Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.
What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:
>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need. >Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." >To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said. marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/
How do you solve the problem of resource allocation without market forces?
How do you non-coercively apply your system, which, from the looks of it, requires total cooperation?
How do you prioritize the recipients of the system?
Justin Gray
I'm going to make a Liberal General /LG/
Tired of all this Nazi/Commie crap
Parker Young
Sup comrade. Everybody who is anti-communist has never read Das Kapital. Long live dialectical materialism!
Nathan Nelson
Jose Young
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.gommies.gom/fug/https://www.gommies.gom/starve/
Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
Henry Lopez
seriously now, finish school and then come back ok? You sound like someone who JUST found out about communism and is overly enthusiastic and very, very naive.
ANY of your arguments are invalid since various forms of communism have been tried out since the 15th century and ALWAYS failed.
Carter Williams
Nathaniel Sanchez
We all know you're the same Spaniard who makes these threads.
Lucas Rogers
We should also make retard general.
Just as good as communism general.
Grayson Kelly
Sorry, dumb spic, but you can't hide behind a commie flag
Connor Hughes
Give me one good reason why commuism does not work? Pro tip you can't,Check and mate.
Jason Carter
Communism is far more plausible than anarcho-capitalism. Capitalism is in its final stages as AI replaces almost all jobs. Socialism is undoubtedly the future.
Matthew Parker
As a libertarian, I fully support your decision to be communist. In fact, I would like to offer you communists free helicopter rides in support.
Wyatt Nelson
>ancap >free pick one
Check and mate
Christian Fisher
Have a word with our sponsoring company please
Aiden Hernandez
So actually answer my questions instead of throwing around bullshit.
Jace Sanchez
Sentient AI will allocate resources.
Noah Rogers
But you have to understand that the AI must be programmed by someone, there needs to be a sense of morality imbued in the machine.
Brayden Ortiz
Isaiah Martin
>How do you solve the problem of resource allocation without market forces? With sophisticated information technology in the vein of CyberSyn. Only now such a system would be 40 years more advanced.
Although in our lifetimes markets aren't what we really need to be worrying about, private property and the state are. Market socialism would do in the meantime.
>How do you non-coercively apply your system, which, from the looks of it, requires total cooperation? We don't. All forms of communism on some level require force. Even ancoms have to acknowledge that revolution is force.
Unless you'e a communist anarcho-pacifist this isn't really a problem.
And capitalism also requires total co-operation.
>How do you prioritize the recipients of the system? From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
Adam Scott
So are you the spaniard or are you the finn?
Angel Carter
Fuck marxist leninists
Daniel Allen
Communism can work but It needs white unity. Communism is by far the perfect ideology for a society of intelligent, educated, hardworking people with Christian values. People who are intrinsically motivated to help thy neighbour and serve their community. The only race who understands these values are whites. White people will help each other for no material gain, they understand that there is strength in unity. Collectivisation makes us all stronger, in evolutionary terms 5 people are more likely to survive a lion attack than an individual. It is in our self interest as the white race to form strong bonds against other forces. Other races simply do not understand this advantage and are in constant conflict with themselves and others. Capitalism's only true benefit is it keeps these non-whites in line and is a motivation for socially isolated white individuals to serve society as a worker. In a communal communist society made of only whites with strong ties, communism will allow us to advance beyond our wildest dreams. All we gotta do is get rid of the mudslimes and kikes.
Julian Campbell
commies cant handle Henry George
Cameron Rivera
So those who are able are enslaved by the needy
Kayden Davis
It's the spainiard, this is his 2nd thread today.
Asher Hall
Communism was, is and will always be Jewish.
Justin Jones
James Hughes
LOL. Sad bastard.
At this point there's no way he's not a paid shill.
Christian Jackson
>Other races simply do not understand this advantage and are in constant conflict with themselves and others Europe was literally constantly at war for like a thousand years and all of the most destructive wars in all history have been white v white.
