the myth of jewish intelligence promulgated through their own propaganda with Einstein. Einstein himself, as with most jews, was a fraud and stole the IP off of goy.
"If I am kind, I would say that they lean very heavily on other people's (white goy's) work"
They would have to be the most insular ignorant dumb people in history so have been thrown out of 100+ nation states in the last 1500 years. This is once EVERY generation. This this time they have only lasted now 70 years since the last pogrom because they made it up 100 times exaggerated what actually happened. When they made these lies they had not considered that in 50 years would be invented something called the internet.
They Myth of Jewish Intelligence
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nice flag
Well, if I can't be none of them, and I am not any of the others, then I must be a Kekistani.
i wonder if Sup Forums could flood the net such that Google Image Search would look like this pic related.
That video is literally something an Afro-centric retarded nignog would upload about creating civilization. Can you guys fuck off with your nigger-tier conspiracy theories for once?
I never thought the day would come where something of this stature would be posted here.
What IP stole Einstein?
His photoelectric effect theorem? His relativity theories?
How the fuck do you patent a theorem?
all jews work at the patent office they are the scum of the earth
Einstein was a based Jewish man
He probably hated Jewry as a man of peace and scientific progress.
Ok, let's say Einstein was a fraud. What about John von Neumann?
You seem to be trying to make sure nobody clicks the video.
I personally have a degree in mathematics. The guy was a plagiarist. I just never had time until recently to inspect these allegations.
The video posted is the best introduction I know of.
And also is nothing mentioned about blacks there, so you clearly being disingenuous in your post, as would expect from a jew shilll kike like yourself.
*plagiarist, Einstein.
See how you brainwashed to assume that?
He was actually a full-blown ZIONIST and played his part for their murderous agenda.
pretty sure someone would report it anyway
>I personally have a degree in mathematics. The guy was a plagiarist. I just never had time until recently to inspect these allegations.
>*plagiarist, Einstein.
Ah! fucking jew-bot in my spellchecker EVERYTIME I type PLAGERIST
He may have been a Zionist, as in wanting a Jewish homeland. Doesn't mean he was subversive towards the countries he lived in.
Modern Zionism = Subversive though
>I personally have a degree in mathematics
Wow, you get 100+ debate points for that, I now will believe everything you say. Going around and calling everybody that disagrees with your unimportant conspiracy theories a shill is not an argument either.
t. watched half the video
Try again later
> John von Neumann
Not saying Jews are dumb. Am saying that they are superior intelligence is a MYTH promulgated by their cabal to justify and intimidate their superior occupancy of all positions in society. The ruse being that their domination has been achieved through nepotism not through a natural superiority.
On closer inspection you would be forgiven for thinking that nepotism was illegal for everybody but for the jews.
Sorry but above you see I got kiked about niggers. Threw me off. I am so sick of these fucking jews.
Have you seen how they do insertions in Hollywood? Here is one from Trainspotting 2 -
Every single film on Netflix has JEW INSERTIONS. "Holocaust" "Evil Hitler" - these have to be inserted somewhere in the script not matter how irregular is seems to have inserted it. There in Trainspotting 2 they would not have got the production green-light without that JEW INSERTION. It is INDUSTRY STANDED you have to post-script a JEW INSERTION.
>murdering palestinians
>a bad thing
no one gives a shit about them you costa rican ape. most of the middle-east doesn't either. they're cancer. there are far worse things israel does. now go kys you disgusting monkey.
yep , Einstein was a patent clerk , much best brain
E=Mc2 was plagiarised from some Scottish guy who came up with it ages ago .
>He probably hated Jewry as a man of peace and scientific progress.
See, you have fallen in love with the fictional character which is the media-version of Einstein sold to you by the jews.
if you bothered to listen to the journalistic work of Christopher Jon Bjerknes you can redpill yourself about Einstein. Otherwise remain like a brainwashed fucking child who believes in fairy tales, just the way the jews want you to be.
Oussama bin laden probably hated islam as a religion of peace and scientific progress.
You fool.
Tesla couldn't know at the time where the work came from. Einstein took full credit for it.
You can't get in your fucking head that the Tesla quote is not about Einstein but about the work he has presented to be his own? How the fuck would Tesla know what was sitting in all the patent offices?
You don't even know that dozens of mathematicians have pointed out that Einstein plagiarised the work but you dont know about it cause you getting your FICTION world presented by the FUCKING JEWISH OWN HOLLYWOOD AND MEDIA.
Now you finally got the internet and you SO FUCKING DUMB you don't know how to use it.
I posted the video in the OP, choose which world you want to live in - The darkness lies or the brightness of truth.
You geezers can't even spell plagiarism
>The ruse being that their domination has been achieved through nepotism not through a natural superiority.
How is that a ruse? If they have domination then they have domination. The fact they help each other out doesn't make it not count. That's like claiming a nation didn't really win a war because they worked together instead of just running off individually and firing shots at random.
Connor MacLeod wasn't that smart though, he just lived for a really long time.