Here's the proof of racism in America, you nazi scum.
Here's the proof of racism in America, you nazi scum.
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Based Norway
Lets see a map of whites killed by blacks.
The entire map would be red and there would be something like 100,000 dead between 1900 and 2017.
Shit, thanks for covering for me norway senpai.
>The site consists of audio stories from the descendants of lynching victims, and a documentary short called “Uprooted,” which chronicles the impact of lynching on black families.
Ready to listen about how they dindu nuffin?
Most times those niggers that got lynched fucking deserved it they often were caught red handed breaking some law stealing, harassing women you name it
> Google launches White Guilt Exhibit No. 8243
However many happened it wasn't enough
Good job.
Do they talk about the largest mass lynching being Italians, or does that not fit their narrative?
what did they do?
This is only what was *reported*! Think about the gorillian WHOM WE HAVE NO EVIDENCE FOR!
Why the fuck is Google involved in this? When did Google turn from a search engine into a leftist propaganda outlet?
oh man thank you google for this
i will check my white privilege now every time I use google maps
We really should bring back lynchings.
I want to bring lynching back.
Just drive down the street and lasso a nigger then drag him to a secluded tree to hang it from.
>live in VA
>not high at all
time to raise the score
When its corporate structure was taken over by women with gender studies degrees who realized the narrative controlling potential.
Can we get a "stonings in the middle east" and "rapes in Africa" while we're at it
And it wasn't always niggers who got lynched, the guy who played Uncle Fester on the Addams family helped lynch two white guys in California
>between 1877 and 1950
how about recently?
Oh, they probably don't say because lynchings are literally a thing of the past in America.
I would like to see Google do a black on black crime map for comparison.
TL;DR suspected of murdering the New Orleans police chief
the majority of people lynched were whites, particularly southern europeans.
Wouldn't that just be a crime map?
The only thing this made me realize is that black history is literally just a continuous loop of murdering each other until another group comes along to try and domesticate them, then they eventually feel guilty about it and set them free only to be murdered themselves so the blacks can go back to murdering each other.
Pffff that pales in comparison with the great jew supremacist toll: over 100 million white cristian lives this past century.
And what's best they still come up as the victim here
I'm sure any day now they'll make a list of murders of whites perpetrated by blacks over a 130 year period, and i'm sure it'll be well below 4000!
MIke is that you?
>Racial terror lynchings
More lies. Lynchings and vigilante justice were common in poor communities across America. You'll find that plenty of all races of people were lynched.
In the 90's I remember the theme being pushed on race relations was that we're we should all come together and live in racial harmony.
>implying the lynchings aren't a hoax.
>implying there was ever slavery in America.
>implying this isn't just like the holohoax.
Google is doing this because normal people have finally caught on to Islamic terrorism. They need to somehow rationalize it by showing that lynching existed 100 years ago. Libtards will believe any narrative they're told.
Just about 1/3 of lynchings in the years after the Civil War were white men. Lynchings were literally just extrajudicial executions in an era where the justice system's reach wasn't exactly what it is today.
Bear in mind also, most of the people who were lynched were in fact guilty of serious crimes. They weren't just people walking down the street who got picked out by an angry mob.
Oh for sure that part of history is completely ignored they tend to act like it was only one race that was subjected to law and justice many times there was no due process in those days if one was caught breaking law and it was severe or just they got what they deserved it wasnt preserved just for the southern black americans
No link but I can remember reading that the number of lynchings between 1865-1965 was about what the murder rate among and between blacks is today on an annual basis. I also remember reading that more than 40% of those lynchings didn't happen in the south. That's four out of ten. Five out of ten is half.
Sorry about the new flags but I want to let it all fly.
that doesn't really ring well with Google's demographics
New Orleans needs a return to such punishments.
No, let's record the past so that we can tally up the reparations you need to pay senpai.
Except for anything civil war that doesn't reinforce the black suffering narrative. That must be sent down the memory hole.
