50% of the White Race is Female

ITT say something nice about:
>Your Mother
>Your Wife/ Girlfriend
>Your Sister
>Your Daughter

Other urls found in this thread:


but i'm not white

I love my Mom, my wife and my sister.

>Died last month
>Don't have
>Race mixes with a Chink
>Don't have

>proper woman
>ex was a cool girl
>my favorite person in the entire world
>doesn't exist

My sister has a two year old blond hair blue eyed ubermensch and another on the way

>A saint (a whore if you ask my Dad though)
>nothing nice to say
>my partner in crime
>a genius, but not white

>alcoholic scumbag
>literally perfect in every way
>complete and total scumbag degenerate.
>dont have one.

My wife is thee most caring person on the planet, my mind is a heartless machine but she somehow always brings me down to earth and she warms my heart with her radiant personality. I love her beautiful face and find her blue eyes capitulating. Also she makes the hottest latino / white interracial banter during sex.

>Greatest woman who ever lived. RIP
>I'll love her with my heart and protect her with all my strength.
>Helped each other through our adolescence. Wouldn't have made it without each other.
>I pray that God will bless me with a daughter.

It's actually 52% and growing. Men aren't useful anymore.

take this shit to bant


I love white women

I agree, your wife gave me a blowjob last night and it felt great.

You have a non-white daughter? How can you live with the knowledge that you destroyed millennia worth of your family's genetics?

stop fucking shitskins

>that feel when seeing your brown dick going inside going inside a pale white pussy

>say something nice


I'd fuck them all desu

My mom is the greatest.
>My dad can beat up your dad.

Single mother whore
All my ex's were mistakes, I need to stop thinking with my dick and find someone who isn't trash
I have a brother?
No kids

>God rest her soul.
>Sorted as fuck.
>Very nice despite being absolutely fucking libtarded.
>Will have a great father someday.

>based (for the most part)
>she gave me a blonde blue eyed boy
>dont have
>dont have

White women loves me.

Geographic Location: Nigger



>Your Mother
She means well even if she's fucking dim
>Your Wife/ Girlfriend
>implying I'm not an ugly manlet
>Your Sister
She means well even if she's fucking dim
>Your Daughter
>implying I'm not an ugly manlet

Even with as trashy as mom's side of the family is, none of them ever race mixed.
Good girls

Heil to you and your family.

My grandmother and I are politically aligned and argue with the rest of the family during gatherings. She won't take any shit.

>the strongest woman I know, probably the only woman I'll ever love on a platonic level.
>genuinely a funny woman

There's no denying blacks typically have the most aesthetic male bodies, with the very big caveat of IF they're not overweight/obese.

"Casually fit" White males don't exist anymore. You're either a gym rat, or skinny fat. No middle ground like a muscular black youth.

>Naive but a good person
>More redpilled than me, I thank god everyday she turned out okay
>implying implications

Women should shut up and obey. We have no time for sjw normal faggotry and the beta orbiters who emulate their female forever friends.

If you're a woman and you stand in the way of taking down the banks and jews, you will be ostracized and deported away to Africa to be gang raped, tortured, then murdered by vicious niggers.

Pic related will be the future. We demand it.

Yes, you sure sound like a Confederate …. Thank you Sup Forums for giving niggers the ability to label themselves as Cuckold white men.

That's the whole point of sex, to mix up genes. A better question is, why would you breed with you cousins over people of whom your last common ancestor was over 40,000 years ago? You support inbreeding, just a bit less extreme than Muslim cousin fucking.

>a fucking bundle of sticks

My daughter is for the pleasuring of the master race.

i lov my mummy shes so prety

On the same token, user, we have to let them help us when they choose to help us. We must do our part to protect them from the evil ideologies of this world so that they may give us beautiful families in return.


>a fucking bundle of sticks

Indeed, they obey, but we work hard to earn their obedience by providing a society worth living in.

We will all serve in heaven, reigning in a slice of hell is a jewish wet dream, and it has created horrors.

>narrow shouldered black manlet
>narrow hipped white chick
Neither one of these are good representatives of their people.

Mothers a cunt. Grandmothers worse on her side. my sister is a slut and a piece of shit. my gf is a slut. But I love them because what can you do.

>a fucking bundle of sticks

Feel free to try and break it if you can !!

Sorry about your mum user, and shheeeiiiittt

>idiot burger doesn't realize the fasces symbol literally hangs in congress

Out of all the females, I'd kill them last.

no you fucking idiot, ever heard of natural selection? the point of reproducing is to preserve your genes

eh fucking 13 stripes

day of the drive-thru when?

