Is Strasserism based? Or is it just as cringe as Nazbol?
Is Strasserism based? Or is it just as cringe as Nazbol?
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Nazbols are the best shitposters desu
If i have to google what that is its probably shit.
also whats with the flags i dont like this.
Black Front, split from the Nazi Party.
Although NatSoc is b e s t Strasserism is being adopted in Germany because of muh holocaust and muh denazifying
Ok i googled it and its defiently shit. Removes the most important aspects of NatSoc for the sake of muh anti capitalism. Wiki says it drops the topic of culture, race, religion etc.
night of the long knives when?
Pretty much.
>if I don't know what it is it's probably shit
They're literally just Aryan race communists
I don't see the point of image. Why do jews want universal suffrage?
Nothing wrong with stresserism in the grand scheme of things.
Judge it yourself. I suggest you read ''Future of Germany''.
It's as cringe as everyone who calls themselves a socialist is.
In a sense, although Strasserism is more left wing compared to NatSoc, I fucking wouldn't mind if we where living under it. Much better then the shit we see ourselves in today.
if you haven't heard about something as basic as Strasserism you should get out
No you idiot. Strasserism is not ''racist communism''. Strasserites are opposed to Marxism, even if they acknowledge that Marx was right about some things.
Based, and there's nothing wrong with nazbols either faggot.
I understand, but Strasserism is much more left wing than natsoc, a little too worker based.
And that's saying something, because Adolf Hitlers Germany was massively worker based.
If your sigil has a hammer, a sickle or a combination of the two in it, then it's fucking degenerate.
kys faggot.
Even though you hide behind that flag you're real easy to spot, Americunt
I guess you're German OP because Strasserism is very common there because of the fucking war and all, even the NPD has some strasserist elements.
Strasserism is terrible, its Nationalism and Marxist Socialism mixed together, its EXACTLY like Nazbol.
The faggot who made Strasserism got shot during the night of the long knives.
If I where you, I'd join Die Dritte Weg, they are true NatSocs, but they do use strasserist symbols, because you know, muh ebil Nazism.
Strasserism is Nazbol.
Their flag is pretty cool but the only genuine explanations I've seen of it were kinda cucky desu.
there are two types of nazbols/strasserites on this board
1. epip nazbol gang memers
2. raiders from leftypol
most are in the latter
do not trust them
Thing is it's not nearly as left-wing as people here believe because they never bothered reading about it, besides repeating memes of retarded Hitlerboos.
Unlike Soviet-style socialism, that meant almost total control over the economy by the state, Strasserism acknowledges both workers and managers/owners, who would be partners with the state and share the profit. Thus, private property is not banned.
Strasserites also don't believe in equality of outcome, but they believe in absolute equality of opportunity.
It's ironic when people say Strasserism is ''extreme Nazism'', when in reality it's far more moderate and sane.
>i get my politics from wikipedia and Sup Forums
Just fucking getting out. You're either a retard or underaged
Go suck off some industrialists you cuck nigger.
OP here.
I am from Germany, thanks for clearing that for me.
I heard of Die Dritte Weg, I never wanted to join the NPD, they are very infiltrated by the government.
I made this thread because my older brother was a member of a strasserist group, but left because he said they where "Jewish Marxists"
We need a strasserist flag to the custom flags are well.
>I am from Germany
>Die Dritte Weg
No one here bothers to read, ever. They just repeat shit someone wrote without any checking.
Strasserism is the REAL national socialism. Hitler's bullshit is not a coherent ideology, it's a mixture of his own autistic ideas, his lust for power, and whatever his sycophants fed him.
Hitler's way and ideology failed. It's forever tainted by that failure and by the consequences it inflicted on Germans and all Europeans.
Yet idiots here can't evolve beyond cringy low-tier memeing and blind aggression.
White and based.
Universal suffrage (democracy) = rule by the uncouth masses (anarchic ochclocracy) = rule by whoever controls the media and flow of gibsmedat (plutocracy) = rule by Jewish banks and mega corporations
>No you idiot. Strasserism is not communism, it's just communism
>Marx was right
you could say the same about capitalists. Just because a lot of capitalists are jews doesn't make all jews capitalists. There's some overlap but you're missing the forest for the trees the real issue is capitalists who own everything.
Marx was right ABOUT SOME THINGS, you fucking idiot. Marx wasn't right about what to do about it. Why are you people doing this all the fucking time?
You offer no arguments, you just act like fucking stereotypical Jews and you grab a word or a phrase from a post and post an epic meem picture.
If I didn't know better I'd call you agents provocateurs.
How would Stalin have won WWII if he didn't suck off capitalists and industrialists though?
>inb4 Russia could've won without help
Why do you think capitalism and democracy are often found together? The Jews ran a Hegelian dialectic of communism vs capitalism to synthesize modern globalism. Both were ultimately materialist Jewish ideologies. Third way is the right way.
Western aid was 10-15% of Soviet industrial production. Far from insignificant, but to say he won only because of that is fucking idiotic and shows you're a historical illiterate.
