Take your refugees!

Take your refugees!

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>inb4 Bolan stronkk! Gibs yes! Duty no!

>from Italy
I'm sorry.

Did Slovakia cave in and take migrants or did the EU forget about it? Kek.

Only countries with a spine in the entire eu

What duty? You fucked up your own country, now you want to fuck up theirs! Leave the fuckers alone, you've done enough to them over the years.

we voted to leave to end free movement

but yes,they are showing spine also

>their share

This is why the EU is cancer.

Yeah Germany is biggest enemy of all white people.

Thanks for supporting us, Mama Merkel.

BTFO you stupid fucking shit, not everybody in Europe is a cuck like you are

The EU was an attempt to make the united states of Europe, a base duplication of the USA.

This is part of why they force mass immigration on the scale they do, to destroy national identities of the nations so they would be less likely to fight against being part of the EU.

The problem is they did it way too fucking fast and integrated shitty nations before they could build them up to the main nations standards. Now they have ruined the whole base idea with impatience, it's all falling down around them.

>duty to destroy your country and culture
>just like Germenestan

Hans, where are my war reparations, you nazi-scum?!

They will bend the knee. God I love Merkel. Punish these subhuman slavs who think they can stand in our way

Thank you Greece and now go pay debnts.



Looks like a couple more weeks before larping retards get bored of the flags

>only 20000 moved
wtf east europe, I thought you people had brains

>Poland struggles to become a strong economic influence in Europe
>the EU makes sure to destroy that effort
Thanks Eu!

t. butthurt pole unclogging toilets for bucktoothed anglos

>germany being the enemy of all white people again

color me supprised

>Countries dont play along with EU
>EU tries to destroy them

And liberals wonder why we want out

What are the prospects of these countries straight up leaving in response to this?

A Muslim migrant is depressed, so he decides to see a psychiatrist. He tells him, "doctor, ever since I came to this country, I can't sleep, I can't eat...I feel sick".

The psychiatrist tells the migrant, "I think I know how to make you feel better...there's a bucket in the next room. Take a crap in it, then piss in it....then stick your head in it and smell the fumes for 15 minutes."

The Muslim migrant takes the doctor's advice and comes back after 15 minutes. "Wow! I feel so much better...so what was wrong with me?"

The doctor replies, "nothing, you were just homesick"

It is called breaking a contract, faggot.


Eh, normally I'd agree with the EU because Eastern Europe is always the first to take and the last to give.
But I fundamentally disagree with all this asylum shit to begin with, so for once Boland & Co are actually doing something right.


>you've done enough to them over the years
Like employing tens of thousands and giving them child support for their children back home in Poland (according to German law)? Like giving billions to reconstruct the whole country? Like investing billions in the Polish economy? Like sticking up for Poland to become EU and NATO members?

Most people on here are way too retarded to understand what many of us already know. I doubt half on here understand why they resist it, beyond trying to be edgy.

The UN really wants us to join a North American union. They can't do it because Mexico and Canada won't allow free flow with our freedoms, especially gun rights. Of course, the NAU would be a proxy of the EU, which would control our GDP via restrictions and human rights (welfare programs), and regulations, you work us into compliance.

Literally a one world government under the guise of independence and freedom. I truly believe our top brass was privy to this, hence our election and victor Trump. I supported him, but I'm still clueless as to how the fuck it worked out.

Props to based V4 (I guess people don't care about Slovakia enough? Don't worry bros I have family there)

Don't let the Jews destroy your nation

Look up IsraAid because the spam filter isn't letting me post a link

>accept cca 30 immigrants
>huge media circus
>few months later, news headline:
>"immigrants silently boarded bus to Germany and left"

You know, let them come, once they receive the first paycheck, they will run, oh they will run like dogs

They just quoted Slovenias intake numbers and nobody knew the difference.

>not everybody in Europe is a cuck like you are
It's prolly mehmet larping as a kraut

Just a reminder, Poland alone has bigger military might than Germany.

USA is no longer with NATO when it comes to internal conflicts between NATO countries so have fun with your "eu army" protecting you cuck

Hahahaha, this is better than any presidential victory could have brought.
The EU is going to split itself apart.

Zero. Poland is basically an economical colony of Germany and absolutely dependent on gibs and trade from and with them.
Their politicians will just put them in a camp in buttfuck-nowhere and call it a day before they take any actual action.

Germany will invade Poland over this and we will have to kick their ass again.

They won't. They said any sanction is better than taking a single refugee. EU btfo.

How bad can this sanctions be? Germany already lost at least 50 people due to crimes committed by migrants.
This is literally human sacrifice why should any country do this?

Turks living here are German, idiot. Turks did more for this country than retarded german pigs, so show some respect waffle nigger

If you don't want the migrants, deport them back to somalia or whatever.

Germany get its empire after all kek

I don't think you'll find many who will be willing to listen to you on Sup Forums.
Most people here have zero knowledge about Eastern Europe and only care about them because of this one specific topic of illegal economic migrant. Doesn't matter to them that it's nigger-tier behavior because for once Eastern Europe happened to be on the right side of the conflict with said behavior.

Forgot to add the crisis is orchestrated by NWO to destabilize Europe so it can be united as one big police state.

