Renee Bracey Sherman

Renee Bracey Sherman, a proud abortion having black feminist. Was "digitally terrorized" by a """white terrorist""" in an airport cafe/bar. She received a bluetooth image of a green frog. Jacob, the send, was cussed out by his racist intimidation, and shamed on twitter for his actions

link to twitter thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>"waah im a woman and im opressed waaaaah waaaaah WAAAAAHH"
>proceeds to opressed innocents
God if you're real, you wouldn't have created women like this, leftists or Islam or any of this other bullshit that ruins the world today.


take this white supremacist terrorist filth down

I love doing shit like this. My favorite is finding an unsecured printer and spooling up 300+ pages of anime girls in MAGA hats.

Jesus man, the definition of a witch hunt.

Posting one little cartoon frog makes libs foam their mouth. SAD!

Digital terrorizer

Sounds cool

>this passes for white in america

>Digital Terrorizer
Is a great band name

reality is parody



Trump is fueling nanoterrorism this can't be tolerated

Like I mean surely he told her off and that wasn't included, just photos she perfectly chose, but damnit I half want this to happen to me. Id double down so hard on that delusional bitch.



Fucking hell, I still can't get over the sheer magnificence of this timeline. Pepe the goddamn frog is a symbol of terror and death to millions of people.

what info can we find on her ? can we find something to discredit her?


>What about the memes!

This guy looks Arab. I'm starting to think Sup Forums and kekistan and nothing more than controlled opposition at this point.

I want to fuck this girl over. How can I fuck this girl over.

What did the internet terrorist do?

doing God's work user

Only bed wetting pussies don't like abortions. No better than a leftist

why wont you accept white sharia you do realize women don't belong in the workforce nor public life at all? you guys are so fucking stupid

This would make for a great Bogdanoff picture.

>be Muslim
>run over people with trucks
>blow up buildings
>"we'll just carry on as usual"
>claim responsibility for atrocities and terrorism
>some dingus post frog pictures online

How do we even compete

Some of the comments
Someone dox this bitch, shouldn't be hard, Andy White is a faggot too
These people can only learn the hard way

>skinnyfag jiggling under pink polo
>nu-male beard
>Apple Watch
>low T
Yep, it's a pede.

If there was a single sect of Christianity pushing for an equivalent set of rules I'd be all over it. But Islam is for smelly desert shitskins


I was at a bar a week ago and printed out a bunch of spooky images on some unsecured printer.

Guys dont read the replies to tweets.
You'll lose a good chunk of hope you had left.

>How do we even compete
>Why do we even compete

It's cool smashbro, we should just bow out, let t hem embrace the grill on the truck of peace and pick through the ruins for the body parts that were tolerant enough to withstand the force of impact.

>"waah im an atheist and i'd be a better god the God himself waaaaah waaaaah WAAAAAAH"
>proceeds to tip fedora
user, if you're heterosexual, you wouldn't have turned this into an atheist rant, or made this post, or any of this bullshit that you're running your mouth about.

plzz #justiceforjacob

A true hero

Press H to salute him


if you get on her twitter feed and press the downwards arrow on all of those tweets and report her for harassing/abusing/doxing which is what she is doing, you will get her 100% banned or at the least force her to delete those tweets. Get to it.

Here is the cunts website:

Under Contact Me:
>Get in touch with me via email: [email protected]

Sorry for newfag question but are people using H as a salute because 88?
seems like an extension from the "Press F to pay respects" meme

nice b8 faggot

I'm assuming H is for "HEIL!"


how about the fact that she is posting personal information of perfectly innocent people on twitter and demanding a witch hunt which is a violation of most state laws? She has her employers info posted right there on her bio. I do not shit with you when I say if you want her job TONIGHT you send an email to said employers with that shit in it and she won't know where her next paycheck will be coming from period

Good to know

The left is so morally bankrupt that they openly praise killing babies.

The fact they have to justify their actions by 'lol itz not really alive dummy' is frightening.