In order for communism to work the workers of the world need to unite indiscriminate of race.
Leo Barnes
never stop posting this
Mason Kelly
Abandon thread, don't give him the attention.
John Edwards
>Communism can work but It needs white unity. Communism is internationalist. The Proletariat that must not be cucked by racialist ideals.
You anarchists are fucking retarded. Have fun being crushed again and again by outside imperial forces.
Sebastian Howard
Hello comrades!!
John Lee
>At this point there's no way he's not a paid shill. The OP generally posts several of these threads a day and usually abandons them immediately after posting. He's been doing this for weeks, if not months. OP has no debating skills or arguments in favor of Communism that don't revolve around logical fallacies.
Mason Lewis
Just a friendly reminder that the only good commie is a dead one! Also: Sage goes in ALL fields
John Garcia
>Communism is internationalist. That's why it's anti-White ie Jewish.
Gavin Lee
>Helping out people in need is slavery
Is the NHS slavery?
Ayden Miller
Yes, comrade Sup Forums is literally ours!!
Alexander Young
Eh, fuck it, might as well have some fun with this stupid spainiard.
Luis Gomez
Actually it's pro-everyone.
>if you don't want my race to have a safe-space you are against it.
Jayden Hughes
Different white tribes vs other white tribes
Now they will be united against the subhuman hoards
Parker Johnson
>>Helping out people in need is slavery At the expense of other people (Communism) yes it is.
Pic related is true charity.
Justin Gomez
Yay comrades
Levi Thompson
So communism is anti white.
Brody Bailey
Have fun being a bootlicker
Kevin Brown
>Actually it's pro-everyone. At the expense of the White race and for the benefit of the Jewish race.
>>if you don't want my race to have a safe-space you are against it. Non-Whites and anti-Whites (Jews included) have no place in White countries and no right to have any position in White countries.
You communists support everything that would destroy the White race.
Joshua Barnes
Unless you are white
Henry Gomez
Thinking property is something more than a delusion is also naive and have it's terrible consequences
Jaxon Lewis
Can we National Socialist Join? We are not so different.
David Lewis
No, it has no preference for race. Communism at it's base is materialist, it has no need for petty idealism like race.
Have fun getting crushed by the capitalist powers when your revolution comes.
Dominic Rivera
>Pro-everyone Nazis tend to be more pro-everyone than you faggots.
Samuel Brooks
Fuck off faggot.
Jack Stewart
Okay, so when you're only helping out people of your nationality then it's not at anyone's expense (???) and it's not slavery.
But when you start helping out everyone suddenly it's slavery.
Explain to me the distinction beyond the fact that one is international and one isn't.
>Different white tribes vs other white tribes Precisely, they weren't and have never been united. White people don't have a magic quality that makes them better at communism than other races.
Camden Edwards
>No, it has no preference for race. >it has no need for petty idealism like race. Thus it is inherently anti-White.
>Communism at it's base is materialist, Thus it is inherently Jewish.
Brody Rivera
Daily reminder that the only real Marxist Leninist state on earth was Albania, all over forms of Communism are revisionist and also Anti-Communist
Angel Jenkins
>ANY of your arguments are invalid since various forms of communism have been tried out since the 15th century and ALWAYS failed. Are you retarded?
No, Communism as a political system can only be achieved through a sufficiently developed capitalism. The 15th century capitalism itself didn't even exist yet.
Andrew Taylor
>Have fun getting crushed by the capitalist powers when your revolution comes.
Didnt even post this ironically
Carter Garcia
>Thus it is inherently anti-White. No. It favors no race.
>Thus it is inherently Jewish. No. It's not materialist in the sense of consumerism. It's materialist in the sense that blind dogmatic idealism such as race or religion have no effect on society. Only the material conditions do.
Joseph Scott
>Delusional faggot who cannot comes to terms with reality.
Xavier Watson
Real communism has only ever existed in Albania.
Thomas Bennett
Daily reminder that there has never been a successful communist society.
