Kikes came with a new propaganda targeting the Western youth in order to defend Israel kek
Other urls found in this thread:
Even they are goy.
The black kike though...
Fucking kikes.
I know some smarmy curly headed jew is smirking somewhere right now
I thought Zionist propaganda was supposed to be subtle?
You guys need to start a major operation against this shit. it's gonna be on billboards all over, I know someone who works of them they have huge amount of resources
To Arms, Citizens!
Oy Vey!
Hasbara 101
its because they need to appeal the su.. minority groups!
they are many in number and would be of great use to mother israel
Why does he call in a fake health scare to his place of work? That seems dishonest, selfish, and disruptive.
How can (((they))) not realise how cringy and shitty this propaganda ad is ?
delete this immediately
pick one
How do I delete the attachment?
who is the brown qt
I want this thread and my attachment deleted.
why does it matter? its redpill material, it needs to be shared
Fucking Christ.
How about instead we meme this video into the black community and convince them WE WUZ ISRAELITES and flood Israel with diversity.
this is satire right? this was clearly made by someone who knows about the ZOG and is ironically mimicking something they would make.
It is 100% fake. This is anti-semetic propaganda.
Holy fucking shit, now THIS is propaganda. The obvious goal is to have goys crawl into to Syria to cause more chaos and propaganda without risking Jewish lives or being caught red handed.
This is the cringiest shit ever
what did i just watch. Talk about cringe
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please have comments enabled
please have comments enabled...
And here's some copypasta
בשלב הזה ישראל עדיין לא למדה כיצד להיות רב-תרבותית, ונראה שאנחנו הולכים להיות חלק מרכזי בשינוי הזה, שמוכרח להתרחש. ישראל לא תמשיך להיות אותה מדינה יהודית שהיתה מאז הקמתה. הערבים יהיו במרכזו של התהליך. מדובר בשינוי עצום לישראל. ישראל תיכנס מעכשיו למוד רב תרבותי, והערבים עלולים לחוות טינה עקב תפקידם המוביל בשינוי. אך ללא תפקידם ככח מוביל וללא השינוי הזה, הערבים בישראל לא ישרדו.
>implying this board isn't already ridden with kike propaganda
They couldn't get better chicks than that? The IDF gurls are amazing....
Better copypast w white europeans
בשלב הזה ישראל עדיין לא למדה כיצד להיות רב-תרבותית, ונראה שאנחנו הולכים להיות חלק מרכזי בשינוי הזה, שמוכרח להתרחש. ישראל לא תמשיך להיות אותה מדינה יהודית שהיתה מאז הקמתה. האירופאים הלבנים יהיו במרכזו של התהליך. מדובר בשינוי עצום לישראל. ישראל תיכנס מעכשיו למוד רב תרבותי, והאירופאים הלבנים עלולים לחוות טינה עקב תפקידם המוביל בשינוי. אך ללא תפקידם ככח מוביל וללא השינוי הזה, האירופאים הלבנים לא ישרדו.
Wow that black girl is unironically hot.
Smelly dumb christcuck scum
The Jews are a OK. sweet I just earned 3 shackles from the app but it says I can only spend them in Israel. Fucking kikes still jewed me.
israel could use more diversity like that.
the lip syncing is killing me
I want to boogie...
End Zog now
The only true way to defend Israel is to open its borders.
Id fuck that black jew. It would be double the BLEACHED fetish for me
>that black girl
where do I find girls like this
I've to travel to Israel and fight for the Jewish cause
Good. Fuck the Palestinians and all who defend them.
Use this copy pasta lads
בשלב הזה ישראל עדיין לא למדה כיצד להיות רב-תרבותית, ונראה שאנחנו הולכים להיות חלק מרכזי בשינוי הזה, שמוכרח להתרחש. ישראל לא תמשיך להיות אותה מדינה יהודית שהיתה מאז הקמתה. האירופאים הלבנים יהיו במרכזו של התהליך. מדובר בשינוי עצום לישראל. ישראל תיכנס מעכשיו למוד רב תרבותי, והאירופאים הלבנים עלולים לחוות טינה עקב תפקידם המוביל בשינוי. אך ללא תפקידם ככח מוביל וללא השינוי הזה, האירופאים הלבנים לא ישרדו.
this is parody, right? right?
