New fun shit is about to begin
Rip potato land
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>A gay mixed race doctor.
It sets a great example for the future. Anyone can achive in a united Europe. Now fuck off Anglo swine, enjoy your collapsing economy.
What a pair of mongoloids.
Him being gay cancels it out. He won't poison the genepool.
We didn't vote for him.
>He's against aboriton
>He's against Islam
>He's better than the other option who would bring more people in
>He's getting rid of welfare cheats
>meanwhile the UK is LITERALLY up in flames at the moment
>is having terror attack after terror attack
>and is more a mudskin central country than Sweden soon
>all the while the muzzies in his country are on the streets demanding sharia law
Ahh, yes. Perfidious Albion.
Enjoy collapsing then breaking into civil unrest.
>I`ll enjoy the economic boom in the Uk that follows.
Do you fuck Frau Merkel in her crusty old asshole before you shitpost or after?
At least you're optimistic.
Please ignore the anglo posters, they're too autistic to understand.
>Against abortion
Wow I thought Ireland was a 1st world country, guess not.
>I thought
Why should I care what swine think.
I spend my days waiting for the revival of the templars, when muslims and gays will be impaled on spikes and all degeneracy is extinct.
He can't be worse than Enda Kenny. At least he has some non-politics experience
He's literally more right wing than most Irish politicians, nothing to worry about. We need to worry when its a Muslim or overly Liberal twat. But nothing will change.
Why should anyone give a shit about a country thats only known because Americans claim ancestry from there?
Drink your tea and biscuits fred and don't forget to brush those malformed teeth.
I'd like to see your economy collapse with the rest of the Eurozone in the near future senpai, nothing personal
The Irish are the niggers of Europe
I'd tell you to off yourself, Nige, but I'm sure a muzzie will take care of it for you.
If this is accurate then at least for the time being, the gay half poo is probably fine if he can get your shit back on track. Certainly his heritage makes him knowledgeable on getting shit back on track if nothing else.
I can't believe you allowed those whiskey-addled fucks self-rule and eventual independence.
Why should anyone care about a dead empire?
I never told you to care nor did anyone else. you just seemed to out of your own interest. I never made post here and even said to care. That's all your doing.
>only know because Americans claim ancestry from there
Weird, I could have sworn your countries people are STILL to this day anally ravaged over the fact we are not in the Union and have tried time and time again to subdue us. Surely you're being a hypocrite on purpose.
Fucking hell, he literally looks like the Irish merchant.
Are we shitposting too hard?
Mick-American detected.
muh famine, shame it didnt wipe you all out, smelly white nigs
lol a gay guy man is taoiseach!!
Nobody gives a fuck you child. How about you research his politic views. You'll find him more appealing than most 1st world leaders.
Nah senpai I'm a bonefide Americano, I just like taking the piss out of limey pooves
>half poo in loo
redpill me on the gay poo: is he /ourguy/?
Yeah I wont forget Paddy, its tiring being part of a relevant 1st world country. Dont worry about it happening to you though.
oh yes he will, in a very literal fashion: as minister for health he was already looking at removing restrictions on queers donating blood (sound medical reasons against it, i.e. the AIDS)
fuck knows what he'll do now.
He is in no way /our/guy, he's an establishment tool but still better than that Coveny twat who explicitly wanted to double the population of Irish cities via immigration
Still pissed about your ancestors at rorkes drift, Jamal?
You're the retard that went and brought back poo in loo for everyone.
Maybe you should have kept them there.
Enjoy those shootings next month lad or should I say "bruv" I'm not sure how British Ebonics work, I think it's scheduled for 5th for every month for the foreseeable future so remember to install those bullet proof windows.
Nah, I'm pretty pissed that Atley gave British citizenship (and the right to migrate to Britain) to all the shitskins in the commonwealth though.
Good job
At least our language is our own, bet it sucks just to be English rape babies speaking the language of the country you hate. And yeah terrorists target us since they actually know who we are.
He's far from /ourguy/ but he is nowhere near the globalist liberals that most counties hvae tearing them apart.
