What do they teach you about the Nazis and WW2 in school?

I ask you to switch of the customflags in this thread, or at least include your country in the posts as this would be interesting to see how different countries handle this subject

During my time in school we had WW2 and nazi germay 2-3 times as a subject + an additional trip to the concentrationcamp bergen belsen. Literally all we learned was this
>Hitler gained power in 1933
>He did so because germany was in a crisis and he was able to use it for himself
>He hated jews and everyone who isnt a healthy blueeyed blonde aryan, and especially the jews.
>tried to genocide those all
>1939 WW2 started
>1945 it ended and germany was seperated among the heroic allies
>Hitler prosecuted the familymembers of the criminals too.
>Always remember this so it doesnt happen again.
that is actually everything

Additionally we had to watch "The Wave" to be shown how easy such a movement can start if you arent carefull all the time. If you dont know the movie

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>He did so because germany was in a crisis and he was able to use it for himself

Top meme. You know what school taught me about WW2 and Hitler? Nothing. I mean absolutely nothing. I didn't even get formal sex education either.

where are you from?

and also they actually say it. germany was in a crisis, hitler managed to got them out of it at which point everyone became fanatic and cult like and hitler was able to do whatever he wanted because of that. thats basically what we are told here

Eastern Canada.

sounded kinda like africa or middle east to be honest

lol mel is my cousin. Looks a lot like me and my dad. I've never met him though.

for me, I was literally taught next to nothing call of duty finest hour didn't teach me, and this was apparently in AP euro history too. I had to learn about the jewish communist civil war and dresden and shit like that by myself

That's basically what I was taught in school in the 90's. Plus "America did horrible things to minorities too and the Holocaust was also partly our fault for not accepting all the Jewish refugees and trying to be isolationist".

yeah, we werent told why they hated the jews. always said prejudice, stereotypes and propaganda in order to have a scapegoat to blame all of germanys problem on them. just bad luck they were chosen basically

fucking globalist education, I swear. In asia they go too far the other way

We were even told that "part of the reason it was so scary is that the Jews were perfectly assimilated in Germany and their neighbors and friends turned on them". I'm pretty sure most lesson plans on WW2 in US schools are written by the SPLC and the ADL.

What they tought me in school:
>Hitler attempts a coup in 1923 and fails
>Then when he is in prison he writes a book called Mein Kampf
>Economic crises in 1929 that possibilatates the Rise of Hitler because people were desperate
>Hitler starts genociding disabled people
>Puts jews in ghettos and confiscate their goods
>1939-1945 WW2, Allies were losing badly than the "almighty USA" "save the day" with D Day, we only talked about stalingrad in less than 5 minutes in a slide in powerpoint (because books don't talk about Stalingrad)
>During the war time Hitler started Genociding jews(6 Gorillion)Homos, and Gypsies
And thats what they basically teach us, of course we all know that what they teach us in school is very far from the truth

they briefly mentioned the "dolchstoß(((legende)))" in our classes, but made sure never to actually mention what exactly that was.

in addition our teacher told us the war with poland started because the nazis staged a false flag attack against themselves.


didn't it go something like
>germany wants danzig and a little strip along the coast so the port is not separated
>starts negotiating with poland
>england barges in negotiations and poland gets cocky
>negotiations fail, war ensues

Hitler loved animals and children, and didn’t want war, but England did. There’s one big difference between Hitler and every other leader. Most leaders are merely tolerated, or, disliked. But the people of Germany loved Hitler. And he loved them. He literally saved Germany during his first four years in office, and then led the country to economic and social prosperity. Some people blame Hitler for the wartime destruction of Germany, but that blame is misplaced. England declared war. Over Poland? Nope. Poland was just a handy excuse for war. Big Jew wanted Hitler and the German people to be destroyed, so they were.

>(((perfectly assimilated)))
but only in order to kike around better unrecognized

pretty much the same as we learned. forgot mentioning the ghettos, we were told that as well. trains and buses driving through them allegedly didnt have windows or just very small so the population isnt able to see the misery in those or something like that we were told. the stuff before 33 wasnt even mentioned for us. nothing about hitler trying to get to power previously or his time in prison. we knew he wrote that book, but didnt knew it was written in prison until long after school. also nothing about the jewish uprising in 1918 in germany or in general all the commi-riots incited by the jews

there also was persecution of the german minority in those (formerly german) territories which resulted in hundreds of deaths.

Similar to the OP's version but no wave film and no concentration camp visit. We read Ann Frank's diary. Also there was emphasis on how USA was just as bad as Nazis, that USA started eugenics and Hitler stole all his ideas from Henry Ford.

i don't care anymore.

My middle school had a cross-classes Holocaust unit where we learned about the Holocaust all at the same time in classes like social studies and English. It all led up to us watching Schindler's list and having a schoo-wide presentation where each of us were encouraged to make "creative tributes" to the 11 gorillion.

Keep in mind this was about 20 years ago. We never did learn anything about Mao or Stalin, or at least not that I can remember.

