Prove this image wrong christ cucks, protip: you cant

Prove this image wrong christ cucks, protip: you cant

yeaaaah, textbook straw man
you have no idea how science works, you're just attacking the image of science you were indoctrinated with
show me a religious text that even hints at the possibility of being wrong
show me ONE science paper that doesn't have a CALCULATED percentage of being wrong in it


in case you didn't know, facts are racists, reality is part of the patriarchy and logic is a mean of oppression

>Christian and atheist are the same person

There's a difference between science and (((science))))

The scientific method cannot prove something true, only false. It relies on a set of assumptions just like any religion.

There are truths that exist that are not testable by the scientific method. While i think that does mean there is a much higher degree of uncertainty regarding mans ability to know those truths, that doesn't mean you can disregard the importants of those truth. Humans have metaphysical needs that go beyond the material word.

This is not an attack on the scientific method, I consider myself a proud logocentrist. But i think it's also important to understand it's limits


>the base of math and basically every science is the assumption that 1 is 1
How do you know that 1 is 1 though? Science btfo

>atheists fill their children's heads with science that was discovered by religious people
Why are atheists so fucking pathetic?