Why are you people so violent and genocidal? The "shitlibs", as you call them...

Why are you people so violent and genocidal? The "shitlibs", as you call them, have managed to progress as human beings and bring the world forward to a post-racial and post-nationalist society. Are you too stupid to do that?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Post racial
>Post national
Better tell all those countries that still exist that we're post national. And while you're at it, better tell all those "minorities" that celebrate their racial heritage that we're post racial.

Yeah, I should have added a 'towards' there, not that we have reached that state yet. But it's obvious which policies and attitudes bring us closer to that.


The things that you hate. Before we get to the point that nations and races don't even exist, we have to dismantle the authority of one over the other. Also, things like gender and sexuality. First we all become equal and then we merge into the crowd. But we have to dismantle the white straight male supremacy first.

How does it feel to get BTFO by biology on a daily basis? A multiracial society is just some bizarre perversion dreamt up in the minds of marxists with sad childhoods and rootless jews, biological organism following their biological perogative when inserted into it is not strange or surprising. You guys act like Brazil, USA, Russian Federation and South Africa don't exist. Population groups compete for resources; bringing a bunch of different subspecies of primate into one administrative region and saying "okay, you're a country now" doesn't change that.

You want utopia and you're willing to send millions to their deaths to get it.

I am not getting BTFO by any means. I see the perfect Aryan people that you worship be liberal like never before. Their biology isn't stopping them from welcoming refugees, from marrying people of other colors, from voting for progressive causes. Your tribalist meme is getting BTFO everyday, even in Russia.

Okay. Yugoslavia.jpg
reminder those were the people of the same race
>in Russia
Yeah, in a nation where pogroms are a citizen wide favourite activity

Fuck off kike shill.

There is no such thing as a post-racial or post-nationalist society you imbecile

importing fascists en masse from the middle east will destroy fascism in europe? nice.

I call you libtards, actually, because you're too fucking retarded to respect the wishes of people who don't smoke the crack of your dumbass fantasy.


America works with people from all over the world because of its sound constitution, while Yugoslavia didn't even manage to bring together 3 people who are practically the same.
Russia is multicultural as fuck and pretty tolerant on its ethnics.

The only progress shitlibs managed to make happen so far weee lgbt right
Other than that they weren't responsible for anything at all

its time to think outside the cube

Yeah I do, you're a child
Your wishes < Science
Stop pretending to be a communist if you call everyone from the Middle East a "fascist"
Even the ones who are (the jihadists) are a product of their environment
We will bring change in the Middle East too

All you people talk about is destroying and dismantling things. But after you are done, what will you have created?

If you can't respect my need for property and freedom then I'll have to kill you. I mean, it's really that simple.

>The "shitlibs", as you call them, have managed to progress as human beings and bring the world forward to a post-racial and post-nationalist society.
None of this matters without the technology the Nazis developed.

I do respect your property and freedom, you don't. Case in point, you want to deport immigrants and steal their things.
Just let people do their thing without so many useless distractions. Without the risk of dying in another Stalingrad. Go to Mars, whatever.

yeah, no, they will create ghettos which will cause segregation which in turn will cause tentions to rise which will further the conflicts between poor whites and poor migrants and they will end up killing eachother while the rich further rob all of us, peace was never on the table the very purpose of making countries multicultural is to further the conflicts amongst the poor.

No, immigrants want to steal things from my family. Let them move into YOUR house away from US.

>progress as human beings and bring the world forward to a post-racial and post-nationalist society

If you have an accurate picture of reality and then you "progress" away from it, what do you have left?

Nice informed post right there. 87% of ethnic Russians support "Russia for Whites only" motto

That's why social justice is important so that we don't have ghettos. But you call that "reformism" and choose to play ball with the fascists.
Immigrants just want to work. You'd even deport citizens of a different race if you had the chance. Fuck you.

