Yeah great idea faggot, create more violence in the streets because you disagree with people...

Yeah great idea faggot, create more violence in the streets because you disagree with people. This is what caused the Virginia shooting today.

Other urls found in this thread:



The DNC must disavow Kain and his decisive rhetoric

How can we fix this country? Hes got a point tho.. We have to fight or else nothing will get done.u


>laughs anti-semitically

Sounds 100% like an incitement to violence to me. He's an accessory, lock him up.



>"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.

>"My hopes and prayers are that Representative Scalise, congressional staff and the Capitol Police Officers who were wounded make a quick and full recovery. I also want to thank the Capitol Police for their heroic actions to prevent further harm."

The dems are out of hand. Theyre going to create a civil war

I think he meant protesting.

Either way it's a far less ambiguous statement than pic related

The hell kind of nose is that

Guns caused today's shooting.

He said fight in the streets. Stop sticking up for that piece of shit you scumbag

Yea lets deny motives. Guns shoot by themselves and no one actually handles a gun for a specific reason. Youre fucking dumb as rocks

Sick of this leftist rhetoric inciting people to violence.


Let's forget we're the only industrialized country with such murder rates and gun violence.

>explaining the constitution is ambiguous

>Yeah great idea faggot, create more violence in the streets because you disagree with people.

Teabaggers did worse.


Lol! Because cnn told you? Youre fucking retarded as fuck. Go cleanse your brain of propaganda then well talk

Heh. Sounds good to me.


Fox News is a terrorist hate network, CNN is objective.

And do some research about teabagger terrorism you retarded redneck.

This just reminded me of that bizarre Loretta Lynch video after the election that sounded like a call to violence.

'bout time

The 2A protects against tyranny ... I thought you guys liked it.

the shooter's facebook is now down. how? he's dead


Here you go

Whatever you say you paranoid delusional retard. None of that shit has any bearing on reality. Go shoot yourself

Have a (You), Pinko.

The EU has issued a 24-hour warning to Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland saying that they have to start taking in refugees under an EU migrant-sharing plan. The three countries immediately rebuffed the threat and appear ready to go to court.

Are you illiterate?

How is the current US government more authoritarian than the previous one ?

What are they gonna do, invade?

Disgusting: Washington Post Writer Defends Shooter

Culling the poor and minorities by supressing Obamacare and welfare.

Textbook facsism

There's no such thing as tea bagger terrorism

It is more than to just shoot the government, it is to defend yourself against criminals, pirates and foreign invaders.

Holy fucking shit


It ain't meme starts playing

Obama care helps the rich, not poor. Educate yourself

>not interfering is authoritarianism

Dems and esp government official dems are going fucking insane. Im seriously scared of them

>Killing your poorest citizens is not authoritarianism
>Obamacare helped millions of poor and minorities in this country idiot.

The Confederacy still has a shot

Ever heard of the ER? apparently not. People don't get turned away or "killed" in America over healthcare you dumbass

"Helping" is authoritarian you tiny brain faggot. Those resources came from somewhere and an authoritarian central power redistributed them.

Just quit responding to him/her/xe, they've got the lowest quality thought process I've seen since yesterday. They literally are not worth attention of any kind, nothing they say has value and their opinions are worthless.

I found you

Its hilarious how this smug faggot thought he made a good point with this when he just looks like a psycho


Media is to blame and now theyre going to do the muh gun control bullshit

>liberals believe that when people who disagree with them are in power that constitutes tyranny


yar matie, we are your greatest ally!!




is this post a joke? trump called for second amendment people to stop hillary

people should be incited to violence against a state ruled by a party that's literally stripping the non-uber rich of the barely-there protections they have

You make no sense. is that supposed to be an argument? Trump never even said that first of all. WTF is wrong with you people? STOP WATCHING MSM IDIOTS

he said it, here's video proof. are you gonna call this fake news?

Post loadouts for squashing filthy communists.

"Meteor to strike Earth and wipe out all life: women most affected". But in real life. And not a joke.

Shouldn't it have fallen by 100%?

time to bury the editor with this so he no longer wopo

Brown water navy? Those were the days. Semper Fi.

>cuts it off immediately after he says that

the only way to remove nazis is to fight them!

To arms!

well just the other day they tried to basically deny the press from having any access on the hill anymore by putting an arbitrary "you must first get a permission slip from half dozen different people any time you want to do an interview on our premises" rule in effect.

>inciting political violence

It's nigger time boi

I prefer this gun propaganda over new age gun propaganda.


yes it is fake news

nah we just dont want ABC News and CNN in the white house press corner. All they care about is Russia not real issues

"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick... If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know. But -- but I'll tell you what. That will be a horrible day. If -- if Hillary gets to put her judges -- right now, we're tied. You see what's going on."

there's your context. it doesn't change the meaning of what he said. do your research.

you're either trolling or delusional.

Fuck off, retard

Alright then go shoot another GOP or Trump meeting because you're triggered irrationally. I dunno what you're trying to prove here

your first post pointed out "leftist" inciting to violence, when the president's done the same thing, and he's on the right. that's hypocrisy.

There's nothing violent about that statement. He's talking about what Hillary would do if elected. Are you drunk?

Fuck off shill commie

"maybe the second amendment people could do something"? do you have basic reading comprehension, or are you ignoring this on purpose?

commie yes, shill no

That is not a violent statement. "do something" is a broad term

>Reducing taxes and removing a bill that forces people to pay health insurance with the consequence of a fine is fascist.

Anyone who unironically uses "fascist" is a braindead retard who needs their netflix subscription cut and toilet paper degree gone.

You must be lost. Back to r politics

You forgot the part where crime rate involving knives and swords increased by over 90%

Here's you're (((you))) faggot

what else could "second amendment people" in particular do, other than either commit an act of violence or threaten to do so?

the politics community at that website is a neoliberal circlejerk. no thanks.

the post you responded to is a troll. no true communist would suggest disarming the working class.

A cartoonish one.

Vote for Trump and not Hillary? its not rocket science.. you're just a faggot liberal looking to nit pick because you don't like Trump.

the thing is, though, ANYONE could vote for trump, not just second amendment people. why would he say that there's "something" the second amendment people could do instead of just saying to vote for him?

i hate both trump and hillary, but think trump is a better choice. if we push the capitalist system to its most absurd limits, people will see its heartlessness and rise up to destroy it.

hillary, on the other hand, would keep the death machine working fine with little complaint. she's also evil.

i'm not a liberal.

The Second Amendment is for opposing a tyrannical government. The spirit of it lies with the Founders' mentality when they revolted against their overtaxing, overbearing government.
What is happening now is converse to that. People are threatening violence for the sake of precisely the opposite cause.
Lefties like yourself are BEGGING for tyranny. Whereas the Founders sought individual freedom, leftists like the sick fuck who shot Scalise are inciting violence so their countrymen may be under the thumb of an unrepresentative body.
It's disgusting and you should be ashamed.


"under the thumb of an unrepresentative body" coming from the guy defending the president who lost the popular vote by millions. grow up.

i don't want tyranny, i want a system that doesn't let poor people fucking die while giving billions of dollars in tax cuts to the uber-rich.