American Universities considered as the best universities in the world, but most of americunts on Sup Forums are retarded cocksuckers
how come?
American Universities considered as the best universities in the world, but most of americunts on Sup Forums are retarded cocksuckers
how come?
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I think they used to be much better. You can skate by in a lot of liberal arts classes regardless of the university. Our high schools also lack a good foundation, so whatever our college focus is, we still lack a lot of basic world history and such. I went to a really good prep school, and had a mix of college classes I skated through/borderline failed because I didn't care and the ones in my major and minors that I had to put all my focus in. I have lost pretty much everything except what I learned from my major and minors.
American universities are the best in the world -
if you can afford them.
Just like healthcare the university system is made to cater for the elite class in America not for the vast unwashed masses.
>But muh free markets
>implying this is a problem
Well I guess it depends on your morals and how you think society should be structured.
I believe in "Ni dieu ni maƮtre"
I believe in extreme ownership
I disagree that you need to be elite. You can work out a way to get your degree with decent classes even if you need to do part time and live at home. The first two years of my niece's college were free for her, and she lived at home, no meal plan. You might have to work several years so you can afford rent if staying parents isn't an option then save to purchase a vehicle if there is no transportation, but if a person is determined they can make it work in some way shape or form. There is no sense in buying into the idea you need to go to some top school based on Princeton review. There's also no reason to go if you aren't going to come out with a skill and job path.
I was only pretending to be retarded
Segregation is a good thing
American universities are mostly coasting on past glories, they've become brainwashing factories for dyscenecists like all the other universities in the west.
>tfw attended elite American university
In 1998 if you came from an affluent background (described as coming from a household that makes over $150,000 a year) your chances of graduating from university were 10 times higher than people who weren't
In 2016 that shot up to 30 times more likely.
>if you can afford them.
Or if you're a nigger and you get your entire tuition paid for by the rest of the country.
>if your upbringing makes it easier to do something you are more likely to do it
No shit Sherlock. A lot of people with lower incomes don't bother with college, because they go into trades that make them a good living based on where they live and what their person standards are. College isn't necessary for all professions, and you can get a degree anytime if it will advance your career. At the end of the day a bachelors is a piece of paper that sometimes helps your career path, and a huge amount of time it doesn't matter where you got that piece of paper or what GPA you got.
Americans always seem to have this smug self esteem like they really believe they're better than everybody else even when they've been given such massive advantages in life. I wonder where that comes from
I find those people are usually left leaning. Notice how much the US left, in general, hates whites, and only whites, who didn't attend college. Anyone who thinks a degree is the end all be all of status is a brainwashed retard.
But if you have less university your median score can be higher ...
guys, you missed the point:
I didn't ask your worthless political opinions, I am just informing you that you are faggots
Not true from a standpoint. From a perspective the US colleges suck for everything besides math, comp science, medicine, sciences...things with application. For everything else they suck...and are mills of social engineering for the Nuke peace deals...foreigners go to them for network.
I agree affirmative action is stupid and counter productive
You're right I wish I did a trade now that I've graduated.
But on average graduates from university by a vast majority make more than people who didn't and have better quality of life, especially if your mummy and daddy can pay off your student debt for you.
More than any other country America is an example of the middle and upper class burning the bridge behind them making it as hard as possible for people to achieve what they did.
If American universities are the best in the world, then my cynical world view is only furthered. I'm a burger in college and this shit isn't challenging compared to standards of even 50 years ago.
I think if I could violently kill one person in the world it would be John Oliver. That cunt exudes liberal smugness and arrogance.
>Be a citizen of THE most powerful nation in the world
>Foreigners bow at your feet for a chance to worship your culture, technology, politics and resources
>Have an incredibly high standard of living while maintaining personal freedoms
>Most powerful military known to man
>Control foreign nations through proxy dictators, spies, and various agents
>Youth of every single nation in the world adore and worship American celebrities, music, television, movies, products and general culture
>"Omg why are americans so smug???"
Like, zoinks Scoob! This is, like, a real mystery!
This is Sup Forums
This is where people talk about politics.
Why does she have a tire tread mark on her forehead?
what kind of people do you think Sup Forums attract?
mostly high school dropouts and various neets
why would intelligent college educated people have so much hatred
Americans act stupid and have no manners but tend to be more inventive and naturally competitive than Europeans, so we tend to actually be sharper beneath the fluoridated haze of cultural mind control but are just much much less refined. Consider it the difference between what passes for urban intellect vs. rural survival smarts.
Actually, you didn't understand your own point because you couldn't get into a superior American university.
Uuum why is there a boot mark on her forehead? backstory?
wtf is your "flag"
All the non English immigrants pulling our scores down?