Because most are virgins who only live their life on pol

you haven't done shit but virtue signal

Why do you get to dictate that other people should be allowed to come and live in my town? You don't. If you try, I'll have to kill you.

>ITT: We are pretending like this is not a bait.
If you white genocide by "bring the world forward"
you are right you're very good at this.

* if you mean

>The "shitlibs", as you call them, have managed to progress as human beings and bring the world forward to a post-racial and post-nationalist society.

Almost correct. But the term you meant was "regressed".

There is no post racial world until there is. Right now we are a multitude of races.

>post-nationalist society

Worked out well for the USSR, didn't it?

Anyway, I'm not adverse to pan-national unions.

I'm adverse to non-whites and communists.

Good Goy, its just progressive to let your race die out


The left hates liberalism.

Case in point;


Social justice doesn't solve the Racial Question.

We have ghettos because Niggers and Muds are retarded and can't function as civilized human beings.

It's not "your" race. You don't have a race. You're just an individual.
More blacks and Muslims are integrating into what used to be white society every day. You are against the successful ones, more so than the failures, because they are the ones who threaten your supremacy.

national socialists are still socialists, neolibs aren't, neolibs are elitist scum

Like I said, you live with them. You don't get to decide what the rest of us do. Libtards can have the cities they ruined, when you collapse, you will starve, cut off from the rest of us outside the cities. You try to leave the cities when this happens, and we will kill you.

Tolerance basically is the difference between

>if you are successful I will kill you


>if you are successful I will tolerate and integrate you

Real racists hate the successful and integrated immigrants more than the blatant failures. because they can't root out the former as easily as the latter.

On the contrary, I want them to be successful in their countries and stop dragging us down in ours.


So you are basically theAlex Jones of the Left. Great. THE ELITE
It's not like you have a choice, we control the government. We have since the beginning. The whole concept of the government is bringing people together, people that perhaps would like to be left alone.

No idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Real racists don't exist. It's a fucking stupid buzzword made up by a brainlet to try and guilt dumb cunts into letting down their guards.

I do have a choice, I have guns.

>I'm adverse to non-whites and communists.
>real racists don't exist

We have bigger guns.

Yeah, look how well that worked in Vietnam and Afghanistan. What's better is in this new era your home address can be pulled up in a matter of minutes once you've been identified. You sleep in the dark just like everyone else.

The fuck internet warrior. You gonna kill me now?

We come back at
>Why are you people so violent and genocidal?

Update for the scientifically illiterate:
No functional human society has ANY rational reason to allow mass numbers of low IQ, low impulse control third world garbage, which a high propensity to commit violence into their countries, as they will only destroy that society.

The shitlibs are parasiting off the security provided by the military men, police and other structures that they hate.

Shitlibbery is only possible in the relatively pacified world created by the overwhelming dominance of the American empire. As shitlibbery and "post-racial" delusions eat it from the inside we will eventually be in a less secure world and ideologies like nationalism and religion that promise to carve secure domains out of the chaos will make a come back.

Shitlibs are like the child that swears he'd be better off without his parents and their oppressive bed time rules. If the parents ever actually do disappear the child is in for a rude awakening.

one of the core beliefs of neoliberalism is that only the elite have culture and fashion and that the populace merely follows the trends of the elite, what actually is mindboggling is that so many good intentioned people who would otherwise form a political opinion choose to instead rely on TV to tell them who to vote for based on how much the candidates like puppies and consider themselves progressive and call themselves liberals despite not understanding the ideology at all, it's simpler to make nazis take a chill pill than educate all of you

the shitlibs are actually reversing all progress.

fucking shitlib commy scum.

Of course I'd kill you; you claim to seek to strip me of my humanity, my identity, my freedom and my culture. Your slit throat would be warranted as self-defense against tyranny. All I want is to be left alone, so fuck off.

Its the postmodernism in them talking. Ignore everyone using language like that.

