Redpill me on pic related fellow Italians...

Redpill me on pic related fellow Italians. I may be able to vote in the next elections if am granted Italian citizenship.

>Anti immigration
>Anti EU
>Pro internet freedom
>Can actually win the election

It seems too good to be true. My jewry detectors are tingling.

tinfoil cult owned by media company and comedian

> (OP)
>tinfoil cult owned by media company and comedian

Who fucking cares, as long as they keep their promises

they won't

>Anti immigration
They are not really anti-immigration.
They want to give 700 euros directly to all the immigrants, so they can pay stuff.
>Anti EU
Yes. Anti EU like tsipras.
They wanted to forma a coalition in eu parlamient with ALDE. That says everything about them.
>Pro internet freedom
Yes. Maybe. Who knows if they will change idea about that.
>Can actually win the election
True, but they do their best to lose it.

They are gatekeepers, fake opposition controlled by a society.
It is formed by useful idiots that will be kicked out if they don't do what is it useful for that society.
It's a business-party made by a businessman for his interests.

>Anti immigration
Pro immigration
>Anti EU
Mildly anti euro, not really anti EU
>Pro internet freedom
They don't give a fuck, they were startled by the whole fake news thing because 90% of the shit Grillo writes on his blog is fake news (nothing wrong with that)
>Can actually win the election
0% chance
tl;dr they're a left wing party that only exists to make sure right wing anti immigration parties don't win

They don't.
That's the problem. I'll vote for LN next elections, and fuck them all.
Fuck euro, fuck eu.

couldn't have said it better myself

they didn't, also you can't run a country on a click bait blog fcs

>mfw things are so bad that the i'd consider voting LN even if i'm from central Italy

> M5S
> anti-immigration


dude just vote Lega Nord or Brothers of Italy

So Alessandro Joneso?

same here, at least by the time there will be GEs the immigration theme will be central and all partie cards will be on the table

>mfw things are so bad that the i'd consider voting LN even if i'm from central Italy

Same, I'm from Roma

i'm from north of Roma
i'd vote anything (except the commies) to stop PD and M5S from winning

One of the most important figures in the party, Di Battista, is a literal SJW
>Boko Haram kills people because we stole petrol to nigerians
>suicide bombing is justified by our invasion of their lands
>muh petrol is evil everywhere

>magic washballs instead of water filters
>chemtrails instead of fluoride turning the frogs gay
Shit i just noticed they're pretty much the same

grillo used to be funnier

MS5 is just a green party with a weird name

even in the EU parliament they caucaus with the greens

at least Alessandro Giovanni is entertaining

>anti immigration
absolutely no. Grillo said that we don't make kids so we MUST accept immigration
>anti EU
absolutely no. They used to be anti euro but now they dropped that and are pro euro
>pro internet freedom
there is no party that is for internet censorship in Italy. We are not britcucks
>can actually win the lection
No. Just look at the comunali results. They got crushed harder than PD.
If you really want to stop immigration + europeans meddling in our affairs vote lega, or if you are from the center/south and butthurt about lega than vote Fratelli d'Italia. The will make a coalition with center right and turn it far right (not that is needed, since even our center right is anti immigration)
votano sempre con il PD. Fatti due conti. In più guarda a Torino che voglio farla diventaru un hub per il banking islamico in Italia. Se credi davvero ai 5 stelle sei un pirla

They don't know what they are doing and as obvious they are no better than all other parties and seen by all the scandals in the last few years.

Welp, voting for lega nord then. Have they truly abandoned their secessionist intentions? The last thing I want is to balkanize italy.

Why do Italians always blame the EU for their problems?