>rape babies
That would be the Americans and you, It's very likely someone in your family tree is Irish. In fact a lot of British people in the UK have Irish relations.
>at least our language is our own
Yeah wonder who's fault that's is. That's like complaining at someone that you broke their window.
>Andyeah terrorists target us since they actually know who we are
>he actually cares about being popular
Jesus you're quite the sad act. I'd rather live in peace than sacrifice that for the sake of being popular on the world stage. Speaking of language
>And yeah
If you're going to talk shit about it, maybe you should learn the fucking language you spawned before talking shit to others about it, just saying faggot.
num num num
Take it back!
I know right. Fine Gael are a bunch of fascist scum, SMASH THE FASH!
Why should childless leaders take care of European countries? They have nothing to lose with their mismanagement.
>Did you just speak informally on the internet?
I`m sorry you cant downvote here.
>Implying the irish raped us,
Oh yeah that time when we were conquered by the irish...I mean strange to think that they cant even conquer their whole island let alone a whole group of isles.
Who would want to live in a country that is both irrelevant and has shit iternal politics? Your country is still Catholic....... the Irish dont allow abortions and can fine people for speaking against god. Your no better than fucking Muslims, retarded inbred Brittish mongrels who are constantly butt hurt about living in such a shit country. Have fun losing your sovereignty to the Germans and then the Muslims.
Ireland conquered Scotland that is why they speak Irish.
If you don't have a family/children you should be barred from political office
> retarded inbred Brittish mongrels who are constantly butt hurt about living in such a shit country
I know your country is very shitty mate, but there's no need to beat yourself up over it like that
Wtf "waradkar" , he's Marathi, I'm ashamed of being Marathi now
>He just fucking did the "I know you are" shit.
>the son of an Irish nurse and a doctor from India
Mummy May won't be happy. She doesn't like gays cause the bible tells her so.
I am actually fond of Varadkar.
Young, intelligent, sensible. Couldn't care that he's gay, at least he is honest.
In a world of such cucked politicians he actually seems pretty acceptable.
We didn't vote for him Ahmed.
Go back to fucking your goat.
I love living here, I never said I hated it and I was never butt hurt about it, this just seems like massive projection on your part also you don't seem to understand the concept of mating. How could you it's not like it will happen to you but besides that people have CHILDREN from different PEOPLE which in some cases those people could be IRISH and have a child with a lets say something which no irish man would do in his right mind, a BRITISH WOMEN. Usually due to Irish genes they may have red hair, could be brought up in Ireland and have a strong accent. That child is more a spawn of an Irish person in that case, similar to how a coal burner has a black child rather than a white.
>have fun losing your sovereignty to the Germans
In fact they will help us gain it if a United Ireland referendum happens since we were the only ones to support a United Germany when nobody else would so they owe us one.
Virtually none here in comparison to your cesspool of terrorism, you could practically swim in the amount of shitskins you see in your countries streets.
It's only a matter of time now.
Soon, Donegal will be flooded with 'refugees'.
>He just fucking did the "I know you are" shit
But tell me Limey, what am I???
Wow I thought you had to be 18 to post here, guess not.
Can Donegal declare itself it's own state?
Irish speakers only
Everybody lives off the land, no Capitalism
No migrants unless Irish speaking Celts
How comfy would that be.
Country Antrim reporting.
The cunt looks like that frog cunt - Macron.
>He doesnt know about the EU
>He thinks they will respect Irish sovereignty
>>In comparison to your cesspool of terrorism
Do you seriously think that not only a country who owned massive colonies globally, was in the EU for a long time and has an influx of lefties could not have muslims. Fucking hell..... You`ve got be some kind of vegtable in one shape or form because thats an intense level of retardation. Its astounding how you can even type without slobbering all over your screen. And not only that but "in your countries streets" you dont really think theyre all over do you? Like you dont actually believe that they infest every single place in the UK? I think you should go for an MRI scan asap to see if theres anything there what so ever. Your a fucking idiot if you think that. Christ, and yeah I`ve already explained relevant countries are going to have terrorism.