Forgot to mention I'm an American who studied at two European top tier universities all the while getting guff from my pan-Euro-union peers about the stupidity of my country. When test scores, rankings, or papers came back, I would get the top score almost every time. Compared to the American universities I have attended, almost no one at Euro Unis actually attended class or studied very much.
Probably because Sup Forumstards never interacted with other students, they went to class and then went back to their room to bitch online about all the brown people on campus. Your co-eds are one of the most valuable parts of college.
-Black Lives Matter
Schools charge money so retard commies like you can't get in.
The irony of anarchists complaining that the state isn't giving them enough free shit.
>tfw you will never have a qt slavfu to draw and play video games with.
Have you ever considered that you're the retarded one?
Try getting a job poorfag
>top score
>look at me i am a fucking genius
>a retarded poltard troll wasting time on Sup Forums
yeah, this checks out
I have a masters in biochemistry and am currently studying medicine.
I come from a country that invests in it's citizens so that people from lower income families like me can have a good shot at life.
The financial aid system is astonishingly easy to game.
t. has over $65k in scholarships and aid, and is white
First, do those numbers correspond to cost of living in the area, second do the people who are making shit with cost of living adjusted even care to advance their careers whether or not it requires a degree? A lot of people out there have no problem staying in a doublewide on land where "they're going to build a home on one day". Third, does making that bit more truly improve those people's lives? Are people making less getting full benefits but a shit salary? There are so many things to factor in. Also people shouldn't be so retarded to go to a 30k/year school for the same degree and piece of paper they can get for 5k/year nearby. Also are they willing to move for work? Are they willing to pack up everything they have into a vehicle or suitcases and get to a place with opportunity and low cost of living?
However, I think we can wholeheartedly agree that college as an institution has spun ridiculously out of control, and it's certainly not as easy to attend and pay for as it was in the past. People have to jump through more hoops to make it affordable and worthwhile. People are also indoctrinated into thinking that college as soon as they turn 18 is the only way.
He embodies elite liberals to a T.
All that time and money and you go into a service industry.....good, I ..guess?
t. poorfag with 7 siblings
majority of faculty and students in American universities are foreign. American enrollment in American top tier universities is pretty low, and even lower for STEM. It is pretty sad.
It's all relative. Americans are blunt generally, and I have a hard time with cultures that aren't I find Canadians very passive aggressive, which I find extremely rude.
Poorfag, yeah. 4 siblings. Very strong academics, too, tho. Without the grades I couldn't afford college. Feels good getting literally paid to go to school tho.
Libtards support diversity, except in academia.
How does that work with anarchism?
so is it mostly need or merit based?
Because people keep making shitty threads like this one, mods don't delete them (worst of possible solutions), and people like me and all others ITT respond, making the content of Sup Forums not all that appreciable in the eyes of many, and education can only do so much as far as teaching someone how to think and be a measured individual.
65% merit-based, 35% need-based whereabouts. Just pulled up my fin aid award and did the rough calculation
We're the best in STEM majors and most lib arts students avoid those like the plague.
proof? 80% of MIT undergrad students and 60% grad students are american.
very cool, congrats and good luck
You sound like a leaf
>Self-proclaimed best
It's a long story. Start here:
for now but they will be seen as laughing stocks soon if blm and sjw nonsense keeps going on at them
Spotted the shill.
I'd assume that the user base of Sup Forums has a higher average IQ than 110. Of course there are the kekistanis and the "hate-filled" people who just come on here for the memes or because they want to be edgy, but identifying the vast shortcomings of mainstream ideologies requires a questioning person by nature.
>I'd assume that the user base of Sup Forums has a higher average IQ than 110
that's a pretty major assumption.
No wonder we're cucked, our universities are really good at it
Wrong. It caters to the qualified, the privileged, and the "vast unwashed masses" of niggers who can get accepted by merit of race.
>American Universities considered as the best universities in the world
It's a lie, they aren't. They are the most Jewish though (outside of Israel). Even Israeli universities are far more rightwing than American ones.
I did really well in school for the most part, but routinely get those IQ type questions wrong. Ex:" a ball costs $1 plus half it's price". I've been told I have a good EQ though...
>has a higher average IQ than 110
kek, you can't into word order, my high IQ comrade
Have you spoken with people outside of Sup Forums lately? They communicate via emojis, follow vapid pop culture, and can barely operate computers on the level that's required to understand the Sup Forums posting system. Additionally, most of Sup Forums users are probably white, which on average bumps them up a few points higher than the mean IQ in the US.
You caught me, comrade.
t. 75 IQ bonobo
What is the purpose of this gif and why isn't the caption "i love summer camp" and the filename Mike Pence
>most of Sup Forums users are probably white
yeah, this kind of people and white trash
why would high IQ people vote trump who has an IQ of a 5 yo??