>But it's obvious which policies and attitudes bring us closer to that

Liberalism- the idea that individual liberty is paramount. Most people that call themselves liberals today don't believe in it. If you tax me to pay for the poors, you are not a liberal as you don't care for my liberty.

Globalism- the opposite of liberalism. Liberalism is decentralized power so that the individual is the fundamental unit of society. Globalism is highly centralized power over the entire earth so that an individual wishing to escape its policies is unable to. The problems with centralized federal power are magnified under globalism. The person who controls your life is so far removed from you that they have no idea what the basics of your day to day life even are.

Tolerance- is not acceptance. Tolerating something is not being forced to accept or celebrate it. Further, those preaching tolerance are often completely intolerant of opposing views. in a decentralized world there is room for opposing views. You can move to a country or state that shares your views and I can move to a state that shares mine. We can both live as we want to. Under highly centralized control only one type of official view is tolerated.

Yeah, better reject all the advances in philosophy and go back to "MUH RACE". Solid advice, you're so smart.
In fact, I won't do anything. Historical progress will alter your life, not me. If you try to react violently, it's on you.

>The "shitlibs", as you call them, have managed to progress as human beings and bring the world forward to a post-racial and post-nationalist society.
That must be the reason they keep talking shit about their opponents (and white people by extension) and publicly advocate their murder and extinction.

Oh please educate me on liberal tolerance again.


sorry shitlib op, but you're about to progress yourself and your pals right onto a gallows. we won't let you turn us into a north korea or cuba or even a venezuela. you could turn back now and save yourself, but you won't so you'll hang.

There is no real value in refuting this, because of how unpopular your opinions are. If you manage to form a serious movement, then I might try.
Until then

The people voted for her, you know. The establishment chose Trump. Let them have this "win", haha.

than you United Nations

Ancaps should support globalism.


Popularity of a view is secondary. Society is always run by a small group with vision. As that society bears fruit people will become complacent or violent depending on personal outcomes. Your ideas lead to Venezuela and mass starvation, mine lead to the age of enlightenment and supremacy of the west.

I know all that. I've lurked here for a while. The problem with Sup Forums has always been the skewed interpretation of facts. Our differences are much, much less than what we have in common.

>have managed to progress
that's a funny way of spelling 'treason'.

>Popularity of a view is secondary. Society is always run by a small group with vision.
And since that small group shares my vision, our opinions are popular. Back to your subreddit, before we ban that too, cuck.

Kill yourself vermin

You forgot post-apocalyptic

The problem is you're not mature enough to implement those progressive values on a global scale in a way that works. I wish you were, but you're clearly not. What magic machine is going to provide for a bunch of shiftless narcissists that only care about their own feelings and instant gratification? If you're all cleaning the oil off baby seals and selling shit on Etsy for a living, who's actually running the world with the values you think they should be using?

No just those who stand in the way of relentless globalization.

>The establishment chose Trump
Ah so you're trolling. Well played. Both parties and every major news outlet hates him. All of the globalist shills the world over hate him. He destroyed TPP, appointed a supreme court judge that doesn't believe in post modernism or globalism, and has tried to block problem immigration fairly consistently. Totally an establishment guy.


What are you confused by.

"Racism" is just a fucking buzzword to try and make preferences and choices socially unacceptable and to deny empirical science.

Like slapping "-phobia" on the end of an ideology or sexual fetish you dislike.

"Racism" as a concept is nonsensical.

I don't want to live around blacks. By claiming this is racism, the implication is that the choice is irrational.

It's not.


Aren't a race, you cock gobbler.

The people selling shit online and doing radio shows are you far-right losers.

That doesn't address what I said, nor is it a coherent statement given the context. If you want to run the earth, learn how to form a thought first.

Literally no progress at all has been made by globalists
They have only made things worse for everyone

Popular opinion is influenced by the opinion makers. The opinion makers is us. Your small group of far-right ideologues can't do anything other than LARP and sell t-shirts.


