Since it's obvious you trumpfucks are done, it's time for you to leave. Sup Forums is Libertarian. Fuck off.
Since it's obvious you trumpfucks are done, it's time for you to leave. Sup Forums is Libertarian. Fuck off
I used to be libertarian.
The reason I dropped it is they don't care about inequality.
I should state that I have serious doubts that any major party seriously cares about inequality either.
Based, fuck drumpfy and his dicksuckers.
Here comes the statist defending daddy fuhrer grump!
why should we
Pic related
Your ideology sucks fuck off
>caring about inequality
it's like you want your children and grandchildren to be mixed into mongrels all because you wanted to make sure everyone knows, you believe the meme too
I've had fun LARPing as a proud kekistani today. Praise KEK! I enjoy nothing more than trolling as something I hate.
The last Sup Forums poll I looked at it was pretty evenly split between ancap and natsoc.
>Sup Forums is x
you fuck off. if Sup Forums is anything its a giant clusterfuck of oppinions, ideas and shitposts.
inequality is irrelevant, would you care if everyone was a millionaire but 5 people were billionaires ?
THe problem is poverty, and there is a reason they trick you with the word inequality.
>implying Snake agrees with leftist faggot ideals
We should talk. But first take this cunt as a present.
Sup Forums isn't libertarian nor is it fascist or national socialist. It's a bunch of red pilled shitters who want to save Western Civilization, yet no one is doing anything on help Western Civilization in real life.
Fuck off with your divide and conquer bullshit, you probably make those X aren't white threads.
>this faggots doesnt know russell and carpenter are libertarians
back to aol chat rooms with you nigger
shut the fuck up shill
Libertarians are autists
Libertarianism is ok in theory, in practice it's a bunch of rich assholes who want to hire just as many illegals as the Democrats and Republican business owners do.
no, Sup Forums is pirates now
I've been a registered libertarian my entire life. I'll vote for the 'party' when you are actual libertarians and not cringey CIA controlled spazoids. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
The state level libertarians are hit or miss, but mostly just failed hacks.
Besides, libertarianism is for times of peace and a virtuous populace. This is war.