Has a point, tbhfam

has a point, tbhfam

Yep, so true

>Black people are genetically inferior
>Black people should get the same benefits so everyone is on even field

Which one is it?

Or maybe those short kids could learn some fucking ingenuity and go grab another box. What happened to this nation, why do we always expect other people to solve our problems?

perhaps just turn the fence into a chain link one

The two are not the only possible options, so the whole 'which one' schtick is logically fraudulent.

> Black people are disadvantaged by an inherently racist institution so forcing institutions to make up for this is fair

Sounds more like it.

Great point, some people are shorter than others. Blew my synapses OP

>Black people are disadvantaged by an inherently racist institution so forcing institutions to make up for this is fair
No, they're just lazy idiots. Trust me, if someone who is poor wants to stop being poor, then they can through hard work and smart thinking. At least in the nation, not sure how things are over at the UK.

Instead of stacking crates why not just remove the fence?

Why don't they buy a ticket and stop being freeloading sacks of shit?

I don't understand why you European cucks are so obsessed with black people. I guess too much American (((TV shows))) about how ebil YT is fried your brains?

maybe these idiots could pay for a fucking seat.

Why don't they just buy a ticket?

"Racist institution" is logically fraudulent. The word "racist" is used to sidestep the fact blacks are genectically less intelligent and commit more crime. Your post only reinforces the Finns post about the leftist double think. Congrats you played yourself


wtf I love communism now

What they are doing is by some definitions stealing.

Buy a seat you fucking neggers.

In what way is it an "inherently racist institution"?

No, that's a waste of boxes. There should only be one box needed for the red guy and the dad should have his little kid on his shoulders. He'd know that if he wasn't a nigger.

Filthy Commies have to be compelled, on pain of violence, to help others.
Because they're selfish cunts.
Unlike the voluntary help you see in the shitty pic by OP.
Joseph McCarthy did nothing wrong.

I keked audibly

This comic is so dumb.
You can clearly see a hole in the fence to the left . the smallest kid would,just need one box to peep in there.
Sure, it wouldn't be as good as looking over the fence but youd get Atleast a good eye full


Manlet deserve euthanasia.

None of these brown shitbags has any tickets. None of them are allowed to watch the fucking game.


Not pictured: the tall one buying the boxes

I love the new pol now. Memes are gonna be great.

problem is leftists want equity by chopping off yellow pants legs.

or build it higher so fucking niggers have to pay to watch the game


>has a point, tbhfam
If only that picture in any way represented objective reality, faggot.

>all whites exterminated
checks out.

I'll take false equivalency for 300, Alex

Also not pictured: the white owner and manufacturer of the boxes, the white lumberjacks who cut the wood for them, and the white workers making them and shipping them.

>white people have to work all their lives and then use their money to buy free gibs for the spic horde because I watched a kike show on the retard channel that said so

I wouldn't mind if it raises a whole black generation out of ghetto nigga gang bang culture.

Prove it. What are these buzzwords ""inherently racist institution" supposed to mean?
Go ahead I'll wait

>buying tickets


"Inherently racist" means "I can't compete because my entire race has the collective brainpower of a single white 11-year-old"


Fucking lel

Fucking chink

needs more (you)

Or they could just stop being lazy niggers and buy tickets ti the game.

make the right one white, make the middle one a female and the left one a shitskin. female gets non crate, the shitskin gets all 3, and the white guy gets a hole duck beneath him. thats how the current system works


>but muh can't buy bcoz whitey took muh pyramidz n sheit


Yes more affirmitive action! because it worked the last 60 years!

just give up on them and stop punishing yourself for their failures


>illegally watching a game

Another solution would be to kill all the manlets

We didn't any of them buy tickets like the rest did or watch the game on tv?

U mad African slave?

If the wooden fence is the problem, and the boxes are government handouts, then isn't it about time you address the wooden fence instead if redistributing the boxes? Because midgets, tall kids, and amputees.

>you can't earn height
False equivalency and saged


Don't trust these nerds ever.

Their whole life style has been produced by video games only giving you two options.


So much for "equity" when all three individuals are trying to watch a game without having paid for a ticket.

no, manlets can fuck off

Your grammar is absolute shit

True. But what can we really do? They don't seem to want to leave or be productive all together creating generations of degenerate gang culture thugs that fuck up society anyways.


>I wouldn't mind if it raises a whole black generation out of ghetto nigga gang bang culture.

BBG (based black generation) vs BBC generation


avenue place

kek you're right. this is closer to reality anyway

>only a couple of decades of equality and nigs admit not all races are equal

I just realized im so drunk I posted the capcha in the text box aswell fuck


take out the jew fence

how unrealistic
>niggers capable of basic cooperation

Equity results in death because if tall guy refuses to go along with the box redistribution the state kills him

And then they kill the short guy for tellig people about what he saw

illustrates a good point notice how they aren't in the stadium seats

can someone make a photoshop were there are no boxes and the people have no t-shirt were it says "socialism" at the bottom?

This is actually a copy of this comic (third panel added later on for truth obviously, the original was just the two panels).

The real unequality
Pic related

All three are unpaying biggest.



Wow really makes you think.

now that's what i call equality

Pic is incorrect. In reality, something is taken away from the tall man and given to the short man to boost his height.

>cant spell
>complains about niggers

In Ancapistan: Tall guy built the boxes, trades them to the short niggers, and both sides benefit. That, or they get shot for trying to watch the game without a ticket. Paradise.

And I'm not talking about a box.

The short guy just has to work harder so he can pay for 2 boxes, what do you not understand?

Or he could switch to chess.

>illegally watching a game over a fence
What the fuck is up with spics and doing illegal things on fences?

No it doesn't. Economics and social issues are much more complex than a cartoon book in these concepts down to boxes.
This type of reduction is intellectually dishonest.

>race war soon
>day of rake/rope
>but im not starting it hur dur
causes one to ponder

translate pls

The problem is when the short kid is cutting of the tall guys legs and calling it "equity"


I don't care about equity or equality. Also fuck them for watching the game without paying.

Sorry I cant translate into Nazi. People faught a war so I didnt have to

That is not 'Equity'

i love (you)

can equality support equity? or can equity support equity? makes you think OP?

Wrong, its Eugenics.
Midgets should never fuck, specially shit-skin, balding, mutant, midgets.

Society owes you nothing if you can't stand on your own.
Get your own boxes and leave my taxes alone, welfare leech.

I agree.

Normies deserve nothing.