>it's 2017 you nazi
>due process
nah fuck it lets just blame the nigger and call it day
a map of all the times niggers got uppity in dixie
>secluded tree
The point of lynching was to send the message. Kind of missing the point, desu.
the left desperately wants a civil war and for us all to become virulent nazis. so be it. is there a single corporate/entertainment/media/academic front on which they are not trying to provoke us? it's getting to be literally every show, every actor, every anchor, every game, every company, every article. jesus.
They'll find it.
The message will be sent.
Don't change your flag pls, Norway deserves the glory of denying shitty newsrags clicks
Very cool, I will definately move to the state with the most lynchings ty google
Wow. I didn't realize there still this many linchings every year.
You'd think the news would make a bigger deal out of it.
Oh, it's historical lynchings?
Why don't we make a fucking map of all the people killed by blacks in africa?
>niggers finding a lynched nigger in the woods
>implying niggers go into the woods
>Lets see a map of whites killed by blacks.
in here, lynching a dindu for being a dindu considered normal custom btw
>south wasnt only to lynch, but lets focus directly and only on it anyway
>only 4000 "lynches" between 1877 and 1950
>as if any of this matters all
>321 lynchings in Alabama Reich
I'll stick this into the face of every faggot on plebbit who will act like there was a fucking holocaust going on in the South.
>spree of Islamic terror attacks
>whoop, better remind everyone that white people do it too!
How to people not put this together? It's like they just look at this and go, "Huh, guess Google wanted to remind everyone that there were racists 200 years ago for no particular reason."
>Calling us Nazi scum
>Displays the Confederate Flag, a recognized symbol of racism next to ID.
>Uses "Huff and Peter Puffer Post" as a source.
WEW! Ease up on the retard throttle!
You have to go back.
basically the bible belt.
christian family values country
how many of these states don't have open carry ?
How come there a ton of lynchings in east Texas but very few in west and central Texas?
(((reported))) lynchings
I don't even think that was an issue or anyone gave a shit in 1950.
Based Alabama.
What's a good alternative to google chrome?
Is this map taking into account many lynchings were were given to murderers and criminals not because they were black?
>there were more black on black murders in Chicago last decade than there were lynching for all of history
My favorite lynching is that of Henry Smith in Paris, Texas. Smith was an African American teenager who was believed to have raped and murdered the 3-year-old daughter of Sheriff Henry Vance.
>Smith fled to Arkansas but was captured after a nationwide manhunt. ... The search for the alleged murderer captured public imagination, and railroad companies offered free transportation to anyone in the manhunt. Smith was tracked east through Reno and Detroit, Texas. On January 31 he was captured near his hometown in Hempstead County, Arkansas, at the unincorporated flag station, Clow, Arkansas, 50 miles from the Texas border. Search party members from Paris immediately identified him.
>Denying any involvement in the murder, Smith finally confessed on the train to Paris. He said he was drunk and was motivated by revenge against the child's father.
it is blowing my mind how few lynchings there were
holy shit
meanwhile what happened to the 1.25 million white christian slaves that get sent to MENA during the 16th - 18th century.
>Shortly after Smith's capture, local residents decided to take the law into their own hands, to make "the punishment fit the crime" and allow the victim's family to take part.
>When the train transporting Smith arrived at the stop at Texarkana, Arkansas, it was met by a mob estimated at 5,000. A committee from Paris urged "that the prisoner not be molested by the Texarkana people, but that the guard be allowed to deliver him" to the citizens of Paris. The mob agreed.[1]
>When Smith realized what was awaiting him, he begged the policemen guarding him to protect him. They said that "it was not in the power of all the officers in Texas to save him ... they could not if they [wanted to] ... as they themselves were virtually prisoners in the hands of the committee from Paris."
>A large crowd of from 5,000 to 15,000 people packed into an area of as little as 400 sq yards (335 sq meters)[citation needed], took Smith from his captors and placed him on a mule cart. They paraded him through town[1] and to an open stretch of prairie between the cemetery and railroad tracks. There, organizers had built a 10-foot scaffold painted with the word "JUSTICE."[5]
>Smith was tied up and tortured for 50 minutes[1] by Henry Vance, his 15-year-old son, and his brothers-in-law. The men placed hot irons under Smith's feet, burned his trunk[6] and limbs and finally gouged his eyes. A February 2, 1893 article in the New York Sun reported, "Every groan from the fiend, every contortion of his body was cheered by the thickly packed crowd."
