Even after having the republicunts shot like wild animals in the open very little will change in the country.
Continue preparing for the inevitable collapse and continue improving yourself. This country is doomed.
Even after having the republicunts shot like wild animals in the open very little will change in the country.
Continue preparing for the inevitable collapse and continue improving yourself. This country is doomed.
Other urls found in this thread:
op is a faggot
traps are still gay
I'm just going to say that i would!
You know I'm right.
We know nothing will change under the current system. This is just a little appetizer before the main happening.
>nothing will change
>prepare for edgelord fantasy collapse.
>what is the welfare state collapsing?
Being this fucking stupid.
Did your social studies teacher teach you anything useful this year, Johnny?
he taught me your a faggot.
>not a single brap post
I'm confused desu
ad hominem as a reply.
Should we join the military to get some war experience?
>implying (you) deserve more.
please be a guy
I just like having something that they literally can't refute without looking like a bunch of ignorant, homicidal, or bullet-dodging maniacs.
It's great watching them squirm.
I have contemplated the following:
1. moving to a South American third world country with savings in gold and silver when shit hit the fans.
2. joining a local militia.
3. joining the army --which carries the risk of being sent to die for the kikes in the interim.
4. continue stockpiling ammo/canned food/silver and gold enough to keep me going for a year.
Option 1 is my favorite. Being part of a militia sounds good too.
I'm sure that expert preppers will have a better perspective on the situation.
So true.
>Even after having the republicunts shot like wild animals in the open very little will change in the country.
They were only wounded. Cry more, Nazi.
I could tell this is a dude. Better luck next time, OP
Start meming civil war. We have unfinished business. If you say civil war enough it will end up happening. The conditions are starting to get right.
South America is already coming to your country. No need to move
Trump would never allow for Civil War to happen, it would make Ivanka sad. He's that fucking cucked by his own daughter.
Unless the left goes full frontal attack on the government while Trump is there nothing will happen.
Countries where you can lead a good life:
Argentinan Pampa (away from the cancerous buenos aires)
Mexican Peninsula
Do your research.
lol id like to see communist faggots try
I'll keep that in mind if I ever feel like living in the 3rd world.
i wish it was a trap but alas tis a lass
are you retarded? men don't have child birthing hips
it's clearly a shop
Next hero needs to not miss so much.
>No a trap
Eh... alright, I can handl--
Into the trash she goes.
Oooh yummy better post more
I-it can be a shop right?
Shill thread. Sage and disregard.
go to /hm.
If you like innies that's fine, but you don't know dick about vag if you think that's a roastie, and the b hole is definitely intact. Not to mention that room makes me think she is fairly young.
Wait, what, that's a trap in OP's post? WTF, I'm bi now!
sorry imgur.com
First time I've been wrong, really thought that was a man's butt.
It's because she's standing in a strange position which makes her back appear more straight. That's what made me think it was a trap butt at least.
Mods do your fucking jobs
You brought the flag posting cancer upon us you don't have the right to cite there's too much