Italy is a country that is stuck in the 60s when it comes to it's bureaucracy and economic policies.
It wasn't the EU that made you elect a buffoon who spent his government years fucking teenage girls for 20 years.
It also isn't the EU that makes your unions block every little reform.

a lega and fratelli d'italia coalition would make it a lot easier for me to vote for LN

secession not happening any time soon dude

if anything Spain will be the one splitting in the near future

Yes, they're federalists now

They only want economic autonomy now, but they are turning nationalistic

le butthurt german

they wouldn't get as many votes if they didn't

Se proprio votare lega ti fa cosi schifo almeno vota fratelli d'italia. Tanto finiscono per fare una coalizione. Per l'amor di dio non sprecare il voto dandolo ai 5 stelle, men che meno al PD

should just change the name to lega nazionale, i'd pop a boner that would pierce the roof

ma che oooooh
o voto lega o fratelli d'italia, per carità divina, il PD e 5 stelle devono bruciare

tanto finiscono per farla. Berlusconi incluso purtroppo, però se non altro avranno i numeri per governare.
La migliore speranza è una coalizione di centro destra a forte trazione lega/FDI

Lega Italica

They are for local autonomies, a decentrate state, not a complete secession (the "new" lega is more realistica and don't insult its electors like Bossi did)

è quello che spero, non è perfetto, ma minchia se è meglio di quello che rischiamo

Because with pay a shitload and we don't get to ignore EU shitlaws like germany and france do, we're forced to take niggers in because otherwise we get fined and it the import/export laws destroyed any kind of trading we had.

>Lega Italica
i approve

bravo. Perchè di genta che vuole fermare gli sbarchi e vota 5 stelle ne conosco fin troppa purtroppo

eh, appunto, so che intendi

they should just fuse with FdI if they were gonna do that

i voted m5s at the last GEs not because I thought they were any good but just hamper the PD, now I believe giving numbers to LN is the only way to make sure certain concerns are addressed.

but make no mistakes : they are corrupted and cialtroni as well as the others

Grillo l'ha detto esplicitamente anni fa "senza di noi arrivano i fascisti"

>but make no mistakes : they are corrupted and cialtroni as well as the others
we're italians, we don't just know it, we EXPECT it

>should just change the name to lega nazionale
Salvini wanted to change the name to just Lega.

eeeh just lega sounds a bit "meh", needs some more punch you know?
allora facesse la cosa giusta e si levasse dalla minchia

Almeno sanno governare, i grillini o sono ultracuck come la Appendino o non sanno fare un cazzo

Is she doing a good job?

I agree, but still citofonare trota

she just said something about not wanting immigrants in Rome if i'm not mistaken
but do remember that she's part of 5 stelle

Possiamo solo sperare che arrivino. Non sono fascista, ma a questo punto un buon 5 anni di duce ci rimetterebbero in sesto. E sinceramente pur di fermare sta fiumana di merda umana che ci sta investendo voterei anche un partito dichiaratamente fascista. Non se ne può più

in teoria c'è un partito "fascista" ma ha le stesse possibilità di vincere che aveva ukip in inghilterra, quindi è un po' uno spreco di tempo

Give a quick rundown on Lega Nord and why central and south Italians don't vote for them.

anti-immigration, federalist, conservative, ethnonationalist, euroskepticist, anti-globalization.
basically /ourguys/, central and southern people feel a bit conflicted though because of their secessionist past.

eh lo so. Il "brand" del fascismo è rovinato oramai e difficilmente avrà una grossa trazione a livello nazionale
because for a good 20 years they used to be a strongly regionalist party that wanted to separate from central and southern Italy. They were our version of the confederates. Now they are turning to nationalism, but many people are still mad about it

They're no longer separatist? Why?

