People so new they don't even remember the flag system from just a few years ago

>People so new they don't even remember the flag system from just a few years ago

Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from you newfag cunts.

people dont even remember when moot fucked up this place and turned it into s4s for a few weeks.

Some people don't even remember the /mlpol/ fuse.

>Takes credit fer trumps victory, upset when it becomes more popular.

But how do you expect our movement to expand if you keep rejecting all that aren't Sup Forums veterans?

This isn't some fucking daycare for retards who got banned from reddit for typing "nigger" one too many times. There are newfags who actually take some time to try and understand the board culture and look shit up instead of sitting everything up with retarded posts from day one. Now there are a bunch of faggots who think this flag system is new and the way it has to be, even though it caused quire the shitstorm when it was first introduced.

tl;dr newfags should lurk more and stop acting like they know anything about this board.

>our movement

Racist liberals and the Sargonites are not welcomed here, make like a tree and fuck off.

Never bring that up again
Those days still trigger me

A few years back it might not have mattered because Sup Forums still maintained some semblance of obscurity. Now you're basically advocating for the people who've flooded here to shitpost the opportunity to mask themselves better than they had previously been able to. I mean I get it if you're some kind of casual weekend Sup Forumslack but don't speak for the rest of us who aren't blatant casuals when you advocate for this garbage. Most of us actual Sup Forums users can tell who is who from flags.

nu fag enabler detected

>doesn't give a shit wha' weeb neets reckon

Newfags must lurk 2 years before posting. Hard mode: dont use ED

>from a few years ago
Been here 5 years and it wasn't here when I started.
Also kill yourself Neet.

Why it changed back then?

This is seriously exposing newfags hardcore. It's like these people can't handle actually anonymity. They're all complaining about they actually have to judge the content of the post and who is making it, like how it's always been on Sup Forums. It's unbelievable.

Fellow pedes, go easy on our new friends. We need to spread the red pills!!!

I came here from Sup Forums during Brexit and I'm not going back to that filthy, degenerate place. This is my home now.

This place used to be full of stormfags and lefties anyway, much better since the rise of Kek and the 7's get, don't care what any of you faggots say.

Idk, that was fun, I don't know why are you niggers bitching.

or Sup Forumsharbor


we are here to stay pedes.

fuck what the faggot shills say.

KEK i remember this.

The Flag system came a month later

>tfw it was B that had the flag system before
WEW lad

But I only turned 18 three years ago and it took me a year to leave the Sup Forums limbo before realising Sup Forums wasn't just Sup Forums.