Trump stood against the establishment - at least during his campaign. That was a good enough reason to vote for him for most white people. It should definitely be a good enough reason for Sup Forums posters, so I really have no idea why you would even bring this up unless you're a shill.
17 out of top 20 in the world? and 9 out of top 10
Amerifat poltards do not believe in the power of higher education, are generally anti-intellectual arrogant edgelord basement dwellers.
Those rankings are influenced with bribes, basically.
College education is useless if it puts you in debt and provides you with no viable career path. Is that what you mean by us not believing in the power of higher ed?
Ah, a beautiful specimen out in the wild.
You just need the right sort of higher education, not the Marxist propaganda machines installed in a lot of universities today.
most people waste their parents money on learning nothing at good schools so they can play victims and hope black people will think they're cool
the purpose is that it made me giggle. Your comment made me giggle too.
American LARPING as a Euro detected.
Americans would be more respected for our intelligence if we had less niggers, antifas, and so forth. KYS and let's find out.
Becuase half the of people getting accepted now are chinese mainlanders who pay double you do to go to school.
Only non-Americans are dumb enough to believe that paying out of country tuition to an American school is better than getting an education locally with local network opportunities. I work at a university and pull in almost six figures working 8 months out of the year because of the incredible foreign demand. We've expanded our budget almost 20% in three years just recruiting out of country. Some California kid expects tuition assistance and book grants. But no, people who smugly tout their free university system will fork out thousands to attend a b-tier school just because it's in California. What kind of fucking retard pays 16k a semester to attend csu fucking fresno!? A goddamn European that's who. Oh, and he'll tell you how much smarter and more sophisticated he is while he's paying you.
I've been brainwashed into university by my family and as I sit here finishing it I hate it. I hate accounting I hate the idea of being in an office. The people I've ran into in university are fake and pseudo intellects even the stem people. I hate the whole goddamn system. I dream of a day when boomers die they have done nothing for us. They contribute to the genocidal cult of the system and used us and ruined us. I don't give a fuck when I finish. Let my asshole parents smile and feel good cause I played good boy. FUCK THEM. I wish I could just drop all the debt on them and leave to live alone somewhere and work a manual labor job I'd be a lot happier and away from shitheads in urban/suburban settings. I don't give a fuck my grandparent helped pay for college they used me they fucking used me. I remember in middleschool when there was a career day and being an auto mechanic was brought up. I came home and talked about it and all I got was eew don't be a grease monkey. I could be fucking living on my own right now but now I'm a young adult stuck as a fucking kid until I finish in 2 months and even then I don't even think I'll find a fucking job cause no one gives me a chance and hr women are cunts.
Offices are depressing. Trades are better for me, and I think they are better for a lot of people who are socially forced/brainwashed into office careers. I'd literally prefer to work as a gas pump technician living in a doublewide than in an office as long as it's not so dangerous that I can't reasonable expect to live out a full life. I've worked jobs were I've had to constantly keep my head on a swivel, and the most dangerous part was walking to and from my car. I got in some small altercations and assaulted plenty of times but not too bad. Saw a few stabbings just a few yards in front of me. I still preferred that 1000x more than an office job. I did make a lot of money though, so that helped.
so now that you think you "redpilled" yourself,
what prevents you from doing what you want after you graduate? family pressure? then it is not really brainwashing, it is dictatorship?
> believing anyone from a top university would waste time on Sup Forums
What's your point? Everyone gets in now. Those of good stock, ie with smart parents, were always more likely to succeed, but now that the bottom tier is flooded with schlubs the relative success rate has risen because the schlubs probably brought the overall success rate down.
No, I've noticed 'small penis' Americans on who brag about America, probably because that's all they have to brag about. I've known a couple like that in real life, too.
> Elite Uni passes nog for a rap album he made.
>best in world
Reminder that God is an American.
We go to universities so we can be like this guy.
It's a good bargain, if you know what I mean.
That's all most Americans know. Most of us don't live close to another country, and even those who do can live their entire lives a 30min - 2 hour from another nation and never leave their home county. I grew up around people who really love to travel, have traveled, married someone has traveled an insane about, but most my in-laws have never traveled father than a 3 hour radius. Back to the point, Americans will often think that way, because they have never experienced anything outside of their own county or state let alone the country.
same person?
its a low-effort meme btw and its so sad how proud you are of it you post it everywhere even when the situation doesnt call for it.
they like to pretend that universities are all globalism promoting brain washing factories controlled by zionists.
as a result, they avoid a higher education and instead relegate themselves to bitching and whining like highly uneducated, unintelligent morons.
feels fucking GREAT not living in constant fear of some kind of jewish boogeyman LMAO.
>like the highly uneducated, unintelligent morons that they are