
Shes doubling down on crazy after the shooting. Basically endorsing the shooting by saying trump supporters aren't legit americans and posts A10 brrrt sounds.

Have to give her credit for shitposting though.

The loon isn't even a burger...

I want her to double down on my dick

>liberals claiming anybody else aren't Americans
Kek, easiest civil war in the history of mankind.

what did she mean by this?

>my enemies are the enemies of the republic

Is this foreign cunt serious?

yes. Be happy.

I wonder if all of Metallica have ploughed her...

I reckon she's a bit of a dominatrix, let's the libtard persona go and gets her nazi fetishism take over...

>Is this foreign cunt serious?
Can't you get her deported? She has outright called for the President to be killed, is an islamist and spends all day trying to incite people to overthrow the government.

would be submissive to men on far right, youre probably right about dominatrix shit on leftists. but she naturally calls men sir on twitter all the time and shares bizarre sexual fantasies often

Isn't she confirmed double agent?

this is why cocaine should only be allowed for men

We as Americans are starting to get our shootings in order. Firing at members of Congress instead of fellow civilians. Let's hope this trend continues and no more civilian lives are lost.

Oh yes my dear...

I think shes legit crazy.

Manic depressive for sure
>t. fully accredited internet psychologist

The republic?!?!??!

Why would a star fleet commander mention the republic when its a federation of planets not a republic?

>psychologist not psychiatrist
>using a term they dont even use anymore

yup fully accredited

Post her feet

Only then can I tell if she is fuckable

who is that fox

Mensch is a Milo cohort and troll you dumbasses.

She browses here.

>enemies of the republic
Good, goooood!

Suck on that conservashits!

she's pretty fit tho

>Every single enemy, including your traitor enemy, is now an enemy of the Republic

It's not her god damn republic.

>inb4 (((republic)))


You are now an enemy of the Republic.

Didn't Louise say she can't even think straight because she fried her brain with drugs?

I'd still plow her into next week.