Why are niggers always asking to "borrow" money or cigarettes etc? We know they're stupid, but are they completely incapable of feeling shame? What is going on here?
Why are niggers always asking to "borrow" money or cigarettes etc? We know they're stupid...
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And whenever I'm in a WTF mood and give them a cigarette or some change they never say thank you.
I mean I think when I was young I got in a scenarios a couple times where I had to ask people for change for like bus fare or something. I always basically kissed whoever's ass actually went out of there way to help me out.
I had some negro ask me for three quarters the other day. The fuck is this idiot going to do with three quarters on a Friday night?
one dude asked me to borrow my phone right now. he wore glasses and was lanky as fuck, so I obliged
do not do this if you're confronted by the ghetto variety
I had a workmate who let someone borrow their phone, and in the ensuing phone conversation the guy listed off stuff he had for sale, including a PS4 and some iPods, then he asked what make the phone was and included that in his list before walking off with it.
Blacks do this as a form of reparations for slavery. Not even joking. They will also cross the street slowly in front of your car, if you are white, in order to extract "time reparations". 50-Cent gets his name from the practice of Negroes asking white people for "50 cents", which was a campaign begun as a method of extracting slavery reparations over time. Blacks will also do other various things specifically in order to "ruin Whitey's day", such as forcing you to move (by walk in front of you), forcing you to look in their direction (by shout out "Hey!", or whatever) only to ignore you, spitting on the sidewalk where you would be about to walk (they can be walking in front of you, or coming toward you for this one), clearing their throat loudly as they walk near you, beginning to have a non-existent phone call on a bluetooth headset as soon as they get near you, and a hundred other similar actions. Pay attention more closely and you will begin to notice all of these things and more.
What kind of faggot are you? Not only are you poor enough to be near niggers but you converse with them and don't mag dump in their chest if they approach within ten feet of you. You give them hand outs and let them fuck you in the ass by taking advantage of you. Stupid faggot nigger lover bitch kill yourself.
Sit in spot, asking for change. Over a day it adds up.
Borrow cigarettes [Thats expensive] smoke em or give to other people asking to borrow.
If someone gives you change/lends you a phone/shows you the time:
You get to see their wallet, phone and watch. You can then decide if they are worth mugging or if you just hit them up for more change the next time you see them.
Sure, giving ten cents to a negro surely heralds the downfall of the white race and Europe.
>"can I borrow a piece of paper"