Weak-minded idiot, that kind of thinking is what they want. Neither of them are that cute.
>Yes, goy... protect our nation while we place multi-racial women parading around as you work hard like a nerd virgin and correct our record for free oy vey never forget the 6 GORILLION
your nose is showing.
At this stage, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and it seems that we are going to be a central part of this change, which must happen. Israel will not continue to be the same Jewish state that has existed since its establishment. White Europeans will be at the center of the process. This is a huge change for Israel. Israel will now enter multicultural studies, and white Europeans may experience resentment because of their leading role in change. But without their role as a leading force and without this change, white Europeans will not survive.
Nice one
At this stage, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and it seems that we are going to be a central part of this change, which must happen. Israel will not continue to be the same Jewish state that has existed since its establishment. White Europeans will be at the center of the process. This is a huge change for Israel. Israel will now enter multicultural studies, and white Europeans may experience resentment because of their leading role in change. But without their role as a leading force and without this change, white Europeans will not survive.
How DARE people fight back against the #FakeNews!
didn't watch
jesus christ yall are fucking gullible
Fck theyre not even trying to hide it anymore
I have no idea what a kike is but in your words i get kikes are not worth much.
I am a north and most people does not like norths so i guess i likes kikes.
Maybe kikes are just just misunderstood like the north are.
It feels strange meeting a south swede, they are so weak, can not survive either the cold, wild animals or the criminals or bad boys of the north.
One day it would be nice to do Stockholm :D.
I shill for Israel without getting paid because I love shitskin tears
Unlike lots of anons I dont really have a problem with Israel or jews. But even I was getting sick of all the fawning of Israel in Republican primary. Also a lot if the radio has all these hosts talking about their "stand with Israel" tour. It is getting pretty annoying. Again I dont have a problem with Israel and I do consider Israel a US ally but why cant the US be worried about the US and Israel be worried about Israel?
They know we know.
There's literally a tribe of black jews in Africa called the Lemba.
They've been genetically tested and they have the jewish Y-Chromosome. Some jew traveled deep into Africa and KOSHERED them.
I for one think it's a tragedy that there haven't been efforts to import them to Israel. Is this a sign that Israelis are racist?
Top kek
If only
They really should quit while they're ahead.
Stockholm, 1200 km to the south filled with pretty women, i am gonna fucking rape that town to the ground :D.
I... I want to breed that darkie.
That is the Hebrew to English translation of
I defend Israel just to piss off stormfags and far left cucks on social media. A lot of you guys have pretty shit arguments against Israel. Started copying Ben Shapiro arguments, funny as hell.
I would, but not for procreation.
I hope the white house sees this and helps those poor jews
The Black Hebrews actually tried doing that in the 60s or 70s, but were refused entry.
Nah use this one:
מה לעזאזל אמרת לי רק על זה, כלבה קטנה? אני אראה לך שאני סיימתי את הכיתה שלי בחותמות הצי, ואני הייתי מעורב בפשיטות חשאיות רבות על אל-קעידה, ויש לי למעלה מ -300 הריגות שאושרו. אני מאומן בלוחמת גורילות ואני צלף העליון בכל הכוחות המזוינים של ארה"ב. אתה לא בשבילי אלא רק מטרה אחרת. אני אנגב אותך לעזאזל עם דיוק שכמותו לא נראתה מעולם על פני כדור הארץ, סמן את המילים המזוין שלי. אתה חושב שאתה יכול לברוח עם להגיד את זה חרא לי דרך האינטרנט? תחשוב שוב, זיון. כאשר אנו מדברים אני יוצר קשר עם הרשת הסודית של המרגלים ברחבי ארצות הברית ואת כתובת ה- IP שלך הוא להיות עקבות עכשיו עכשיו אתה טוב יותר להתכונן הסערה, תולעת. הסערה שמנגבת את הדבר הקטן והפתטי שאתה מכנה את חייך. אתה מת, ילד. אני יכול להיות בכל מקום, בכל עת, ואני יכול להרוג אותך למעלה משבע מאות דרכים, וזה רק עם הידיים שלי. לא רק אני מאומן בהרחבה בקרב לא חמושים, אבל יש לי גישה לכל הארסנל של חיל הנחתים של ארצות הברית, ואני אשתמש בו עד הסוף כדי לנגב את התחת האומלל שלך מעל פני היבשת, חתיכת חרא קטן. אילו רק היית יכול לדעת איזו נקמה לא קדושה, ההערה הקטנה וה"חכמה" שלך עומדת להפיל עליך, אולי היית מחזיק את הלשון המזוינת שלך. אבל לא יכולת, אתה לא, ועכשיו אתה משלם את המחיר, אידיוט מחורבן שכמותך. ללא שם: אני חרא זעם על פניך ואתה לטבוע בו. אתה מת, לעזאזל.
