What happens when automation kills off China's (aka the largest economy in the world's) industry?

What happens when automation kills off China's (aka the largest economy in the world's) industry?

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a massive culling or guaranteed income for everyone.

in China?

A well timed famine perhaps

Mass Chinese emigration to the U.S. and Europe obviously.

95% of the population starve to dead, while the land is pollute to the stage that crops cant grow.
And all the water is toxic and cant drink.
Meanwhile the 5% immigrant to Canada, Aus, US, Swissland, and live in fucking luxury that we cant even imagine.

>(((guaranteed income)))
Let's say you were part of the elite. There was 8-9 billion useless peasants that you have no use for. They eat, shit, demand resources, and what do you get for owning the factories, banks, everything? Nothing.

That's when pandemia and nanobots step into play.

Artisan trades start to become popular.

Lads, we're all gonna be whores lads.


China will be gonzo well before then. Their economy will tank any day now and million will starve. It's going to be fucking chaos

China isn't a capitalist wasteland run by jews. There is no reason for them to replace their jobs with robots, especially when the consequences are so obvious.

Fully Automated Gas Chambers

Maoism will do what it does best

Chinese being a truly untermnschen race will look like average African nation

talking to chinese I know, about 50 million dead in a civil / tribal war.

My fucking dream to completely exterminate non-whites. I wish to witness that. Out planet how it supposed to be

Unfortunately, there is only one solution to this problem - start the war - kill one billion of its own population. That's sad.

It will transition into true Marxist communism

How the fuck could automation kill off China's industry you literal retard. The people sure, but the industry?
Apart from that, what every else said.

he said CHINA not brooklyn,

>there is no reason for Apple to manufacture domestically which will be 10 times cheaper than even chink slave labor

Isn't china already strugling to compete with India?

China's economy=cheap labor
Once robots makes production even cheaper there will be no reason for anyone to outsource to China

>killing off industry

Are you fucking retarded?

see China'a industry is Western and Japanese outsourcing. Domestic automated production will make China obsolete.

The Chinese would happily let their population cannibalize each other before ever giving them guaranteed income.

>What happens when

Then will we dump all of the shit from manufacturing processes?

Checkmate robot faggets

A modest proposal
Soylent green

Like corporations give a shit

I already answered it, universal income is the only way

Billions die and even automated industry dies because there's no longer any low/middle class to buy their shit.

Don't be silly. China already has the most industrial robots in the world. China also recently surpassed the US in math and computer science research as measured by publications in top journals.

missed out a we there wew

You will have a bunch of unemployed zombies protesting you dumping where they live.

The only way it will end is with population control. Universal income will be you living in a commie block consuming the same mass produced shit with every other other pleb.

Enjoy your Oculus vacations for being a good goy.

America gets even richer

China is already a leader in automation

>China Overtakes US in Scientific Articles, Robots, Supercomputers


Elf lolis for everybody.

So? Domestic production is still 10 times cheaper and easier than outsourcing when the labor cost is low.

China will manufacture its own products, but I've yet to see succesful Chinese tech companies.

>china is sinking anyway..

So? There are protests all the time in non-totalitarian countries. As long as millennials and Gen Z get their Nintendo switch for cheap, these will be limited to a few crazed hairy eco-freaks

probably nothing.

there's always something to do for those chinks.


Why would automation kill China's industry? Logically it should only get far stronger.

But I thought the Chinese were all already drones? Automating an already robotic workforce seems like an unnecessary expendature.

That's when race based viruses get released my dude

Because the West and Japan will manufacture at home.

war happens.

Whats the best way to get rid of 10% of your population that has no jobs, and at the same time gain more resources for the survivors?

>China will manufacture its own products, but I've yet to see succesful Chinese tech companies.


Human factor, especially one that you cannot easily control because it's geographically removed will always be less reliable and more expensive than robots.

Sup Forums, you guys are seriously pessimistic.


>"automation reduces jobs" meme

Has literally never happened

Archived that for you

do you think it will?

they have unbelievable quantities of digital currencies, and they don't give a FUCK about their brainwashed people.

They will starve them, make up something, nobody will tell you how many die, they don't care as long as they still function, and china will be the first to have the robots anyway.


thanks, sorry

Reads like a paid ad. I've never seen anyone use a Chinese smartphone. It's all iphones, Samsung, Sony


Prepare for women in white countries to start fetishising poor Chinese immigrants

Other robots

I don't know where you live but Huawei for examle has some really nice phones that are pretty popular around the world

You sound like you are in denial

It wont because China has another trade advantage over the US...they dont give a shit about pollution and are full of corruption (a blessing and a curse)

never heard of it
i know HTC but its Taiwanese

Why can't we make Extermination Politics a norm again? Not all humans are equal. Not all races are equal. Why can't we wipe out chinks?


I think theyre modernising quickly. I would not count them out.

China (and India) is actually embracing the technology more than Americans are.

Its a paradox for our current economic system

Who will consume millions of luxuries? It requires a middle class.

What will consist of middle class if there are new jobs for layman or even a doctor?

>Lets wipe out the population and wealth with it
>lets induce stasis in science thanks to lack of scientists and engineers required to push progress
great job retard

as in Johnathan Swift?

sick reference bro

more people will go postal

You can exterminate everything South, Southwest and Eastwards of Switzerland and human progress won't slow. In fact, it will go even faster. All the resources in hands of superior race

They want to become a consumer and make us the producer. We wont let it happen because it means they will be the new america.

Are elves degenerate?

>hurr, China surpassed the U.S. in math publications
Well shit man, I'd like to hope so given that they have a billion more people there.

UBI and transition into a service economy. They could also just send some people to Africa and strip it's resources. Or they could militarize and mass produce super-soldiers with CRISPR.

Automation won't kill off the economy. The economy will adapt.