Why do whites allow Japanese to steal their culture?
Japan has stolen only the best culture from Europe yet you still reject the type of happiness that it brings.
What is going on?
Why do whites allow Japanese to steal their culture?
Japan has stolen only the best culture from Europe yet you still reject the type of happiness that it brings.
What is going on?
>Japan has stolen only the best culture from Europe yet you still reject the type of happiness that it brings.
nigga wut?
Theft implies something goes missing. "Cultural appropriation" is a leftist meme.
If you can't figure it out on your own maybe you don't deserve it.
This cultural appropriation bullshit is analogous to digital piracy.
>copying a thing means you stole it
>implying it hasn't gone missing.
I literally see it no where in western culture anymore.
because Japan isn't a giant melting pot of garbage cultures like America is. So they can pick and choose the best parts about other cultures to improve their own instead of having some shit skin come in and force their degenerated life style on them
Well there biggest Hits are some Italian Plumbers and some slavic looking little knight who tries to free Zelda.
So Japs are guilty of it. But they do it cause they admire us. You have to thank Nazi Germany for that
It's called "romanticizing" you fuck stick
Japs take the cool things about a people, and use them to make good material. They do it out of a respect for the culture rather than to attack it.
They don't steal shit.
>yet you still reject the type of happiness that it brings.
Wtf is this thing that is supposed to bring happiness?? You fucking illiterate monkey.
>because Japan isn't a giant melting pot of garbage cultures like America is.
they're niggers wallowing in stolen culture like everyone else
whites built the pyramids. this has been proven. all the most ancient mummies are white
>they don't steal shit
>they're slowly trying to make a zelda into a "it was always asian" thing
wow wtf i hate zelda and dark souls now
back to r3ddit dirty jew
>says the american mongrel
Who better to create the likeness of white heroes than our biggest fans? They've been copying white culture for years - they're old pros
that argument completely flew past your head didn't it?
no, it's more accurate to say that about you.
fact is every nigger on earth is using culture whites once had but abandoned.
we gift culture to the world. that's our thing.
I'm aware zelda mythology is western. your thread is shitty so I was making it better because you're a fucking loser.
and at the same time its not allowed in western culture.
I haven't seen that at all.
If you're seeing it, it's because you have a victim complex and feel constantly persecuted. Get over it.
Allowed, yes. Celebrated, definitely not.
I really can't tell if you're a retard or just trolling.
It's easier for Japanese to pick out the best of western culture because they're all one race.
Americans and other European country have very little culture because they're mixed with Jews, niggers, and spic who fuck everything up.
It's clear the Japanese respect and admire the best parts of white culture.
They seek to better themselves by reflecting it's best parts.
Unlike the JEWS who detest white culture and seek to pollute it with BLACK culture and degeneracy.
The difference being that Whites are distinctively superior to JEWS, while Northeast Asians are similarly highly-advanced and superior in their own ways.
So on a subconscious, evolutionary-survival-instinct level, the Japanese don't see Whites as a threat needing to be polluted and subverted.
Meanwhile, the JEWS do.
That's what the JEW hatred of whites is all about.
It's a deep subconscious, animalistic, organic evolutionary/darwinian survivalist tactic to compete against their evolutionary superior.
Of course, they will never catch up.
They will never win.
Imagine if zelda was a girl
Would be hot
Culture is information and information cant be "stolen"
kill yourself
If its not there there something not allowing it.
oh really
that's good to know
you should work for the NSA
> Why do whites allow Japanese to steal their culture?
Because not all of us are lefty faggots screaming "cultural appropiation" at everyone we do or do not like.
> Japan has stolen only the best culture from Europe yet you still reject the type of happiness that it brings
The ones rejecting European Culture are leftwing "multiculturalists" (who really should be called African/Arab Islamophiles, because thats the only cultural background that they truly accept).
>Whats going on?
Feminism. Cultural Marxism. The Left Wing's Opression and Shaming tactics. Political Correctness making rational thoughts and arguments impossible. More and more Muslims who don't give a fuck about the cultures of their european host-countries. And of course People which are dumb enough to make all above work.
"steal", we got some sick fucking games out of it, it's not like they only released them in japan
Are you talking about video games themselves or the era that Zelda is set in? I'm confused.
Some did, motherfuckers that can't bother to learn another language properly.
You have possibly the most tenuous grasp of history of any person I've ever seen. Maybe you should go be a productive member of society instead of a whiny, uneducated pussy.
Get over yourself. You're as bad as progressive scum with you WOE IS US bullshit.
Next you'll tell us that samurai are stolen knight culture.
>caring is a lefty thing so i don't care
fuck off, faggot. Zelda is GOAT
>generating culture is the same as stealing
you what
stop talking like an SJW
Why does Link look nordic? Isnt hyruleans supposed to resemble japanese?
We got two nukes we are doing our best ;_;
Just about every aspect of culture.
The most beautiful things are rejected.
The same reason that they let other races control their countries
only marxists care about "cultural appropriation". I'm not a Marxist, therefore I do not care about such trifles.
what zelda games aside from zelda BS gor released only in japan? also, if a game is estimated to receive poor sales outside of japan, they're not going to waste money as no one will want to buy it anyways
>mfw I keep mistaking the German flag for the Queer flag now
>calls me a faggot
>has japanese dick up their asshole daily
>information need to be open
>lets tell the chinese how to make nukes. what could go wrong
kill your self
They haven't stolen shit. You can still go to medieval times places and shit.