Desperate times eh?
>I hope the white house sees this and helps those poor jews.
I am sure they will.
Something about your long lost African brothers would be a good tack. I think the Lemba should already qualify for Israeli citizenship, and if they don't, it might really hit a nerve. You might be able to contact some social-justice-minded sensationalist journalists who would eat it up.
ahh, that video is so tacky that those who watch it will turn to Jesus Christ instead
I'm starting my own Jewish state, I'm not even Jewish but those gibs are worth it.
What it translates to: At this stage, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and it seems that we are going to be a central part of this change, which must happen. Israel will not continue to be the same Jewish state that has existed since its establishment. White Europeans will be at the center of the process. This is a huge change for Israel. Israel will now enter multicultural studies, and white Europeans may experience resentment because of their leading role in change. But without their role as a leading force and without this change, white Europeans will not survive.
GODDANM black jews look like that!?!!
About to go to Israel and get me some Brown suga...I mean Hummas.
I'm black so I can say that
btw ethopian jews are pretty cool right Sup Forums ?
I like right wing jews and based black men
Ethiopians in general are cool.
>JIDF back up to its old tricks
I know there's more than one pro-Jew shill group, but the fact that they did it so blatantly is disgusting.
I wish all the best for the campaign. At the same time I don't think it can successfully unite supporters around Israel, unless first Israel and Jews around the world become united, reviving "all of Israel are responsible for one another".
Only Jewish unity can attract united support from others.
The people I see supporting Israel above their own country on social media often use Bible verses in place of rational arguments.
>falling for the oldest jew trick in the book
Dear Israel, Please fill out this form. I assure you we will do all we can do assist you as soon as possible. Our representatives are standing by.
Bruh the girl on the left is a legit brown qt, Won't fight for the jews tho
>this is how desperate they've become
wew lad
Cant believe they use that nigger bitch Titi.
She is such a vile person, she was our beauty queen some years back believe it or not, won only because of diversity. We know it, she knows it, we all know it.
She basically won to make you all happy, see ? we diverse and shit.
When she won she immediately broke up with her bf and now dating rich white men, any retard who is willing to have her. While she screams racism everywhere if she doesn't get what she wants.
She has contact lenses, she has brown eyes, and that's not her natural hair. She is a disgusting ape.
They also deny the fact that Jews hated Christ (and still do in the Talmud, via desecration of the Host as well as ritual murder sacrifice).
Jesus in Talmud
Jewish ritual sacrifice of Christians
Just googled her. Yityish Titi Aynaw, right? Some women should be banned from having any other haircut than the one we've seen in the video.
Israel must tear down their racist apartheid walls.
The time is nearing that the injustice towards Palestinians and all African migrants cannot be tolerated in the holy land anymore.
it is time israel followed the progress of western civilization and former Afrikan colonies and tear down that racist/apartheid wall, dissolve those racist apartheid laws and truly become the democracy they proclaim to the world they are.
Open Borders For Israel is the only way to go.
You have not yet learned how to be multi racial Shlomo. Israel will not survive without open borders
how is she politically? are blacks in israel more liberal? are they soft on the palestinian issue?
>Rich white men
So she's not dating Jews? This is because albeit some Jews have some features that may appear "European", Jews are not European at all. This can be determined by phrenology.