Ce ne sono 5-6, solo casapound e forza nuova arrivano allo 0.5% a volte

That's the party Im voting for when I move to Italy then, Thanks.

because they wouldn't get any votes from the rest of Italy, they are federalists now, which is not too bad
già, o rivoluzione o niente fascismo, vabbè, l'importante è che vince la destra sta volta

>mfw I can understand this

Your language really is insanely close to French when it's written out

Federalist in the sense that they want more power to the regions? What are the key differences between LN and M5S?

we're counting on it
pensavo che solo forza nuova prendesse voti
we're all latins after all

Because when they was secessionist their preferred chant was "Vesuvius, Vesuvius, wash them with fire"

Casapound ha preso 5-10% in alcuni piccoli borghi alle comunali

i think so, imagine the USA or germany
and the difference between them is like that brooding smart kid that people didn't want to admit liking and the retarded kid drooling in the corner.
that's the difference between lega nord and M5S


7% in Lucca

I guess that at the next Comics&games nazi cosplay will be hot

>fucking retarded
>can't into politics
>beppe is a fucking idiot and he's the one that controls all
>muh direct democracy through blog with rigged elections
>muh reddito di cittadinanza

The appeal was that they were thought to be not as corrupted as the others, but these last years outed them for the rats they are.

Salvini is objectively the only one that is not a commie, I will vote for him despite not liking many of his positions.

they faked the griefs to create a political party and they say that apollo11 is fake

She's not doing worse than PD in Rome


>they say that apollo11 is fake

5 star is the only way out and forth for Italy as far as I'm aware.

One of their senators is a zoophile tinfoil hat

honestly i'm not surprised

then you are not properly aware of the situation

Good goy


Sono un terrone di Napoli e voterò lega sicuro al 100% alle prossime elezioni

allora minchia se le cose vanno male se pure i napoletani vogliono votare lega

Fuck no. They are controlled opposition that only exists to stop anti immigration parties to get elected

Napoli è diventata in pratica colonia negra ormai

iniziate a fare i napoletani che crediamo voi siate e ammazzateli tutti allora

>tfw no fashy Italian gf

I numeri confermano ma
>implicando che i napoletani non userebbero i negri per spacciare droga.

Non ci crederai ma si è formata la "camorra negra" da anni.


>Immigrates to Country to vote against Immigration

Legal immigration is one thing, invasion is another, and if he has italian blood he's welcome here.

La mafia nigeriana è ovunque
Sempre meglio dei proto-jihadisti emiliani e lombardi

I'm assuming he has italian ancestry so he can get citizenship whenever he wants, he could vote without moving here technically

vabbè che vabbè ma mo davero davero ma che è sta storia?

M5S is full of bullshit
they gather voters from all over the spectrum because all they do is appeal to the disappointed
they don't have ideals, they don't agree on any real policy, all they can do is opposition
they'll never form a government and they don't even want to (otherwise they'd have already allied with some other party), all they want to do is keep making money for Casaleggio & co.

they're basically vultures, preying on the carcasse of the italian lower middle class

First of all , they abolished the crime of illegal immigration, are a bunch of people without a clue, not able to get a proper ideology, they fell down in the last elections of some day ago, their leader was a tv/cinema actor like jerry lewis, in summary: losers at all. VOTE FOR FASCIST PARTIES.

I nigeriani (quelli cristiani a sud) hanno delle mafie, le hanno esportate in Europa
Trattano soprattutto la prostituzione, è per questo che sono tutte nigeriane
Dio porco passo più tempo a fare i captcha che altro

Eh bello mio, hanno iniziato come "subordinati" della camorra, poi tra arresti e lotte fra clan si sono resi indipendenti e hanno fatto la voce grossa.
Si beccano gli spiccioli, ma sono pericolosissimi (hanno rituali cannibali, vodoo e mille minchiate varie e girano spesso con machete). Controllano soprattutto il campano disabitato (occupato da negri) e si occupano principalmente di spaccio e prostituzione.
Non c'è una negra per strada che non sia sotto il loro comando.

I have Italian ancestry, Plus Im spending thousounds to get all the documents and Im doing everything according to Italian law. So what's the problem exactly to vote for a party that is against uncontrolled immigration?

metti i captcha legacy, su "settings" in basso a destra e "quotes & replying"

ma che caz

>checked comunque