Battle of Moscow was won before any significant aid arrived.
Pro-tip for all Hitlerboo niggers here, I'm not saying Stalin was a great guy, I'm just saying this poster is wrong.
>getting this assblasted
Mate I'm just being an ebin trickster here, also you're still a commie who needs gassing
If you're not interested in political discussion why do you come to this board?
This board is for political discussion. You have shitload of other boards for trolling.
Strasserism IS Nazism.
But *you're* not on other boards.
>William Pierce
The fascination with National Socialism was never about the party's official stance but rather the success Hitler's policies had independent of the war. Just because you put on a different flag doesn't mean that people can't see through your attempts at pushing leftism.
>implying national socialism wasn't crushed by the boot of international Jewry.
It's a lot less of a meme than Nazbol, but I find its ideas of forced redistribution of wealth to be entirely pointless.
What you're talking about is Hitlerism, which is entirely obsolete seeing as how the bloke's fucking deceased. I find that a lot posters on this board who claim to be NatSoc on this board are just doing to try and set themselves apart from r/TD ledditors. None of them seem to know about the successes of Mussolini's policies, or the endless struggle and sacrifice of Codreanu's Iron Guard, nor even the tempered and refined fascism of Oswald Mosley.
This is an educated poster. Refreshing to see among a sea of morons.
you enjoy your jewish overlords
Good post man
Here’s what you need to know about Strasserism
FSR stands for Former Soviet Republics
Also it should be noted that Strasserism and National Bolshevism are different ideologies. The mods should add a Strasserist flag to diffrencherate between the two.
Now that I think about it, are there actual Strasserists posting under a Nazbol flag?
Strasserists are fine to me. Economic anti-Semitism is a good point, and they're an entry point for tankies.
Most of the people here who post with the nazbol flag are Strasserists.
t. Strasserist and the occasional shitposter. By the way, here's a pic of a thread I made a while back that sums everything up so you don't have to keep explaining this to retarded faggots.
And ironically I'm using the nazbol flag while posting that pic but it's fun to trigger faggots with it.
So basically Strasserism= national syndicalism
I've never actually read Strasser and I see there are several books, which one do you recommend?
Germany tomorrow.
>NazBol meme flag
>no strasserist flag
really disappointing
Alright, thanks
Close enough, but national syndicalism itself was Italian fascism's precursor. Mussolini read and implemented a lot of Sorel when he was a left wing agitator in the 1910s.
Not really. National syndicalism was nationalism combined with the syndicalist model of economic organization (economic control through unions).
Guild organization isn't much different from radical trade unionism though. At least that's how it comes off to me. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
strasserism is like trotskyism and maoism - namely a mental problem. It's like doing the same thing and expecting different results. You people here are just fucking lazy, dumb assholes who don't even bother to go out of your comfort zone. You won't read Thucydides, Tocqueville and alike, you'll just stay around your pathetic sect of cringe ideologues
>National socialism
>Not national (Hates faggots/niggers/political dissidents of who are nationalists and wants to eradicate them)
>Not socialist (centrist at best, more akin to capitalism than any form of socialism)
I fully agree with strasserism. And I consider it a much healthier NS, though race stuff does need to be looked into im more concerned over the govt system doing its job effectively.
Fact is if you dont consider (genes) you've still got to regulate commerce with an iron fist otherwise it gets out of control.
The way NS is set up to begin with isolates most of the corrupting influences. No voting, no lobbying and payoffs, can be bounced right out of the chain of command for that shit.
The race issue... I think can be slow-burned after its set up to phase in changes over 20-30 years and indoctrinate kids. Try to do all that stuff up front and bad shit happens and people chimp out.
> t. post
Its actually Less BASED than the normal NS
But its got all of the same governing strengths NS has over Capitalism or Communism.
It IS NatSoc its just a slightly different flavor of it.
It could be said rather than race being the focus, that the uncontrolled expansion of captialism Must be contained (but not removed).
The biggest difference is that unions are organized to gain wealth for all laborers through strikes while guilds were organized to gain wealth for specialist skilled-laborers through keeping the knowledge of the craft secret from both the masses and rulers.
Strasserism instead of the Rexpill,
Not even once
In thirteen years it went from 7% to 1.5% A massive decrease. And people say the purges were bad.
Nazbol's were always fucking absurd and cringe asfuck to me.
They literally call himself after an most biggest jewish commie organisations (((bolsheviks)))
They could have at least been honest and called themself Stalinst or some other cringy commie dogshit.
They have no political foundation besides being pro-Stalin and most of them don't even call out kikes.
Strasserism on other hand is respectable position with a great foundation.
Strasser was part of National Socialist German Workers' Party and been one of the biggest heads of it before separating from them.
Strasser was a honest and true National SOCIALISM unlike Hitler who was too scared to get rid of Capital.
Nazbols are either inbred tankies who dislike rest of commies or "nazis" who like red too much
Basically cringe factory of absurdity, even by /leftypol/ standarts.