You're an idiot, plain and simple. You are a simple, stupid individual, and your presence takes enjoyment out of people's day. If it's your goal to actively try to make things worse for people in any small way you can muster, than unlike you, I can tell you without 7 layers of irony, that this world very likely would be that much better off with you dead, as this is your idea of having a good time. On a large scale, I have difficulty imagining you as anything but a detriment.

No, I’m not mad, I just don't get my jollies from literally, if your coincidental choice of anonymous imageboard is any indication, hiding behind several protective masks. You are very likely someone who has had no luck expressing his true opinion in an open forum, and now resorts to sarcasm, no longer confident in his ability to hold a complex opinion on anything.

Now, this is going to sound like meme-core shitposting, but I have quite literally ascended past your stupid antics. You are not unique on the internet, you are more common than not.

And don't say I didn't warn you. One day all of this irony is going to end and people will be expected to actually wear their opinions like badges of honor. When that day comes, maybe you'll actually remember what that feels like.

Other urls found in this thread:

Heil Hitler you scum!

I'm really sorry your dad left your mom. I'm sorry your mom turned to alcohol. I'm sorry you didn't have a father around enough to raise you and teach you what being a man means.

It's not your fault though.

Do you want to talk about it?

Im on to you fucks

I bet you dont even know whos agenda you really serve

I know that this is copy past bait but this is the most open forum there is

you're reading too much into it. it's just the internet. relax and enjoy the ride.


Anarchists are literally retarded. Have fuck getting crushed by imperialist forces
t. Marxist-leninist

You say you're not mad but you really just sound quite asshurt anarchokiddie.

>hates anarchists
You seem alright user.

> gommie preaching about others "making things worse for people"
You sick fucks are going to enjoy some helicopter rides soon.

Anarchism is cancer, how anyone unironically an anarchist is beyond me

You're both retards.

I am an individual.
That's the difference. You are just some foolish collectivist jumping on an ideological bandwagon to be kewl and edgy.
Your words are meaningless and you offer the world nothing but your obsession with labeling and putting people in boxes.
You are the true fascist.

Please leave; Sup Forums is and always will be a board of peace.

Antifarts leave


>says the snekposter

You might be partially right but it's impossible not to trigger lefty 'tards after this 2016 election. Liberal shrieking and pants-shitting started off at extremely high levels when Trump announced his campaign. It reached record levels when Trump won the nomination. It touched the stratosphere a week before the election. It went to the moon when Trump won the election and it hasn't dropped since. Triggering these liberal arseholes on a daily basis makes for some extremely good fun :^)


>1 post by OP


>smashes window
>throws bottle at small child
>gets rugby tackled by police and put in prison for committing crimes


>economic freedom continues to directly correlate with economic prosperity
>meanwhile, there still is not a single example of a successful socialist society


fuck off fash

Keynes proves this wrong, hah.
Market needs to be regulated, otherwise nasty shit happens.

>GDP represents the overall health of a nation
>Doesn't factor in a nationals overall industrial capacity
>Doesn't factor in happiness index
>Doesn't factor in rates of anti-depressent use
>etc... etc...
The ignorance of the lolberg continues to make me laugh. Thanks user.

Wait patiently. Your day of rope is coming.

>I'm an antifa faggot, and I say anyone who hides their identity is shit
You're the ones parading around in masks, bitch.

Anarchy is just a meme

>Keynes proves this wrong, hah.
Reality proves Keynes wrong.

I'm sure that if you indoctrinate the people enough and give them happy pills ala Brave New World they will rate very high on the happiness index, but that doesn't mean shit for the health of a nation.

>this is going to sound like meme-core shitposting, but I have quite literally ascended

You're right. It does sound memecore. You're 12.

Only thing you like more than doing this kind of crap is suckinig dick,right?

>accuses me of wanting brave new world
>meanwhile (((America))) under (((capitalism))) is basically brave new world.
God you faggots are fucking dumb.

>nations where people can afford antidepressants buy more antidepressants

>One day all of this irony is going to end and people will be expected to actually wear their opinions like badges of honor.
Yeah, and you'll be facing down your executioner on that day.

>nation where antidepressents are heavily marketed by (((pharmaceutical companies))) leads to more people using antidepressents
What a shock!

Wipe your ass, shit's stinking up the place
>lashing out on a Ugandan wine tasting forum

Merchant thread?

Want to fight?

I'm confused, are you trying to say anti-depressants are bad somehow? Because guess what, not taking anti-depressants doesn't make you not depressed.

His father probably was around, but beat him too much and made him deranged.

kek, nice larp faggot, now shoot yourself

poorly written at best

>You're an idiot, plain and simple.

Would you stop being extremely discriminatory towards people with mental disabilities please!

I'm saying that if a nation is full of people taking antidepressants then there's some serious underlying societal problems facing that nation. Many of which are both social and economic.

Op is a aids ridden faggot, i hope xe cant afford its meds

Whine more, faggot.

Fuck communism and fuck communists

your shit doesn't make sense

In other nations they don't get anti-depressants, they just stay depressed.

(crows are cute and smarties)

>One day all of this irony is going to end and people will be expected to actually wear their opinions like badges of honor.
I washed my hands of American politics years before Dolan Dump even thought of running for president. I have no opinions to prattle on social media. You're chasing a ghost.

>missing the point this hard

>And don't say I didn't warn you. One day all of this irony is going to end and people will be expected to actually wear their opinions like badges of honor.
Ohh, so you're pretty obviously implying a communist dictatorship where people get jailed/executed for literally having an opinion. Wow, let's put this guy in charge!