Nintendo wanted to emulate the success of Disney. Disney re-imagined old tales from European folklore when it was first established. Ergo, Nintendo wants to do the same.
i like this guy
>i'll just let them use all my stuff
>i'll be here in the corner watching them use all my stuff
god you are the worst kind of human being
grow up you fucking manchild
should i be watching niggerball instead?
culture isn't your "stuff" and you have no control over that. you sound like a selfish, delusional baby.
>culture isn't stuff
it's a collection of historical influences, environmental circumstances, traditions, and the like. you will never be able to successfully argue that it belongs to you as an individual, especially from a legal standpoint. i bet you're the kind of faggot that doesn't tip because "not muh responsibility". deal with the fact you have no control over the spread of cultural blending or shut the fuck up.
learn definitions before you start making arguments you dumb fuck.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
it still doesnt belong to you considering you didn't produce any of it. also, these types of cultural productions aren't the property of the culture that created it. the arts and produced works of a culture are a result of the aforementioned factors I mentioned. you have no fight here, you're clearly clinging to your ego because you're too stupid to realize that all the things you believe are just products of your environment. you'll never be able to get accept this so you may as well go cum on your body pillow and cry.
i'd imagine you cling to being white as your saving grace because you have no real, applicable skills or likable qualities.
>im okay with losing
0/10 overused bait.
Because they acknowledge it was our culture instead of say trying to make Mozart black. They do it justice like your pic related and they don't actually steal it from us
You're the only one ITT with a loser's mentality.
>i lost
Damn you are so upset about being a nigger, user.
i'm white, just not as much of a self-absorbed faggot as most white people on this board.
>im okay with losing
>implying spreading of you culture is losing
by the way, races are in their respective contemporary positions due to historical and environmental circumstance, nothing more. superiority only exists on an indovidual level. for example, i am superior to you.
Because they show proper respect for it and are great at portraying it.
How can we complain when master artists are creating works based off of our cultures?
No, niggers are niggers because they cannot process abstract thought.
They are inherently inferior and if you spent any time around them you'd know that they are incapable of thinking about anything beyond the here and now.
i just brosnanburgered myself
You're cancer
yes you did when you didn't know the definition of culture.
i have a black friend who is both a highly successful artist as well as a professor of statistics at a state university. what do you do?
you're either under the age of eighteen or incapable of continuing this argument. better luck next time!
>giving away valuable information is winning
I actually work.
>highly successful artist
So what? He launders drug money?
>professor of statistics at a state university
So you mean he's a lazy faggot riding the coattails of affirmative action?
Being a professor used to be respectable until it became indoctrination camp where you're no longer allowed to have independent thoughts.
leave already fag
kill yourself while your at it.
"i work".
it's obvious that both your job as well as your overall contribution to society is inferior to my friend and that's upset you. sorry that your race isn't going to save you mediocrity.
so under eighteen it is.
Thought I was the only one who felt this way. Still enjoyed BotW but there was so much anime-style cringe and awful story too. That and Star Wars Force Awakens are the most disappointing continuations of series that I've seen of late
are inferior*
>muh cultural appropriation
Found the SJW hipster.
Any nigger is inferior to any white person.
Affirmative action will never change that.
This is what asian people look like in zelda games.
Fuck off Sup Forumsirgin
Take at least 20 more of those antidepressants and end your life.
both your manner of speech to your mystery "job" shows that my friend is intellectually superior to you and likely physically superior as well. that will never change. you, as an individual, have little to no value and being white won't stop people from recognizing your lack of worth. adios!
And arguably did better at it than Disney did for a while, as Mario became more recognisable than Mickey Mouse in the late 80s to early 90s, thereby triggering Disney to become as large and rich as possible.
Your friend is a nigger. Niggers are shit and so are you.
I pray for the day SHTF so I can kill every single faggot like you.
I fucked up my career path due to my own fuckups. I'm probably more intelligent than both you and your nigger friend but I dropped out of college to take care of my life and a life of real work doesn't make one very eloquent.
My job is one that you are incapable of performing. I know this because there are only a handful of people who are actually capable of it. I repair machines that you need but never see.
You type as a girl defending her abusive spouse.
Well, yeah, Japan has stolen (appropriated) only the best of European culture, but at the same time, we've stolen only the best of Japanese culture. So it all balances out. It's been a pretty worthwhile exchange, so far, with only...minor setbacks.
>Hey Japan, I brought back your copy of the Go Rin No Sho. Good shit.
>Ah-so, did you rike it?
>Yeah, that shit was tight. We made this shit based on it and that last shit you loaned me, "Sergeant Kabuki-man". Shit is tight.
>I-uh...I see...
>Yeah, so I brought you some of our shit, Le Morte d' Arthur. I figured you'd like it.
>AH-SO! This-a rooks rike a...'good shit', as you carr it.
>Yeah, figured it'd be your thing. Just promise you won't turn King Arthur into a moe chick.
>Arrlight, I plomise I won't...hey, rook over there!
And six months later Fate/Stay Night happened.
"Stealing" culture is like "stealing" software. The original is still there so who gives a fuck?
this was probably the most reaching, desperate thing i've ever read. you mean you fucked up because you're a fuck up. you can continue to pretend you have any semblance of intelligence all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you don't.
I wonder if it's one and the same person every time I see the Aruba flag.
you mad too?
also, i doubt you could kill us because, given your ideology and defensive nature, you're probably fat and cowardly.