
Best country to start an AnCapistan?

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in a North Korean death camp where you delusional little shits belong.

Why delusional?





they have dicks? wtf? thats horrible; they really look like women.

Boi you haven't seen the world
It's more scarier than you think


Statist GTFO

>believe an ideology based off a single absurdist moral principle will result in utopia
>not delusional

america. we already have the majority of bitcoin, all the chinese can do is play catch up forever

Belive in goverment that will spend money on shit products, make huge debts that your kids will pay

The best options are New Hampshire and Tennessee. There's already the Free State Project in NH.


Jesus Christ when will you autists grow out of this infantile ideology, I literally wonder this with a sort of fatherly concern.

Tell me why anarcho-capitalism won't work
Here's a video, watch it:

U S ofc

Hey guys An-Caps here

we dont know how capitalism works so we just want it to be unregulated

we also dont know how non-agression is enforced so we just pretend vauge threats of the NAP and screaming about BUT I WILL HIRE A MERCENARY

really makes you think huh

Read your post again.
Really makes you think how stupid you sound

I assume you've read Democracy: The God That Failed or some other book and have come to your conclusions despite their arguments.

What specifically in the book (or whatever you read) did you find unconvincing?

Son, I've watched most videos, read most books, once you have even a rudimentary understanding of human psychology you know why certain things can't possibly work, much like communism, anarcho-capitalism is incompatible with human instinct unless it is of course 'enforced', at which point by definition it is no longer anarcho-capitalism.
I wish I could stay and make you see but through failure I've learned there's things that cannot be taught and may only be learned.

>Feminine qt's with high sex drives and without the irrationality of real women

In outer space and the ocean. Only place you could properly get it done.

The good news is that you would have a buttload of money from all the corporations and rich guys looking for a tax haven.

>capitalism isn't human instinct
What is then?

Austrian economics is totally agnostic of the psychology behind people's motivations. It only assumes that people have motivations full stop.

>unless it is of course 'enforced', at which point by definition it is no longer anarcho-capitalism.
You can enforce contract and property rights without a state. What is a performance bond. What is an underwriter. Private law used to exist and was decentralized. Today bitcoin has demonstrated that decentralization is remarkably stable.

I spot a (bump)

On the bottom of the ocean.

Why not start in West Sahara lads?