They will blame guns, and they will blame Trump, but the truth is the Left refused to accept election results, has dehumanized all non-Dems as 'nazis' and has been responsible for the hostile climate in which violence is sanctified.
Antifa’s reason for describing something or someone as “fascist” is not that it is actually fascist (although perhaps on occasion they do stumble onto the genuine item), but that describing it that way is politically advantageous. Likewise with any number of other slurs. Antifa are in effect claiming to oppose everything that is bad — and, of course, it is Antifa who decide what is bad. Hence the organizers of the Inauguration Day protests could write, as their mission statement, that “#DisruptJ20 rejects all forms of domination and oppression.” That is a good monopoly if you can get it.
weapons free on antifa and other neo-Bolshevik scum.
Jose Miller
why would we want to stop violence against kike supporters like Trump and his friends?
Jack Perry
It's simple, we take over the MSM. They are the ones brainwashing the masses into doing this.
Jackson Baker
put them in camps
Wyatt Cox
Japanese Americans were put into concentration camps. The same can be done with libtards.
Jack Cooper
Here to poison the well, faggot?
suck a bag of dicks.
Few people here embrace violence - unlike both Zionists and Leftists.
Adam Howard
you aren't human, you're inbred scum that deserves to get shot down. hope you die OP in the hands of a handsome and successful lefty hollywood entrepreneur that bangs all the aryan women that you jack off to of on the daily, you incepid, fat, titillating cowa- i mean republican
Aiden Roberts
i'm not poisining the well half of you faggots claim to be national socialists and yet for some reason you support the kikest president of the last 20 years or so. Its a disgrace. You are nothing but replublikikes trying to be edgy on the internet.