Redpill me on pic related fellow Italians...

Redpill me on pic related fellow Italians. I may be able to vote in the next elections if am granted Italian citizenship.

>Anti immigration
>Anti EU
>Pro internet freedom
>Can actually win the election

It seems too good to be true. My jewry detectors are tingling.

tinfoil cult owned by media company and comedian

> (OP)
>tinfoil cult owned by media company and comedian

Who fucking cares, as long as they keep their promises

they won't

>Anti immigration
They are not really anti-immigration.
They want to give 700 euros directly to all the immigrants, so they can pay stuff.
>Anti EU
Yes. Anti EU like tsipras.
They wanted to forma a coalition in eu parlamient with ALDE. That says everything about them.
>Pro internet freedom
Yes. Maybe. Who knows if they will change idea about that.
>Can actually win the election
True, but they do their best to lose it.

They are gatekeepers, fake opposition controlled by a society.
It is formed by useful idiots that will be kicked out if they don't do what is it useful for that society.
It's a business-party made by a businessman for his interests.

>Anti immigration
Pro immigration
>Anti EU
Mildly anti euro, not really anti EU
>Pro internet freedom
They don't give a fuck, they were startled by the whole fake news thing because 90% of the shit Grillo writes on his blog is fake news (nothing wrong with that)
>Can actually win the election
0% chance
tl;dr they're a left wing party that only exists to make sure right wing anti immigration parties don't win

They don't.
That's the problem. I'll vote for LN next elections, and fuck them all.
Fuck euro, fuck eu.

couldn't have said it better myself

they didn't, also you can't run a country on a click bait blog fcs

>mfw things are so bad that the i'd consider voting LN even if i'm from central Italy