Luke Perry
A spectre is haunting Sup Forums — the spectre of communism. All the newfags have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Lolbertarians and Ancaps, Nazis and Ledditors, Leaf Radicals and German Turkish-spies.
Julian Evans
Communism is such a shit ideology, not even ISIS would touch it
Owen Perry
>Okay, so when you're only helping out people of your nationality then it's not at anyone's expense (???) and it's not slavery. Correct because it is not forced by the state. You would help out your race because you've been instilled with those values from birth. aka National Socialism.
Instead of having everything of your taken by the state and given to everyone else (after the state takes its large share) and not even enough to thrive aka Communism.
>But when you start helping out everyone suddenly it's slavery. When you force people to "help" others or face the gulags it's slavery.
>Explain to me the distinction beyond the fact that one is international and one isn't. Done.
Jayden Butler
>CyberSyn >Le star trek room of communism Cybersyn is just another example of communist lunacy, thinking a room with video call technology will allow you to control an economy of millions of people. Care to elaborate this technology? Can you prove you are not delusional?
>With sophisticated information technology That's the type of answer a child would give. Instead of answering the question, you answer with a non-logical baseless assertion. You can mail the socialist geniuses that claim they can make a magical system like that all day, and they will not give you a congruent answer.
Nolan Sullivan
How do you enforce "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need." in a stateless society? If "to each according to their need" what incentive is there to maximize your "ability"? You will just get poor people.
Noah Carter
Marxism-Leninism never truly existed. The USSR and the Eastern Bloc were not genuine Proletarian Dictatorships.
Nicholas Miller
Except we do when we are surrounded by our own culture and identity. We create better and more stable societies then the subhuman hoards like yourself.
Anthony Gray
Anyone else here a B A S E D H O X H A I S T A S E D
Ryan Smith
And that place is filled with disgusting filthy Albanians infidels.
they aren't even human, so it doesn't count
Charles Stewart
>Forgetting Albania
Angel Moore
You don't need to "maximize" your ability. The productive forces in society have already developed to such a point that we live in astounding abundance, the scarcity is largely caused by the inefficiency of markets.
Brayden Gutierrez
Another failed communist society?
Parker Powell
Based Hoxha totally BTFO'd all abrhamicucks
Eli Peterson
I dont know bunch about albania except the bunkers and other memes, what was it like?
Jack Sanders
That's true communism is pure society which is why ISIS loves more capitalism.
Liam Flores
>At the expense of the White race and for the benefit of the Jewish race. Okay, why does communism disadvantage white people and how does it disproportionately benefit Jews?
I would have thought that since the bourgeoisie is disproportionately Jewish that it would disadvantage Jews more than anyone else. Isn't capitalism what made them so rich?
>Non-Whites and anti-Whites (Jews included) have no place in White countries and no right to have any position in White countries. In full communism there would be no such thing as a country let alone a white country.
And I don't understand why you're so uniquely outraged at communism for this when all of what you're describing happens under capitalism according to 21st Nazi ideology. The USSR didn't have any of this.
Isaac Turner
NO Albania was the only true Narxist Leninist state on EARTH
Luis Price
Yeah they only want to exterminate people.
Zachary Davis
>No. It favors no race. And. That's. Why. It's. Anti. White.
It "favors no race" only in White countries. It would be perfectly fine with flooding White countries with millions of non-Whites at the expense of the White race.
>No. It's not materialist in the sense of consumerism. It's materialist in the sense that the people and the economy exist to serve the state and the state's only purpose is to promote itself and further itself at the expense of the people.
>It's materialist in the sense that blind dogmatic idealism such as race or religion have no effect on society. Only the material conditions do. Thus you destroy the spirit of Man and fill the hole that is left with things.
Under judeo communism the person is just an empty shell that exists to further the state.
Under National Socialism the White race is everything the state wishes to protect, survive and thrive. Everyone in the state is united with their family and extended family for the good of the race.
