Muslims are usele-

Muslims are usele-

Other urls found in this thread:

>muslims helping people in need is literally news

wtf i love muslims now

I thought the tower was muslims

any time a news report has "may" in it, it's probably just propaganda

Most the people in the tower were Muslim. They help their own. Christians were pushed into the flames

>Muslims brewing up a batch of kitchen made explosive started the fire.
>Muslims are great because they were awake at night and saved some other muslims.

The Independent is a reliable news sou-

how our RAMADAN BOMBATHON going?

Not only is Muslims helping news, Muslims *maybe* helping is news.

That's how bad things have gotten.


Muslims baking their kebab set the place on fire.

finished that for you

>breaking news:
>man bites dog!

I bet they're the only group of people being singled out for helping. I bet there's christians, atheists, satan worshipers, nazis, etc. who happened to be around to help. But of course it's the mudslimes who get the special attention.
Hey remember that thing about Manchester about week ago? Yeah, me neither, but hey look at these muslims *maybe* helping, isn't that great? Religion of peace. Refugees welcome.

> this headline was made

>Witnesses said that many of the people helping were Muslim

Did those Witnesses run around and ask the helpers if they were Muslim? Or did the Muslim Helpers loudly proclaim "LOOK HERE! I'AM A MUSLIM AND I'AM HELPING" while doing whatever they were doing?

They'd have a similar headline for Christians or Buddhists or vegans or Scots or heterosexual white males...right?

Ofc it is. It's like when people were calling the media racist because they weren't making a news story out of 3 niggers reading books in the metro.
But i guess it makes sense you don't judge the special needs kids normally

>muslims helping each others
What a surprise.

"Muslims awake for ramadam 'MAY' have saved Grenfell Tower residents' lives"

Wasn't even intentional.
Bunch if pakis making noise when everyone else was trying to sleep accidentally saved people from fire, kek.


Headlines like this suggest Muslims started the fire.

You can easily tell how they are trying to make muslims look good by that headline.
Almost like they have some kind of agenda to push.

>Witnesses said that many of the people helping where cis white males
Sure, I read that in the news all the time. :^)

>may have
oy vey

No because the editor of the Independent Amol Rajan is a non-white Muslim who hates native Brits.

Don't mess with this goy

Kebab was baking his kebab and burned the flat down. White people were asleep for hours.

>when you do everything you can to kill nonmuslims and their media keeps painting you as heroes

The independant is garbage, but saying that by showing this picture is no proof, they're were very few media who actually said was going to win (talking about the whole month before election). Don't you even remenber election night ? When Trump had virtually win(just waiting alaska vote (kek)), nearly all media did not announce him as the winner until 2 hour later.

pakis were awake at the time, they instantly rule them out and consider them heroes

What about neet who fap to anime porn all night long?

>media tripping over itself to report positive stories about muslims

It's like putting bunny ears on a pitbull after it killed a toddler.


"... after they deliberately set the house on fire in another false flag attack."

He works at BBC now. Not that it changes much.

kill ALL muslim

That a muslim acted with basic human decency is so shocking and rare that it makes the news. Replace Muslim with any other group and think about how absurd the headline would be.
>Christian hiding Christmas presents discovers gas leak. Saves building.
>"Witnesses said many of the people helping were Christian."

>causing problems
>solving said problems


This is truly shameless propaganda.

>many people helping were muslims

Muslims the majority helpers of muslim in a muslim neighbourhood?

All my racism is shattered. Truly Sup Forums is BTFO.

>Next up: Gay pride parade that took a wrong turn into a Muslim neighborhood doesn't get assaulted or tortured

It really wouldn't surprise me. Not nearly as much as such an event actually taking place, but that's never going to happen.


>Being awake and not killing infidels makes a mudslime a hero

Sure is a low bar you have there OP.


Yes, because we don't get feel good rescue stories about police or firefighters, either...

For germanfags it is the word populism. 99.9 % guarantee of being fakenews

>Our buddies started this fire, but we'll save those of you who didn't die immediately, so you can be killed in our next attack