>Finally, the crowd poured oil on Smith and set the scaffold on fire. According to some newspaper accounts, Smith remained alive during the burning. He was reported to have torn himself away from the post and fallen off the scaffolding, where he died. The crowd sifted through the ashes to collect Smith's bones and shards of wood as souvenirs.[7]
>Terrorism isn't a threat and you guys just have to get used to it, refugees welcome
>Real terrorism happened 80 years ago and the harrowing stories will haunt the black community for generations and we will never move past it
>minitru approved doubleplusgoodthink.
Probably b8, but fuck it.
> "Here's the proof of racism in America, you nazi scum
> shows 'Muricas racial History.
> (...) over 4,000 between 1877 and 1955
> 1877 and 1955
> 1955
You do realize that it's 2017 by now, right? Are you so desperately seeking for "systematic orpression of PoC" that you have to live in the past to find any traces of it? Stop blaming your abhorrent level of incompetence on "evil whitey" and change your communities for the better already. Hell, you get tons of state benefits just because you are african americans; it is impossible to criticize any of your people in public without being called racist (regardless of what the reason is), you continue to defend criminals purely based on their race and generally make 'race' the central issue of fucking everything you do, hear or say.
Also fuck Google. They should make an infographic about the deaths of nonmuslims by the hand of muslims in Africa instead. Or something about the still ongoing Slavetrade in Islamic countries. But that wouldn't as good for marketing purposes as this Social Justice Shit, right?
No mention that most "lynchings" were capital punishment.
>4000 lynchings over a fucking century
Niggers probably all deserved it. Also, 25% of victims were whites.
Should compare it to how many people that has been abducted by Ailiens in these states for important scientific research.
Can we take this Idea and make a map of Black who killed whites in the last decade ( i bet its higher, way higher numbers)
tor is ok too, just stay off the hidden dark net sites
Somebody seems a little butt blasted.
>100,000 dead
Its 1.5 million, between 1930-2000 I did the math one time.
>the last decade
Try the last 2-3 years.
I see the way blacks act today - So did they act the same way back then ? What Im asking is - DID THEY FUCKING DESERVE IT !?!
Much agreed.
but you're personally guilty of each one, whitey.
its interesting because they just use the word "lynching" like it makes it extra evil when in fact the opposite is true
they used to lynch rapists and murders - people who did unspeakably savage things like that jewish pedo leo frank. they werent just victimizing random black children
but if you did make a map accurately predicting random interracial victimization, it would look...... different.
Mostly yes. Very rarely do you get hundreds of people mad at you for no reason. Generally it would be the rape or murder of someone important within the down or related to them. I'm sure there were some false positives and people killed for crimes they didn't commit, this is why vigilante justice is frowned on nowadays.
>Commemorating lynching through memorials and monuments that encourage and create space for the “restorative power of truthtelling” is essential if we are to “help society heal [its] sickness and place trauma in the past.”351 The Equal Justice Initiative is ready for this effort, and we hope you will join us.
>Help us place trauma in the past by publicly dredging it up from the past and shaming people for the legacy we claim it to have today. And make sure to give us lots of money if you feel really bad.
The map isn't working for me.
Oh man, fuck niggers, right?
Will they have one for the million whites killed during the civil war fighting over those apes?
>The Truth and Reconciliation Commission established by the South African government in the aftermath of apartheid elicited the stories of bystanders and perpetrators of torture and violence against black citizens as well as the stories of victims. This enabled members of the white community to publicly acknowledge what happened to the victims and “reorient themselves with the new national agenda” as active participants rather than passive observers
>South Africa
>Currently the world capital of racial lynching
Yes, I can see how the community really moved on there and it brought people together, lets follow their fine example shall we?
Racism in America has been reduced to the n word and more blacks use it than white people so
I think racism is pretty much non existent at this point
The reason people keep talking about it is because it's an easy argument stirs up up alot of consternation and anything more than skin color is too fucking complicated