Free Speech faggot! Don't be like your enemy. What's next? Ban people for posting offensive images of Jesus Christ?

That guy is not white

her employers are posted in the bio, just mention she is going around self admittedly verbally harassing innocent memers. you can have her job, you can start the most stressful half a year in her life. getting fired is fucking rough especially when all you know to do is talk about abortion and womens issues


The replies to that tweet gave me brain cancer. RIP me.

it's not free speech you dumb cunt it's doxing which is not only against the law in most places it would only be using the same tactic against her so there is no injustice or foul play whatsoever. I'm not just going to limit my arsenal because some faggot on Sup Forums thinks it's substandard due to some stupid emotional argument he made up

why don't you get in there and start some shit with us?

>black feminist
>loses her shit because of a fucking cartoon
>photographs and disseminates the photo, accuses the guy of being a white supremacist
>has thousands of crazy people cheering her on on twitter

Jesus Christ, the guy probably isn't even racist, but this nigress is going to ruin his life, his job is as good as gone, and people will at best harass the guy at worst beat him up.

((Jacob)) Renee is a fucking anti-Semite!!!!!!


Did Sup Forums just got doxed?

>all the fucking keks

Just proof you can't reveal your power level unless you're ready to lose everything. The Left is pure evil and does not care about right or wrong, only crushing dissention like a mob.

Such retards here. Fun me for reading some

Oh shit poor Reneeeeee she doesnt like pepe? Oh no how unfortunate.

Lets send her a metric fuck ton of pepes over social media

Then again if we're just hiding our power levels we let them control what's considered an acceptable opinion.

nice try shalomhole

Poor Jacob. Tfw no gf....

RIP in pieces

Jaffa Calling

>lose everything

He only needs to phase out of social media for some time and return later. He becomes untouchable.

Democrats and communists don't deserve free speech

>white supremacist jacob
>white supremacist
>white jacob

what did she mean by this?

The fire rises

the fire gets pissed on a lot

i posted a pepe meme and got blocked instantly.


please stop oppressing me racist

Let's just hope he doesn't get his hands on the codes for the nukes...

>"I am the terror that faps in the night!"

Find out her adress and snail mail her rare pepes

she even has a page on her site about lectures on " DIGITAL HARASSMENT " .. find me her address .. i can mail her pictures of PEPE the old fashion way ...
( I'll show her )

Fucking this. You can't be afraid to say what you are because you fear the backlash because you'll never make your views heard and respected that way. The left has made so much ground because they've made their narrative acceptable, even the norm to some people. 30 years ago, to be called a socialist was black mark that could never be erased, now, they parade it around like a badge of honor.

For being half black she has a terrible ass

You aren't going to get fired for sharing a Pepe unless you work for the DNC



That explains a lot

can anyone crack this baby open?

Looks ancient as fuck and there's even some php code visible

thanks user .. just ruined my CAPS hockey season forever . QUICK burn down Verizon stadium .


Press f to pay respect for the poor trash cans that are going to be burned down in the future peaceful riots.

The word is 'Cyberkampf', actually.


God damn that is some powerful stupid.

hes french

>eradication of abortion stigma
>ahhh I killed a living creature that I created inside of me! Don't judge me!"

post cap of post pls

what the fuck thats just awful

Could he not sue for defamation?

That looks like a man BABY

Why you have to say the frog was green, racist
I bet you wouldnt say shit if it was a red frog

This could work if twitter wasn't run by lefty cucks who exclusively ban infidels. They'll take 1 look at the bio "black feminist" - no ban.


She is mentally ill
She proudly claims she had an abortion in her bio

I know you chaps over the pond love suing people, that's an easy defamation lawsuit if I've ever seen one

Destroy this cunt

You have my sword

I like this. You can send them from a public mailbox so she can't post your address. Try sending a few every couple of days for maximum effect.

he's cute

She wrote an article about removing DOX information.. GUYS.. Game on?