In Communism, the people and the economy exist to serve the State.
In National Socialism, the state and the economy exist to serve the People.
Landon Williams
It was real communism, free healthcare and bread for everyone.
Xavier Fisher
Communism is the abolition of the state.
Liam Diaz
It's not a sustainable war strategy to starve yourself.
Robert Morgan
communism or socialism or state capitalism? sorry if im wrong but isn't it the leninist approach that socialism can only exist worldwide?
Isaiah Miller
I prefer nazis to commies. At least the nazis killed people with competence, rather then by incompetence and starving their own population
Xavier Martinez
I can even get into detail why your delusional will never ever happen right here and now: The only reason why the economy works, is because through the market we have a no-bullshit method of valuing resources. If you think something that costs 10 bucks is more valuable than 10 bucks you have at that period of time, you do the exchange, otherwise, you are proving you don't in fact think that way. If you understand economics, and decide to make your magical communist system, you'll start to notice the problems with the absence of market aspects. So you start fixing it by adding more market aspects, once for one, until you realize you are just copying everything capitalism has.
You'll obviously have to limit how much someone can get based on how much value his or her work created, you'll obviously have to allow entrepreneurs to produce and chase profits to make what society wants, you'll obviously have to allow people to hire each other based on value so you can figure out what's the productivity of their labor, you'll also have to allow them great liberty of allocating themselves and solving their own problems.
As you go fixing your computer system, you realize that any intervention at all in a free market would lead to horrible results, so you would drop that system and communism simultaneously. The very fact you are a communist claiming that such a system is possible is proof that you never thought about it in the first place.
Jeremiah Flores
yo, dude, glad to see an ML on here! I still can't get on board with full on ML bullshit, but at least you're not a nazi or a nazbol dumbass. communist here tho
Jackson Harris
kek this
Nolan Wood
>Okay, why does communism disadvantage white people Because it would lead to our destruction.
You communists support all the policies that are contributing to White genocide.
>and how does it disproportionately benefit Jews? Because Communism is Jewish. Created by and for Jews. Jews are at the core of the ideology of communism and the leadership of communism.
>I would have thought that since the bourgeoisie is disproportionately Jewish that it would disadvantage Jews more than anyone else. Isn't capitalism what made them so rich? Capitalism is as Jewish as Communism is.
>In full communism there would be no such thing as a country let alone a white country. And that's genocide.
Meanwhile there would still be black, asian, arab, latino etc countries.
>And I don't understand why you're so uniquely outraged at communism Because it's Jewish and anti-White.
>all of what you're describing happens under capitalism according to 21st Nazi ideology. Nigger, you do see my flag? Us National Socialists are not in favor of capitalism.
Robert Lewis
Any maoists?
Jack Roberts
No that's Trotskyism, under BASED Hoxha Albania was only real communist country in the world!
Oliver Hill
>Correct because it is not forced by the state Really? What would have happened to you in Nazi Germany if you refused to pay taxes?
>Instead of having everything of your taken by the state and given to everyone else (after the state takes its large share) and not even enough to thrive aka Communism I don't think you understand. Communism is moneyless and marketless. You example here doesn't make sense in light of that.
>Done. Okay, so when a nationalist state takes according to ability and gives according to need it's great. But when an international state does the exact same thing it's slavery.
Are you just that mad that it would help out brown people as well as white people?
Probably why they're getting BTFO by Rojava.
Hunter Collins
>The only reason why the economy works, is because through the market we have a no-bullshit method of valuing resources. Markets are inherently inefficient.
Dylan Baker
Didn't he use a lot of resources to create those useless shelters?
Jose Hall
is communism not stateless? would it at least be a socialist society? I dont understand.
Joshua Rivera
>Communism is the abolition of the state. Communism is the abolition of the White race and its homelands.
You'd destroy everything that makes the White race White and White homelands White.
Lucas Howard
MAO was a revisionist and probably an Anti-Communist too