I say open the borders completely. Cheaper labor, more capital, better growth rates and a robust economy.

Whats the fantasy here?
More and more countries are ignoring the eu on their dream of forcing subversive islam and terror.
This will not get better for the EU austria has now more or less for the first time talks about the (former)biggest mainstream party wanting (70%)to work with our "far" right FPÖ which they have seen as impossible for decades... this is how much the FPÖ kicks their ass.
And this will continue and increase the more the pushes and reveals themselves to only care about flooding and destroying the cultures of ever eu country

Their entire economy depends on EU gibs, so pretty bad

Why doesn't the eu take knowledge from the fact that these countries have little or none terrorist activity because no Muslim immigrants. What the fuck why are they so retarded
>NO your women must too be raped and slaughter because fuck you!
Why is Germany such a shit hole and so hellbent on destroying Europe all the time

Your nation has to do what we tell you now or we will punish you. The days of national identity are over. The days when your vote decided the future of your nation are over. You will obey us or pay the price for your disobedience. -Germany

It's actually about lessening the pressure on Greece and Italy by moving illegals away from there. Germany doesn't even want to redistribute its own leeches to my knowledge.

EU is evil, and the sooner we Finns get out of this union the better.
This cancerous fucking union is an existential threat to our people, because it's founding principles are bound to pan-Europeanism, which means that they will push for Kalergi's plan's completion no matter what.

You will do what we tell you to do. Or we will punish you too.


Keep your damn money Germany.
All your money flows into our politician's purses anyway.

Take them to Eastern Eu.
Let's see how many survive.

>on the one hand, would really love to have less immigrants in my country
>on the other hand, don't want poles friends to suffer our same fate
I don't know how to feel, Sup Forums

They are looking at it from an economical perspective. Both Greece and Italy are economically weak and cannot take much strain, yet they are stuck with a shitton of illegals because that's where they arrive.
So Germany is trying to redistribute illegals from those two countries away to others to prevent a total economic collapse in Europe (because if Italy falls they are all fucked).

Obviously there's also an ideological component because the smarter solution would be to just send those illegals back to the shitholes they came from, but the main drive is economical.

If only there was somewhere they could go which wasn't in Europe...

Really hope poland can handle the migrant situation on their own terms if it comes to taking them in.

Like if another migrant is found raping a woman, they start dragging them in the streets and mutilating them so they cut their shit out.

Eat shit Eurocrat cunt.
I will fight and rebel against you to my last breath and I will dedicate my life to taking Finland out of EU.

IIRC, authorities from your country are gathering evidence against NGOs that cooperate with and even pay traffickers.
If they could get rid of all of these traitors that play taxi between Africa and Europe they'd already solve a huge problem. Maybe that can be your contribution.

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

Hungary, Poland and Czechs should leave the EU and form their own union.

As a Canadian I 100% support these sanctions!.

>EU Migration Commissioner

Poles didn't fuck around in the middle East or Africa, they have no duty to accept anyone



what is it in you german people that steers towards annihilating your home continent so much?

Could be a good decent cooperation. Western/Central Europe deports its illegals to Poland & Co and they then mistreat them for a while till they fuck off.

Would make all the gibs that went into Eastern Europe worth it.

>Their share
Fucking Germans. Merkel spreads her fat hairly legs for Mudslimes, and now everyone else has to pay the price for her idiocy. EU sure was a great idea.

meh everyone should leave and then immediatly start a economic union just to fucking get rid of the EU "leadership" tada.

Don't question it. Just obey. You have no choice, no will of your own. You will obey us.

Its just what they do.

>EU sanctions
Welcome to the club.

The EU would be fine if it focused on economical topics.
But they just can't stop meddling in cultural and social ones, which will never fucking work because Europe is (ironically) way too diverse for that.

How is it possible for a country to ruin europe since the roman period and still be allowed the live?
Nuke Germany now

>accept invaders that another country is rejecting or we will bankrupt you
EU death when?

answer is simple, take in the refugees but give the general population free reign to run them out of the country

cant force refugees to stay, freedom of movement and all that fun

fuck off, achmed

Those nations don't have the right to decide for themselves. Their people don't have the right to decide for themselves.
We decide for them now. Get use to it.

ungrateful leech


Someone has to keep a part of Europe safe from sand people don't they?

I don't give a fuck, but you're still retarded

>they are really trying to force them to take refugees from other eu countries
>mfw they are going to send the worst of the worst they have.

the fact kamitora never fucking finished that porn is a shame

>The EU would be fine if it focused on economical topics.
Thats actually what the people voted on the politics crap paying for others and migration got added later without vote or at least repeat the vote everywhere until they got what they wanted. Fucking cunts we need anoth nürnberg trial.

fuckoff nazi, they anyway escape to your country


Wtf is this pro migrant shit on Sup Forums

Israel must take their fair share of Migrants! They are so close by.

I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!

This isn't 1950 anymore. Israel must stop these blatantly RACIST policies!

look at the flag


You were dumb enough to give them the money before they held up their end of the shit deal. Suck it Hans.

If Israel were in the EU (they control it by proxy Jews), they would be sanctioned for not taking in their fair share of Migrants. This African-hate must end!