Mfw can now flame every right wing country without fear of being called a leaf

>mfw can now flame every right wing country without fear of being called a leaf

It is glorious, my brother.


The day of the rake is still coming, leaf scum!

ur a good kid, even if you are a disgusting leaf

We will still know.

>no antifa flag

>A farrgin' leaf!

I fucking hate matter what you do you can't get rid of these faggots.

a fucking leaf

Fuck off, leaf.


wrong way...should be turdeau sucking dog off



and i finally so how great Muslims are i mean they kill fags many wives who must obey seems great to me.



i'll chop your ass down fuccboi

Everyone should just do what I do and call any custom flag a leaf or a swede, 9/10 that's what they are anyways and if they aren't then at least it'll dissuade them from using custom flags.

wow a-are you a real cool american, wow don't u guys lead the wrold n stuff

>can be a marxist cocksucker at will without actually tarnishing my country's name any longer
This is a good thing in my opinion as well.
Patriotic Canadians will re-establish the image of a good nation and breed more nationalists who'll make Canada great again.

By segregating yourself from your countrymen you make yourself weaker.