Non-white non-western rebbitors fail to assimilate

subhuman untermensch talk about their failures in 'assimilating' to white western cultures

unintended redpills and racial truths everywhere

thread is gold, jerry. GOLD!

>wahhhh people don't like me because I'm not white

Then fucking leave. It's not a two way street, you're here because we allow it

>"we" allow it

You don't speak for all whities you cracker

>can't assimilate into western culture
How even, we barely even have culture. Get a trade, make money. That's literally it. Nobody even gives a shit about you.

I'm afraid of even clicking on the thread.


Found the cuck
Must destroy

>we barely even have culture

This is torture. I cannot reply in the manner i want to or ill be insta banned...but there are so many opportunities. I cant...i cant even read more than a few post in before i want to Sup Forums on them but its a censored structured environment. Did Sup Forums ruin me?

I read a few, it was bag.

hmmmm humans....are.....tribal??
hmmmm....really makes me think?? :DDD

says the guy who conceals his flag