Citizens of Kekistan!

Now, we all support Pharaoh Trump and want him to get another term in office. But, it's no secret that our Supreme Emperor Trump has made some major bone-head moves which have caused his approval ratting to plummet. (down to 36% according to reputable sources)

The question is. What can us Magapedes do to increase King Trump's approval rating and get him that second term?

I'm thinking
>disinfo campaigns on our troll reddit accounts
>more memes

We meme'd him into office once, the question remains, can we meme him in again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for attention!

My fellow Kekistanians this is a call to action! Your king needs you!

Bumping for visability and memes.


Stop believing polls, they're fake and easily manipulated.

weak bait

shit thread, just like the kekistan meme. Simply embarrassing.
pic unrelated

If (((Refugees))) can have their own Olympic team, why cant Kekistan?
I want to hear Shadilay playing in Tokyo in 2020 when proud Kekistanis win gold.

Yes dude good idea!! We can claim we are refugees from America and if we even place bronze we can say in our speach it was to honor Trump and the news will play it non-stop!

All press is good press, that's Trump's motto he is gonna love it!

IDGAF about Trump, aside from all the glorious tears.
I give a fuck about Kek. Whatever He wants; that's what I'm with.

can we grant Michael Phelps Kekistani citizenship? I think that would really help us make a great showing at our first Olympics.

We must continue channeling our Meme Magic for Trump. He has gone from the Chaos Candidate to the Pandemonium President

lol worth a try. We could hold tryouts for Sup Forums members and see if we can gather some genuine talent. We cant let this opportunity go to waste! We must follow up!

King Trump MUST get his second term and a Olympic metal dedicated to him could help meme him in for the second term.

Then so be it.
Although I believe only the Rock could actually beat him, if nominated as either. Thus fulfilling the prophecy of Idiocracy.

Trump is still the prophet of Kek on Earth. But you're right, Kek is god and Kek's will always comes first.

Kek giveth, and Kek taketh away; as is the will of Kek, so shall it be done; blessed be the name of Kek.

Following. Shadilay brothers.

Please say this is just one big LARP and that Kekistan plebbitors aren't on this site anymore.

Maybe you're the one who shouldn't be on this site, sweetheart.

Even danker memes and more redpills across the Internet

summerfags user... summerfags.








>believing the (((APPROVAL RATINGS)))

Just like how he had 0.002% chance of becoming president on every (((poll))), right?

ITT: reddit

Say the polls are rigged and people actually like him........

>t. Nazi larper shill
Fuck off

Haha.. Im one you ((guys)). Le memes all heil Trumpf Xd Xd.

Praise Kek!


Stop trying to divide and conquer kekistan you fucking shill

Dude stop. Get past this gay shit. You're a natsoc. You're the shill here. Plz stop this embarrassing display.

Guys its funny BTFOing the shills but we need to stay focused.

Trump has made some big mistakes and we need to brainstorm ways to meme past them and get the normies on our side again.

Shut up you racist Ameriklan.

They are.

>you're a natsoc
No I'm not a nazi larper shill. I fucking hate Spencerfags and stormfags.

My loyalty is to TRUMP.

You're the one trying to d&c kekistan

> (You)
>Shut up you racist Ameriklan.
Lol wut?

>trump has made mistakes
Absolutely not. Fuck off.

just stay on reddit.


>What can us Magapedes do to increase King Trump's approval rating and get him that second term?

We need more BASED african american magapedes to prove that Democrats are the real racists!

so reddit is back now?
who am i kidding they never left

Neither am I. I'm a Niceguynatsoc. And kekistan is dead. It's gay. It's not cool anymore. You'll regret waving that flag in about 2 weeks. It ain't funny anymore.

>kekistan isn't cool
Yeah okay shareblue/stormfront I'm sure you'd like me to think that.


Join the Kekistani Kunt Kid Kore. The KKKK.
Just put a swastika on your flag so we know you a real one.

>Being this butt blasted over a meme.

Wew! Ease up on the retard throttle there, Skippy!

Kikes. Kikes everywhere.

You can cut it out with the "lul reddit xD" bullshit.

If you don't support President Trump and don't want to brainstorm how to keep him in power, guess what?? THATS FINE! I don't give a shit. Just stop shitting up a thread for supporting our President's re-election and go back to blaming everyone else for hillary's loss.

This is clearly a psyop/troll attempt.


hey drumpf are you going to oust assad or not? at least be consistent instead of pissing off both sides

>trump supporters aren't real
Fuck off shareblue

> (OP)
>Kikes. Kikes everywhere.

The point of having your own country, it's to ignore others.

>.01c have been deposited into your account thank you for correcting the record

Don't worry Trump's got this.

A little false flag attack before the election ought to set things right.


Fuck off /sg/ shill, I hope he drops a MOAB on ASSad

Good one my dude

Guys, we are a community. We shouldn't punch to the right. Not that I'm right-wing, I'm classic liberal lol

KEK: the post

wow filtering c|u|ck, really? faggot ass mods

>Guys, we are a community. We shouldn't punch to the right. Not that I'm right-wing, I'm classic liberal lol
K time to stop then.


100 x Magabes required



Nazi larper shills have been working just as hard as the liberals to stop kekistan.




the cringe overused kekistan is litterally just a way to spot newfags sage

or do the adult thing and admit that he is an abject failure

I'm real Niceguynatsoc though and Trump is our guy cause he's our president you dumbfuck. 14 Deusvult cunt. If you ain't wittitt you're a pussy fag bitch. Honestly.


Has anyone written the Kekronomicon?

At least redditors are now actively selecting a flag to self identify so the rest of us can ignore them.

Can't fucking tell if this thread is for real or not

You're time to shine faygoat

>kekistanfags calling Nazis for larpers
>their flag is literally a ripoff of the Nazi war flag
>they don't even realize the irony

wasted quads on an edgy smarter than thou kid

I once praised KEK and sang SHADILAY. We memed Trump into office. But now that this culture was adopted by Reddit and normies, and became mainstream, it is in my nature to counter it. I'll believe in KEK and praise Him and his name, I'll never forget the amazing election and this place. But I'll troll normies, I'll oppose norminess, I'll create counterculture I'll mock cringiness and attention whores. It has to be done. Goodbye. Thank you Pepe, thank you KEK, thank you SHADILAY. But this process has to occur.

This is my last.



Fuck off back to your safe space in /sg/ it's the only place shills are welcomed


Pretty much this. Kek is based. But thees redditors ruin everything good. They are the normies who steal our memes and make tshirts. There is a difference between these normie faggots and actual kek.. who will smite them and their loved ones for using his name in vain.


Everybody wave bye bye to the filthy foul beasts that are called away, and gotta go.


You forgot your flag brother.


>republican flag
>kekistan xdddd
>le based Trump

haha me too guys trump is totally done am i right? he should try to be more like socially progressive and maybe cool it on the muslim stuff


We will use the meme magic and our abilities of weaponized autism to launch him into the office hahahaha Fuck off, I know its a bait but this little thing that we are having - Kekistan gives me identity and a rally point for all of us to fight for our cause.

I we been here ever since we launched a strike on HWNDU and Shia faggot and all of you newfags can suck my soft, cleean Kekistani anus.

If you weren't fucking edgelord retards you'd realise that only kek can unite us all!


Competing in the Olympics for Trump could legitimize Kekistan if we win.

I just.... that kid in the middle. Guy or girl? Seriously


fucking faggots





Let's head over to /r/the_donald and praise Kek.

>mommy's tendies have been deposited onto your plate thanks for being 12 years old


And everything in Kekistan returns to disorder

I know right?