I just realized that the reason niggers love white women is because even niggers can't stand black women...

i just realized that the reason niggers love white women is because even niggers can't stand black women. have you ever met a black "woman"? they are loud, stinky, obnoxious, think the world belongs to them, and they will get mad at you if you do not give them money for no reason. you could even almost argue it's a good thing blacks are mating with whites because the arguable worst elements are getting bred out with the exclusion of black women from the process.

Did you ever date a black woman,
I did

She was nice, smart, and very conservative.

Maybe it's not women who are the problem but shiksas

> Joo flag
get fucked shekelstein

>you could even almost argue it's a good thing blacks are mating with whites because the arguable worst elements are getting bred out with the exclusion of black women from the process.

>disgusting point of view!

Stop memeing blacked it's not real life. You watch too much porn

I don't watch porn. I made this thread because I live in Arkansas and saw a black lady in a bank bitching to the person next to her for not giving her a free $20. I genuinely don't know who these 'people' think they are.

Whatever you say, Goldberg.

Black guy here, can confirm. With this qt Mexican girl at the moment, not rude and obnoxious like the black girls I dated in the past.

Mexican girls are all secretly insane. Don't trust her niggot

yeah they are the most uncofortable people to be around, much more than male negroes. , they are basically female behavior on steroids, attention seeking , drama and delusion to the max