Are vegans redpilled? How much hormones and shit are we eating? Are there any health risks to consuming factory farmed meat? Or is eating any kind of meat beneficial?
Redpill me on meat
Other urls found in this thread:
>be America
>everyone eating massive plates of low fat starches with some vegetables and a tiny portion of meat
>skinny people everywhere
>be baby boomers and have kids
>living it up
>feed kids inverted proportions of starches/vegetables and meat
>health destroying burger becomes cultural icon
>heart attacks and heart disease and strokes err'day
>fat people everywhere
Deport all Euro-bloods, kill leftovers, eat starch based diet, save master race
meat is healthy and necessary for your well being, don't be fooled. just avoid excesses and fats.
A healthy, active person needs to spend most of their day eating fruits and vegetables to make up for nutrients missed by avoiding meat. There is nothing wrong with non-processed meat.
Also soy is fucking terrible for you
Fish is fantastic.
Look global health statistics: highest life expectancy, lowest obesity cancer rates, etc.
You see Mediterranean, Nordic, and East Asian people top the charts. And these people have one thing in common: abundant fish in their diet.
Mercury is a concern, but you see this in the larger, longer-lived fish (e.g tuna). It's barely present in tiny fish such as sardines.
have a giggle
Meat is more nutritious than vegetables. It is easier to digest, thereby causing less strain on your body. It was the preferred form of nutrition for mankind for our entire existance and still is in all human cultures that do not have ideological interference in their diets.
The statistics regarding the health benefits are a scam: There is no group large enough that lives in labratory conditions with no outside factors that would not heavily interfere with the tests. Typically all vegetarians that are measured in studies happen to be yuppies that focus heavily on living healthily. This group will avoid smoking and drinking, will exercise regularily, will have easy work and safe work conditions and generally avoid anything that typically leads to civilization diseases, like obesity and heart attacks. Meanwhile everybody who is not put in the very specific and selected group of vegetarians is put in the group of meat-eaters. Thus you get all the mine workers, alcoholics, chain smokers, landwhales, crack fiends and fast-food junkies mixed into the statistics with the more normal people. Obviously the "normal" people will suddenly end up with all the sicknesses in the world, while the "vegetarians" will look unusually healthy. They did a similar thing with the study that supposedly proved that alcohol has health benefits: They simply put everyone that had to stop drinking due to health issues caused by the drinking into the non-drinker category of their statistic.
>just avoid excesses and fats
>avoid fats
are you retarded?