I don't want to wind up on a government watchlist just because some dummy thinks it's funny.
I'm here to think and to laugh not to be data mined...
Smells like subversion.
I don't want to wind up on a government watchlist just because some dummy thinks it's funny.
I'm here to think and to laugh not to be data mined...
Smells like subversion.
>implying jihadis are more dangerous than the alt-right
You're on a list anyhow you filthy kafir
Um sweetie, dont you think thats being culturally insensitive? I think you need to rethink your opinions!
Browsing pol thinks his not already on a watch list
>Implying we aren't already being datamined as fuck
>Hiroshimoot is 10x the merchant
>democrat saying this
Shut your mouth kafir dog
aloha snack bar XDDDDDDDDDD
>no hezbollah flag
>united nations
>muh subversion
gee i wonder who could be behind this post?
Maybe you don't realize it, user, but there are literally only two alternatives and those are
1. You're already on a watch list of some sort because of previous sites you've visited, videos you've seen, things you've liked etc etc
2. The information explosion in the last years has made it impossible for intelligence services to keep track or even care about minor shit like people shitposting (be it on Sup Forums, Facebook or whatever).
>thinking the government has puts several houndred thousand people on a list just for browsing a website
>kek in ID
you are already on at least a few lists user might as well enjoy yourself
We're all 'pedes here!
>thinks they haven't
inshallah kaffir
I have teh powearh
>not watching the videos for the nasheeds
>Smells like subversion.
It is.
Mandatory flags helped reduce jidf shills and shareblue's impact.
All will bow before the moe jihad
Please, you're more likely to be put on a watchlist for voicing support for Trump on Twitter than you are for being a radical jihadist.
I'm sure its just another algorithm that they are running on Sup Forums to see how people think
not surprised
Kekistani brothers unite!
>I don't want to wind up on a government watchlist just because some dummy thinks it's funny.
protip: you already are
you won't end up on another list if you view a comment that uses it
I think
>being this naive
When was the last time an alt righter killed anyone?
It went up and then plateaued.
Just when you think pol couldn't be more gay, in come flags. Total faggotry.
Th..they haven't
they even put you on the list for visiting / searching for linuxquestions.org, so yes
wtf is linuxquestions.org and why would they put you on a list for visiting it?
Get you dirty dem.
>Be me Browsing /gif/ see a girl sucking dick picture about to click on it when reading the thread name "Post gifs that want to make you suck dick" sheeet nigga i dont wanna click on that ill be put on a gay watch list for the rest of my life Nsa has all dirt on us
This one fact allows every LEO permission to investigate everyone on this forum for this reason alone. It's retarded and should not happen.
Goddammit Sam there goes my erection.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Like I care.
Make my file longer.
It's the flag of Islam and has nothing to do with terrorism you muppet.
Let me guess, you're American.
stop being islamophobic.
All you had to do was get a proxy, and you blended in.
"mandatory flags" just resulted in threads devolving into leafposting and rareposting whenever something came up.
Did it stop people responding to shitposters? Of course not. I would say shitposters and shills got even more (You)s just for people to point out what country they're from.
Kek has spoken
how the fuck? I'm a newfag I guess
i dont give a fuck lol
>tfw gigabytes of nasheed archive
i probably get knock on my door one day but lets see..
oh shit I see they added the drop down today.. so I"m not as newfag as I thought :]
Kekistan is worse than Jihadi desu
>You're on a watch list for using Sup Forums
>You're on a watch list for using Sup Forums
>You're on a watch list for being a white heterosexual male
>You're on a watch list for being conservative
>You're on a watch list for typing the word jew (a very high alert watch list)
>You're on a watch list for anti-semetic statements (even higher alert watchlist, oy vey!)
If you convey even the slightest nod that you do not agree with the current direction the western world is heading you are "the enemy". Why would you believe you aren't marked?
Friendly reminder too
and don't say VPN, proxy or tor will help you, they aren't dumb enough to not know how to circumvent them tricks.
wtf Im never posting on Sup Forums again
its cool bro we aint rich or famous they dont give a shit about us goyim
Agreed brother. Purge Saracens.
One day you will be able to see the true light of Allah
With the democrat flag lmao
>see police or government corruption
>they take you in for questioning
>show you your internet history
>"you wouldn't want this getting out user!"
The prophet is here
Praise kek
he is right check them
I don't get why he acts all high and mighty about shit NOW.
He knew what he signed up for.
The Patriot Act already existed when he worked in Langley.