If whites are so concerned about their women fucking niggers and Arabs why dont you just fuck the women of your enemy and convert them to Christianity .Genetically people from the middle east are closer to Europeans than any other races so instead of breeding with ugly gook women that look like goats why dont you create true Caucasian children that will protect the white race?
Middle eastern women
"Caucasian" is meme created by jews and useful idiots to dilute European races with subhuman blood.
haha yes
To whom most of them are really related is a question too. North Africa and Gulf natives are 7-20% negro genetically
Middle Eastern here (Arab), let me tell you why it's stupid to suggest such a thing, somebody screen cap this..
See nobody is equal, and that's very true for most of people who grew up in different cultures, so there for they have a total different mentality than lets say the general pol user, better or worse that's a another argument.
Now the Middle Eastern woman wouldn't just give herself up for a guy just because he is white, usually there are two types of Arab woman who are together with non Arab men, either 1) They are successful and are loyal and 2) They are sluttier than white women, consider those thots yours to keep, we don't want them.
Finally you have to understand, and remember this for the rest of your life, we don't want to fuck your women as a lot of polaks tend to think, it's the other way around, your women surrender themselves to us, and believe it or not it's the majority of your daughters and sisters, so the problem is you for not knowing how to behave your women.
Half raghead kids are adorable
goatfuckers women are ugly and smell bad
in the oven*
This is more correct than people will believe.
It's not correct at all because
A. MENA and Gulf women are slutty and like animals they are, they value Whiteness
B. They are sluts indeed even moreso than Western women, BUT most Arab men are beta creeps that get any only via arrange
C. IR is rare for Western women as coprolalia (same shit really). Why arabs rape? They can't get any
D. They can make good wifes (bye bye White offspring) because they are used to being beaten into submission and beatings matter