Racist Instagram Photos Tore a California High School Apart


>According to a complaint filed in federal court, on that day the offending kids "were forced to march through the high school and were lined up in full view of all or most of the student body. School administrators allowed the student body to hurl obscenities, scream profanities, and jeer at the Plaintiffs and the other suspended students, who were all not allowed to leave what the school considered an act of 'atonement' but was rather a thinly veiled form of public shaming."


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War soon

If I were a parent of a child at that school I'd kick the principal's ass when he goes to his car to leave.

Social media was a mistake.

Hold your head high.

Social media or phones? I loathe both and make sure to cut contact with anyone who sinks vast amount of into either.

>Mfw people would rather sink hours into a boring Youtuber rather than pick up a genuine philosophy or classical literature book

This is why the Japanese are beating us in just about everything

>It was pulled up to an Instagram account containing pictures of the 16-year-old and several other black students with nooses around their necks and side-by-side with monkeys

The shitty Vice writing makes it difficult to tell if the nooses were photoshopped in or if the nogs already had a pic like that. The answer should be obvious (the former) but this is California, it wouldn't shock me if they had a white guilt project in photography class.


a lawyer is going to destroy this school in court

Well, that was always going to end well...

Should have shouted an 'My Honor is Loyalty' or something.

Because why not.

>a lawyer is going to destroy this school in court

The California courts and 9th circuit have been lost for decades. School will win.

seems legit

>the offending kids "were forced to march through the high school and were lined up in full view of all or most of the student body. School administrators allowed the student body to hurl obscenities, scream profanities, and jeer at the Plaintiffs and the other suspended students, who were all not allowed to leave what the school considered an act of 'atonement' but was rather a thinly veiled form of public shaming."
They never learn... do they?

>polack autist wants to be racist in real life
>polack autists get rightfully and justifiably btfo
literally nothing wrong with this.
Link related

The Japs consume an insane amount of media and it has fucked up their society to a certain extent, just look at all the MGTOW-tier losers with their virtual girlfriends. Don't worship false idols.

Generation Zyklon is being forcebly overdosed on redpills by commie kikes and nogs. How will this end?

>be a nigger
>see a broken swing in the park
>das a noose whitey be raycis n shieet


At least they weren't stripped naked and pelted with tomatoes.

if my kids were encouraged to taunt and ridicule other kids I'd pull them the fuck out no matter the circumstance. Little shits are mouthy enough as it is.