't remember all the people he has met. he definitely would remember a meeting, and already stated in his opening statement this didn't occur.

they're purposefully not defining it because THEY WANT THE SOUND BYTE and they want a reason to KEEP THIS CIRCUS GOING

m8 you can't troll like that with a fascist flag you have to turn on your canadian proxy

>this is what passes for humor if you're a libtard

Jesus christ

>All the times he meet with russian officials as part of his job were on the public record.
Then why did Jeff Sessions lie about it on his security form? Why did Jeff Sessions lie about those meetings at his confirmation hearings? Sessions was on the subcommittee to stop this shit, now he's head of FBI who is ALSO supposed to stop this shit, and he's pretending it never happened.

This leftist radical is going to be on the ticket at some point....

>Then why did Jeff Sessions lie about it on his security form?
Lie about what?

>Why did Jeff Sessions lie about those meetings at his confirmation hearings?
What did he lie about?

Did you watch the hearing fuckhead? He wasn't asked about those meetings. He was asked about collusion with russians AS PART OF THE CAMPAIGN by Al Franken. He answered truthfully that no he did not meet with russians as part of the campaign.

The REAL question here is why are dems grasping at straws like this?


>The liberals are the only patriots left in America now.

The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because…the Cold War’s been over for 20 years

>The REAL question here is why are dems grasping at straws like this?

Desperation and sociopathy

Wait, did he get BLACKED or did she get JEWED?

As much as I hate white people, he never said that. Mikel is spreading slanderous fiction.

>hen why did Jeff Sessions lie about it on his security form?
what the fuck are you on about?

>Why did Jeff Sessions lie about those meetings at his confirmation hearings?
because they were meaningless - he was asked, did you meet with the russians (to collude with them)? Note the parenthesis come from the context - and he said "no". why would he lie about meetings that were on the public record?

>What did you have for lunch on Tuesday, April 11th?
If I had lunch with the FUCKING AMBASSADOR OF RUSSIA I think I would have remembered that. No wait, I'm not trying to avoid prison for treason, right? Sessions will say whatever he has to. He's trying to avoid being executed for treason.

You should be worried too.

How dumb do you have to be to still believe the Russian nonsense after it's been debunked in court over and over again

Liberals are literally the opposite of patriots, they truly want to destroy America in a traditional sense

libtards virtue signaling to each other on oldman platform.

Its almost like you didn't live though the 2016 election.

>"Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

This niggress looks like she's trying to reach another plain of thought in order to counter Session's aura of smug victory.

You mean with a cloth?

>having lunch with russians is treason

damn I wish I could speak swedish so i'd know what this says

Why do people believe so much that what happens on Twitter matters?

Sieze the means of production my fellow comrade

what that got to do with it

white person: fuck white people right

You'd be meeting with ambassadors every day for years on end. If not an ambassador, some other mook with some other equally weighty title. After a while you stop remembering the "importance" of them. They become part of your everyday routine.

They basically redefined equality as something to be achieved in the far future only after some (((corrections))) take place.

Not necessarily treason, just five years in prison. That's the penalty for not disclosing that on your SF-86.

Senators always remember meeting with Russ-

>jeff sessions meets a lot of people. he certainly can't remember all the people he has met. he definitely would remember a meeting, and already stated in his opening statement this didn't occur.
You must be retarded.

Jeff Sessions said in his testimony that he spoke with the Ukrainian foreign minister the day before his meeting with Kislyak. Sessions testified under oath that he had a discussion with the Ambassador about the concerns of Ukraine and that on each of Sessions points, the Ambassador affirmed Russia's positions. So it was not simply a tradecraft dead drop or brush-pass, this was a full-blown discussion of official business as a US Senator with a high-ranking Russian official in depth on a national security matter, according to the sworn testimony, under oath, by Jeff Sessions.

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Fake news. SF86 only requires you disclose close and/or continuing contacts.

With this witch hunt gotacha atmosphere, a pardon woudl only enhance Trump's perception outside DC.

>He wasn't asked about those meetings
I watched. You should get a transcript, if they have those in Moscow.

>white negroes the pic

Does the left even know what an Ambassador is? Do they think it means "bad guy" or something? It's literally a person you are supposed to talk to in order to establish better relations with their respective country- it isn't a bad thing to be meeting with a fucking ambassador.

Twitter is for the twits.

>dems focus on russia till 2018

>lose BIGLY in elections

it's their funeral

>he spoke with the Ukrainian foreign minister
what year is it

FUCK! I don't recall man! I don't remember breakfast this morning.
Please don't impeach me bro!

Anyone else notice the three unhinged Democrats during the hearing?

I think we're witnessing them resist the realization that they've been lied to in real time. It's crumbling around them and they are grasping at nothing.

what privilege is he supposed to be invoking? prima nocta?

>How dumb do you have to be to still believe the Russian nonsense
I can't understand why the right-wing conservatives are still falling for the Kremlin lies either.

>Liberals are literally the opposite of patriots,
I don't see them worshiping the Kremlin or sucking Putin's cock like you traitorous idiots. Just move to Russian, learn the language and get it over with, for fucks sake.

They don't. Part of their philosophy is not engaging in discourse as a matter of course. It infects their mind in ways they don't see because of other flaws in their thinking clouding their reasoning.

Look at how fucked their reasoning is. In the actual testimony Sessions shut her down, filibustered her dumb questions, and the head of the committee had to tell her to stop talking and let him talk. She was in the wrong categorically. But she was the victor to the left, because she was an uppity nigger to a white man from the south.

Appalling and detestable indeed.

this wasn't what was asked of him today. and you clearly listened close enough to get cotton's buzzwordy bit committed to memory