Let's have a thread in which we design an alternate facist/nat-soc flag for the US.
It's better than all the garbage that I've been looking at recently on this crappy site.
Compile your designs, create your own! Have fun!
I'll start by posting the ones I could easily find online, they're not very good, but it's a start.
Ian Barnes
this is a super simple one, not asthetic.
Daniel Wood
I like Rockwell a lot so this is my favorite out of the three.
Leo Johnson
>fascism >America
Pick one
Fascism is retarded
Julian Garcia
Not fascism, Nazism or National Socialism.
Dylan Mitchell
William Lewis
National socialism is more of an antithesis to america than fascism
Grayson Nguyen
How so? The founders didn't promote multiculturalism. America's democratic institutions were strictly limited to benefit whites until recently.
Grayson Long
Already the government makes the pretense of stepping in to curtail out of control capitalism. If the social programs of the government were much more focused on helping the people who live here and pay taxes that would be a fine foundation for the start of a National Socialistic system. To be able to also develop a racial aspect to the system would be a very very nice icing on the cake.
Also, don't take it upon yourself to exclude ideologies from the american people. You might be surprised what people embrace after being pushed and goaded for quite a long way.