F u

White men need learn more about sex.
Literally, " how to fuck a white female ".

Geographic Location: Nigger


Ok here goes. They're all white.

nice tits


>Geographic Location: Sopa de macaco





>turboliberal cunt who did the "drumpf binding ritual" some time back
>broke up with her today after 4 years of relationship and what was promising marriage potential because she's drank the disney princess koolaid
>super liberal government worker
>no daughter

but mixing up genes is also good. Without differentiation an entire species is vulnerable to one thing as opposed to one thing, like a virus or bacteria.

They are just females.
Shes a woman.
Never more that narzistic, underevolved apegender. Basically parasitegender.

Remove womens right and make them property of men.
Would be a fundamentally extremely healthy step for society as a whole (even women)

>mother divorced my father, dates exclusively Arab Muslim men now
>ex gf left me for a nigger
>don't have a sister
>I'm a virgin
>cousin is doing peace corp work in Costa Rica, probably getting Spic'd as we speak
>other cousin jumps from man to man

Typical white women. All whores.

>crawling in my skin the post


50% of the white race is women and 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of everything whites have ever done is by the men.

white women are worse than actual niggers and have accomplished less and done more damage to the white race

>nice, talented, hardworking half Chinese who is basically a southern white women cause her mom was
>lel no
>my mom repeated
>lel no

>everything whites have ever done is by the men.

For women. Now that white men can't get white women, they aren't productive. That's the reason why a growing number of young men dropped out of the race.

My wife has spent her 25 of her 30 years being indoctrinated by a feminized liberal status quo, yet she's remarkably willing to listen to any reasonable, logic-based argument -- even ones that challenge deeply held convictions.

I'm slowly but surely redpilling her on women and jews.

You'd think the women one would be hard, but I've found that women know how shitty women can be better than most men.

I'm not making excuses, but men do all of the "important" outwardly things while women are designed to take care of the family. Society would not work without both of these roles.

Flag related

>For women
in your dreams you fucking retarded piece of shit. the majority of the greatest men to ever live didn't have children you fucking trash. women are subhuman wastes worse than niggers cause they manipulate men into destroying their own civilization.

men dropped out of the race because women are fucking ruining society so there's no reason to be part of the rat race supporting something you hate. men fucking hate filth like you and the degenerate western society so they won't be part of it. not because stupid whores need to be pleased.

white sharia or women losing their rights is coming. in the far future women will be exterminated like the nigger trash they are and artificial womb will replace them

My ma is a typical leftist who thinks with emotions instead of any sort of actual, thoughtful reasoning. She can never defend her points beyond how it makes her "feel" at that moment.

My ex-girlfriend was basically a blank slate with no discernible personality besides the traits I assigned to her over our relationship.

My sister is the same as my mother, though worse because she's better educated and more successful.

No Children.

Putting any real regard into what women think is a bad idea, because they don't really put any regard into what they themselves think.

I agree. Women need to be gutted and swung from lamp posts. Every white woman needs to be beaten and have her throat slit.

>Sup Forums with no flags...

Time to never come back.

they don't scream when they talk and they don't twerk

My mother beat my ass for all the stupid things I did. Making me the callused, hardcore, business professional I am today. THANKS MOM

Sorry for your loss user

Fucking psychopath. You are scared of women, is that it?

>>Your Mother
Dumbass whore who split with my father after she cheated on him.
>>Your Wife/ Girlfriend
Don't have/Don't want
>>Your Sister
Dumbass whore who wants to split with her husband because shes "unhappy". Has kids!
>>Your Daughter
Don't have

>yet she's remarkably willing to listen to any reasonable, logic-based argument -- even ones that challenge deeply held convictions.
You misinterpret her willingness to listen. Its not to logic she listen but to you.

Women want and need to be lead, the ones who believe they shouldn't be lead are always unhappy.

i love my family members
everyone else can die for all i care


She's dead and I'm glad because she was a cunt and stole my identity and had thousands of dollars of debt in my name and got most but not all of it proven as fraud.





Surprised only one cunt in that pic is on her phone, refreshing.

Wh-who makes your tendies now?

He's just jerking off. Posting that shit's the only way he can make his dick hard.

Now you understand "white sharia."

>find her blue eyes capitulating


Only based/redpilled post so far

Another redpilled based post.

Just remove womens rights and 100% of all societies problems will be solved in zero time.

And thats why society doesnt work no more.
Women unfortunately are mentally underevolved, are more on the level with small children ( woo, i wonder whyyyyy... ).
Men giving those childminded persons rights / contril over civilisation was the suicidal mistake

She's dead.