I love how you mention Muslims completely oblivous to the fact Irish people are the niggers of Western Europe.
Foghlaim teanga nua. Tá sé an-deacair agus tógann sé am. beo Gaeilgeoirí den chuid is mó i gConnacht agus i gceantair iargúlta. Tá an-beag cainteoirí nGaeilge Thír Chonaill.
>He doesn't know about the EU
I do extensively.
>He thinks
No they will, in fact it would put into the EU deal with Brexit and your PM tried to block it from ours. So yes it's in there so if it happens the EU has to oblige and Germany will
>in comparison
Yes, in comparison and it's not up for debate either, you have terrorist attacks we don't.
You have an overwhelming about of Muslims and Mosques.
We don't.
You have Muslims demanding Sahria law on the streets with Isis flags
We don't. In comparison we have barely any. No fuck off paki.
>Irish Muslims
Ain't it around 64k you've got now?
On top of that there's allegedly 150 "Radical Muslims" according to a Muslim woman in Ireland
Ok whatever you say turk
Shh calm down and have a potato
>he speaks for a new generation of Irish women and Irish men,
>He represents a modern, diverse and inclusive Ireland
I hate the Irish but I wouldn't wish this upon them.
Ask me if am assed
You ready for the fun time?
No, I feel sorry for them. You can be sure they will experience Rotherhams of their own now
Your actually a fucking retard.
I`m not talking about Northern Ireland when I mention sovereignty you retard. I`m talking about the respect of your borders, your laws etc. For fuck sake how is that not obvious. And I dont think anyone really gives a shit about Northern Ireland, its just no PM wants to be known as the one in charge when they went back. Also just because Germany has your back on one issue, sure its a good thing for you but as soon as any kind of state of emergency emerges or a new global enemy comes up they will forget all about you instead of a more relevant country.
I`m in shock.
How many times do I have to repeat of course relevant countries have fucking terrorists attacks . Again how is this not obvious?
And so what if we have Muslims demanding sharia law its never going to fucking happen? my point about Irish sovereignty was that the same shit will happen to you thanks to your Kraut masters. Except its a bit harder to deny them when the EU loves diversity.
>No fuck of Paki
oh god you read like your crying or something.
I love again how european version of a nigger is trying (again) to use over races as an arguement. when in reality even fucking Muslims would rather go to here than be around Irish people. That says something.
I'm probably not qualified to venture an opinion because I haven't done much investigation into the man but my first and current impression is that he's actually preferable to the majority of Irish politicians by virtue of the fact that he's actually a passably smart guy who's IQ resides in the Can-Actually-Grasp-Complex-Concepts-Not-Just-Parrot-Buzzwords category.
You have no idea how dumb and easily-lead the average Irish politician is. We have maybe 10 representatives who would be capable of attaining mid-level management status in a standard multinational company. It's so bad you don't even get embarrassed about it. Varadkar is a qualified Med student and the product of a high IQ father who was also a doctor. He's a manifestly better communicator than the lumpen mass of his peers.
Also, as an immigrant, he's in the sweet spot of being strongly status-driven and believes that hard work and self-discipline are the key drivers of personal success. He's also not plagued by the need to promulgate diversity for diversity's sake unlike grandstanding virtue signallers who think multiculturalism is great altogether because sure isn't it all the rage in the UK, Europe and America.
Added to that, the usual Leftist coalition do not like him at all. That's enough for a thumbs up from me.
Would have a pint with/10.
>1% of the population
UK has what 4-6% of their population being muslim?
Along with a population that's MUCH larger than ours.
Yes but you must keep in mind that do to your small population influxes of alien groups will affect you even harder than in places with large populations such as the US and U.K.
ain't Ireland only 80% ethnic Irish per the last census?
Shit he got you there
This guy has been a failure in every job he's had, how the fuck did he become Taoiseach
>mfw this is what we need
I think colonising the commonage land and just forsaking the shitty lowlanders to build an ethnostate on the Tyrone border would be a start
Highland Rules. Bring back an Ard Ri.
an mhaith, mo fear
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