It's called Goyimization.

Neo-CON; Collaboration with Jewish controlled financial system, adherence to Jewish religious tradition, every Free Mason aspiring to be a perfect Ashlar in the Temple of Solomon, security of Israel highest priority, collaboration towards Jewish superiority and desirability of inter-marriage into Zionist families necessary recognition as Spiritual Elite, conformity works towards present day promotion and possible future World Governent inclusion.

PRO-gressive; Works toward establishment of undifferentiated Goyim of no particular ethnicity, religion, gender, class or nationality, challenges all traditional institutions through writings of subversive Jewish intellectuals, works tirelessly to undermine all natural defence mechanisms though indoctrination. unites formerly disparate groups towards common identity and inclusivity, reduces intellectual and moral status to lowest common denominator.


This is a minority opinion. Most people have pretty good lives and are happy with themselves. You failed somewhere.

You must realize that by opening our countries to the third world we are robbing their nations of the most talented people. They will never progress without their intellectual and industrial vanguard but you have no problem robbing them so you can have more ethnic food. Barbados needs the few geniuses and businessmen that their genetics are capable of making, far more than you need some new ethnic food. If we keep acting as a magnet for the bright minds of the world, their societies will never develop, which is exactly what you want in truth because it makes a permanent attractive force for nonwhite hordes. It's cruel and you should answer for it.


Are you joining us or what?

Yeah, you can keep your "progress"

Poor Hillary. At least you guys are taking the election defeat well.

Suicide rates are higher than ever.

>Most people have pretty good lives and are happy with themselves.


You're so funny, stupid, but funny.

How many shekels you offering?

You can't manufacture consent, you can barely manufacture a coherent thought.
Also, your talking points are nonsense. I am for a highly decentralized society, if anything that would make me far left, not far right if I bought into that false dichotomy, which I don't.

>give 2 billion people my taxes
wow great job I bet they just made 8 billion poor babies

>stupidity is regressing out of culture

So niggers are stupid for not celebrating their culture in Africa?

>You can't manufacture consent
>Also, your talking points are nonsense

I am not trying to persuade you, you literal idiot. You have already being persuaded in shilling for "decentralization" and other meme causes you deem important. You are my slave already.

user I.. How about a promisory note?

>post nationalist society

this is just the beginning of The Great Race War
it is coming
the kikes are losing control of the goyim
we are in the same position in Europe now as 100 years ago
the parallels between then and now
study post ww1 Germany
rising inflation
untermenschen in power
massive kike conspiracy
underlying nationalist movements
League of Nations (Eu) falling apart .....

I want her to suck my cock.

In my city there are a Roman bathhouse, a Greek basilica, an Ottoman mosque and a Synagogue all in a square kilometer.
People like you see that a triumph of Diversity and so you give us loads of money for preservation and renovation.
But you always fail to notice the pink bipedal creatures walking around those dead husks, those look the same, speak the same language, have the same religion and share their genetics with the bones that have been under their feet since the neolithic.

This too shall pass, and the facilities you paid for will be looked upon as the ruins of yet another dead Empire.

Where all the technology we have was invented before 1945 and is currently locked up by US Government.

>rising inflation
Europe has minimal inflation, almost deflation.
>untermenschen in power
Technocrats in power, whatever.
>massive kike conspiracy
Only if you combine it with the following point
>underlying nationalist movements
>League of Nations (Eu) falling apart
Not at all


EU is actually falling apart. Brexit happened, V4 is getting pressured for not taking in terrorists, nationalist anti-EU parties are gaining popularity, and so on.

globalism, the act of selling out your nation's working class to exploited worker drones in China, India and S.E Asia whose industries pollute the atmosphere unchecked....ky you globalist cuck

Shitlibs just shot a GOP congressman.

Obviously you can't read. It was the free markets made available through globalization that grew the economy and almost eliminated poverty. More capitalism and open markets = less poverty.