I have just graduated high school, and plan on joining the Air Force. I plan on attending USAFA next year. Being a pilot in the military has long been a goal of mine. However, I am worried about pilots being zoned out to drones. What is the likelihood that pilots will be completely phased out in favour of drones in the next 10-15 years?
>inb4 "dont fight for Israel"
The future of pilots in the US Air Force
0, go get em goy
air force enlisted here
dont do it
live your life before the military sucks whats left out of you
I am an AF aircrew member, who transitioned to intel to be a Sensor Operator.
There will always be manned aircraft, but there will be a watershed moment where there will be less manned platforms than unmanned. Not today, not tomorrow, but by 2050.
>just graduated this year
Then why aren't you starting now? What are you doing for the next year?
Also OP, if you wash out at UPT, don't become a different rated officer like an AWACS weapons controller, just go do something that doesn't involve flying. My suggestion is you go from Academy straight to AFISRA.
There will always be a need for air to air combat with pilots
Drones are only good for AtG, not AtA
Although I would agree with you regarding the situational awareness aspect. I do have to say that not having a pilot that G-Locks during intense Air to Air combat is a huge cross section on the Air Force's radar right now.
With latency being cut down now with split ops to milliaseconds, the flying community has been approaching this for years now. The automated A-10 is a good model for UAV CAS as well.
OP. You need to be the very tip of the spear to become a pilot.
If you aren't already in amazing physical condition with perfect eyesight and health just don't even bother.
2008 USAFA Grad here
First of all, unless your already enrolled in the prep school (primarily for mustangs and Col's kids) having already graduated HS without already securing an admission means you probably aren't getting in.
Second there's no guarantee you'll get a pilot slot, especially since you're probably not hot shit since you haven't even secured your admission right out of HS. Though even if you were hot shit that doesn't mean anything at the Academy that just makes you average.
Third you're on Sup Forums which means you're probably as racist as I am, except I wasn't racist when I was a cadet, I was libertarian, and even that was enough for my SJW commander to fuck my career. Since I graduated without commissioning thanks to my lawyer USAFA has only increased the rainbow dildo quotas. Seriously if you want to fly go Embry-Riddle, I got my masters there, I like them and hate USAFA with every fiber in my being.
It will still be a while before pilots are a thing of the past even as UAVs grow, me I'm an engineer working for General Atomics cheering on that growth.