You're exactly what we're fighting against. You need to die. Sage you worthless cunt.

>You're the ones parading around in masks, bitch.

he's supposed to be the hip one.

Well you're really trying to push this point about anti-depressants and happiness, but you can be a happy North Korean citizen, that doesn't mean your system is the best system. I consider the system that produces the highest quality of life for the most people to be the best system, and I think the only fair way of measuring quality of life is through the material wealth of the citizenry, otherwise you have all sorts of fuckery from indoctrination to weather messing with the results.

>no successful socialist state

>One day all of this irony is going to end and people will be expected to actually wear their opinions like badges of honor.

You can't even wear your country flag, how can I take you seriously?

commie is butthurt since years of idealogical protest down the drains because some stupid memes :)

Commies and the likes are the most naive subhumans

>You're an idiot

What does it take for me to explain that Sup Forums loves you, we're family now, like you always wanted.
We're the same, you and Sup Forums because of we are all one race, the human one.

In fact you kind of remind me of Trump with all your enthusiasm. Go Trump !!

National socialism is only half socialism desu

Fuck off :)

Nazi Germany only lasted 12 years, it's as bad as a failure as any of the communist nations
>inb4 we only lost cause we went to war with everyone

being "an"cap i'm sure you recognise deranges better than anyone

I'm no ancap, but I still don't get the appeal of left-wing anarchism. You want no government or corporations, but you still want to be bossed around by everybody?

>You're an idiot, plain and simple
Yet we can find a plane in the middle of nowhere, a terrorist training base in the desert and a flag in a country of 9000km2.

Also we built a database about (You), worry not.

>2 posts by this ID
Fucking fake and gay

No it's not, the Jews chained socialism to internationalism in 1848 with Marx's communist manifesto. There's nothing inherently internationalist about socialism outside of Marx, unlike capitalism which always was globalist.

Look at the quality of life of the average German in 1935 vs the average American in 1935 and then come back and say that dumb shit you wrote with a straight face.

Look at the quality of life of the average American in 1946 vs the average German in 1946 and tell me Nazism worked with a straight face.

you called ?

Bossed around by everybody?

>losing a war means your economic system is bad

If Germany didn't have by far the greatest economic system and military ever they would have lost the war in a few months. I really don't see how Germany losing a war to every kiked and jewed country on earth is proof that their system never worked.

When you're system involves declaring a war on everybody around you (or giving a dictator the power to do so) then when that nation is destroyed it is the fault of that system.

Keep saying that we are the bad guys when your fellow comrades burnt down cars and attacked police officers when Hillary lost (and now).
You just keep telling that you are the real proletariats when you haven't worked in your whole fucking life.
Heil victory

>invade resource-heavy countries without warning them
>use resources to build weapons
pretty sure any first world country could have done this at the time for some finite time

some people aren't made for work, you shouldn't force them, when they would fuck it up everytime

I agree that we shouldn't force people to work, but if you don't work why the fuck should you be given any of the wealth?

people are wealthy without working durr



If someone is smart enough to gather wealth without having to work then there's nothing wrong with that, work smarter not harder.

We memed a reality TV star into the highest political office achievable in the united states.
I think we'll continue doing what we're doing and see where it goes.
Sup Forumss core is largely old Sup Forums.
You want to poke the hornets nest?
slavery was started with one white man sipping ice tea on his porch who had but a simple thought "i dont feel like doing any work today"
remember that, nigger.

You have just literally described yourself and then pointed out the Irony of your own post, stop looking inward and projecting and start looking outward, also maybe seek mental help.

This, anarchist are just dreamers and homosexuals and commies are monsters who want muh freedom away in the name of some possible utopía that never comes

boy that antifatard kike jidf shill was pretty salted wasn't he ? What is it that we didnt do t6o get him so upshit ?

that's your opinion and it's wrong

That statement doesn't even make fucking sense. Every country has the power to wage war and Hitler's reasons were perfectly sound.

That's fucking rich coming from a limey who took over 1/4 of the earth to acquire enough foreign resources to build the largest navy in history.

why do you faggots keep bumping this trash thread?
fucking Sup Forums is so finished.


No, those people die, if you don't want to work but they can do it, well ok we are not going to force you but dont expect free shit from the people who actually Work, its unfair that the proletarian who Works 6 hours should give half his earnirgs to Bob who was offer work but he dint want it

If someone is smart enough to save up their money to buy a house, and then they rent that house to a willing occupant, why should they not be allowed to do that? Every part of the exchange was voluntary, anyone could do what that person is doing, why should he be punished for his ingenuity?


>directly advocates Jewish usury

Now I know who you really are

i mean at least we invested our resources further economic endeavours

Every country has the power to wage war, not every country can wage war at the whim of a single man. Hitler declared war on Poland, which brought the UK and France into the war, then he declared war on the USSR while still at war with the UK, then he declared war on the USA while still at war with the UK and USSR. That kind of strategic stupidity lead to Germany's downfall.

butthurt right wing retard redditors go back to r/t_d

Anyone got a short version of what this retard is saying?

>Hey goys rent-seeking and loan-sharking are totally voluntary! You don't have to participate, you can always choose to starve!

you fucking apologist right think about it

I'm not seeing a whole lot of arguments here.

I'm okay with that. I'm already pretty much open about my politics.
I think you're operating under the impression that anarchism is any more popular than fascism. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's less so.

"say it to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens"

>You guys are fags
This basically