>be me. > Pajeet born and raised in USA. > tfw will never be part of the White master race or accepted by White nationalists as a civic nationalist despite sympathizing with them, and will be seen by society as 3rd worlder despite my people being working, not committing crimes and not living off welfare in the west. >tfw attractive women don't want me because pajeet no matter how huge I get lifting or how much I practice being "alpha" >tfw liberals don't like me either because my race is supposedly privileged next to whites and don't care that I face prejudice in society due to stereotypes about Indians because I'm not Muslim, and feminists and LGBT can hate me because of what happens in India yet these same people can claim the moral high ground and get rewarded by mainstream kike influenced society for it. >tfw blacks and spics can be racist as shit to me and not face any consequences unlike White people, and yet I have to feel privileged and feel obligated to feed them with my hard earned money >tfw center-right conservatives often don't even know the difference between me and a Muslim >tfw knowing that going back to be with "my own people" would result in them not liking me for being American and would be me living in a shithole that I personally didn't cause to be a shithole
What do I do pol?
Isaiah Jones
Half-flip here, basically same boat for me. Whitey will call me spic one second and then A nazi the next when in good company. At the very least we can expose the hypocrisy of the left. obviously they don't care about the niggers, spics, fags, degenerates, etc. There just in it for votes, the second they achieve their utopia their the first to be lined up and shot along with the leftist backbone/grassroots. KEK
Joseph Anderson
>tfw mixed race Hispanic guy >European face, but dark tanned skin >white people love me >black people love me >Indians/Arabs as well >never had a problem with racism
Bentley Kelly
Exactly. And they'll deserve it too.
Gavin Diaz
Never a *problem*, more like a fitting in card for kids i pissed of for being bettter or cooler than them
Daniel Barnes
Stop being a fucking faggot. Whites are not the master race and they're going extinct anyway. Thoughts like these make you a poo; instead you should follow your dharma and be a real man.
Go see bahubali right now.
Adrian Gomez
Why would you want to be a white nationalist? You're brown. Move to africa (lots of poos there) or pooland, establish yourself and light a nationalist fire. You have the power to make your own society eugenic and purge the degenerate elements. Ghandi spent his early adult years in Africa arguing for racial apartheid and eventually took control of India.
North America will be white again, so you might as well leave while the going is good.
Nolan Bailey
Look bro, I'ma let you in on some secret knowledge here:
White people, even white nationalists, are not all racist. Most of us aren't. We like you man.
Carson Hernandez
Really, you want these faggots to like you?
Jaxon Cooper
>whitey going extinct
What happens when whitey has an existential crisis? Oh yeah... keep pushing.