Will the LGBT community become the new Feminism pretty soon?

Gays already have their rights, but now like Feminists they are making up non-existing problems to complain about. They will add more letters to their group, probably become more degenerate overtime, and add more colors to their flags. Fag marriage is now legal, they should be happy.

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I think the brown one is cause fags like to play with poo

The LGBT community doesn't represent gays anymore. It's all genderfluid otherkin and trans people of color.

Why not have a white stripe then?

This is not a fag issue, but a nigger one. Most are not happy about this eyesore of a flag that totally misses the point anyway

color is visible light
black is the absence of light
white light is the master light

The black and brown colors don't really look good together on the flag. They look out of place.

fags are going to whine about how shitty these two colors look because they're all good at aesthetic design

Fuck the white people. They're responsible for colonialism. We wuz kangz before the white man.

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