We were never really taught about Nazis. We are only taught about MUH JEWS AND MY EVIL HITLER

Yes but Danzig and its surroundings were also around 50% German. It was part of Germany before WW1 and the treaty that carved up the country.

pretty much this. there is also rumors about the danzig massacres where poles slaughtered ethnic germans, but ensuring a supplyline to those ethnic germans was reason enough imo. in ww1 germany surrendered to end the war and was promised if it does so it will be able to keep its colonies and land and everything, but they lied, they took our colonies and our clay in europe including the part of poland they "invaded" which was consisting mostly of germans.

totally forgot. we watched the movie about the diary.
is it by the way a real story or just propaganda fan fiction sold as fact?

>20 years ago

Hello friend. I am 33 and that is exactly what we did.

It's almost like the curriculum was contrived even across national boarders. Complete with our schindlers list viewing.

I remember a kid got sent to the principals office because we were in a temporary building made out of Tin and one of that kids said it was hotter than a oven in here while we were watching our good goyim movie.

the wave is amazing me and my friends still make wave jokes to this day

right, I know it was literally prussia

Is there some sort of document or book on this? Every time I bring it up people say it's a false flag and there aren't any sources I can pull

we actually learned why he got into power why he believed jews were evil the 1918 German revolution the treaty of versalies everything that Sup Forums sees as "redpilling"

Pretty much the same thing you went through, but they also had yearly "Holocaust remembrance" assignments from the beginning of high school. They never said anything that could even be construed as positive. Hitler, they said, not only came to power by playing on people's 'irrational' hatred of the Jews, but he also lied all the time. As in, everything he ever said was labelled "propaganda."

This is it - down to the Wave and everything in 6th grade (11-12 years)

The diary is almost certainly fake, her uncle profited immensely from it and didn't 'find' it until well after the war. There is no real explanation for how he got it and how she used a ball-point pen to write it before such pens existed in that area. And even in the official story her and her family died of typhus, not murder. Millions of Germans, Poles, Russians died of typhus during the war. Something like 5% of the soldiers dead were killed by it.

plus they taught that nazi Germany was a good place for a white man

Literally nothing. I didn't even know who Goeabbels was until I actually read a book on my own. We weren't even taught about Normandy. The only thing school ever taught me about WW2 was the blitz.

schindlers list we watched too.

>I remember a kid got sent to the principals office because we were in a temporary building made out of Tin and one of that kids said it was hotter than a oven in here while we were watching our good goyim movie.

so do you still dislike hitler then or do you see him as the creator of israel he was?

(Insert snide comment about there being no difference)

Does the non-Ashkenazi Jews in Israel make lots of holocaust jokes?

Israel would've been created without Hitler but it would've been later

>What do they teach you about the Nazis and WW2 in school?



And that was my education about WW2.

everyone does

That's the part some people call a false flag. Its hard to know if they actually were being persecuted or the nazis made it up to justify an invasion. Probably a bit of both.

Im pretty sure the holocaust was covered in about one paragraph. Meanwhile I remember in highschool having a whole lessons on stalins atrocities.

Pretty much the same as this.

Teacher was a good goyim Greek commie. There was a little bit of time spent on the Holocaust but most was about Hitler's life, the Munich Putsch, Mein Kampf and him becoming chancellor. No (((Hollywood))) films thankfully.

There was also a trip to Auschwitz despite spending no more than 3 or 4 hours learning about the holocaust. It's pretty much the go-to place for WW2 field trips alongside Blitz style bomb shelter reconstruction.

Looking back, they focused mostly on how and not why, the closest answer we got was that Germany had hyperinflation and 'everyone just blamed Jews for it'. No mention of the ruhr/sailor uprisings, the other failed putsch and political violence that preceded Hitler.

>Hitler went to jail after a failed revolt
>Wrote a book
>People love book
>Legally makes his way to the top
>Spreads fear about the jews
>Kills himself

Not going into what we learned about WWII because the details are fuzzy.

>US WW2 history lesson
>pearl harbor
>holocaust (mostly holocaust)
>nuclear bombings of japan

Im eastern Canada as well, there was some WW2 and nazi germany material in either global geo or social studies at one of my schools. Wasn'y anything major though. They mostly give us history in the indians and how we stole their land etc. Though the canadian government seems to have abandoned any effort to promote that particular minority.




This. That's literally all of WW2 in your typical public education classroom.

At least it was in the 90's. I doubt much has changed.

Finland is a bit different because of the Winter War etc.

i graduated highschool in 2005 in a very multiculti part of Toronto

Basically, the jews were easy scapegoats so that was the sole reason for that stuff. never forget the 6^123481. hitler=literally hitler tier memery

>Hey Haheimen remember the time when we started that war and then pretended to be the victims.

>Oh yes Mr Shekelstein oh those were good times I was rolling around laughing so hard I almost cry'd , I can't believe the goyim believed our lies and they still believe it

>Oh Haheimen stop my sides are spiltting just thinking about it

Stalin isn't even mentioned outside of in passing that he was part of the allies. In fact in public schools their is a (((curious))) lack of historical Communism anywhere.

The only time Communism is mentioned in detail is McCarthyism

its more why did Hitler kill himself tier jokes but okay

Am swedish, and haven't had the subject but what is talked about is this:
>Hitler was politically engaged with his NSDAP back in 1921
>Economic crisis after WW1 made people start hating on the jews and non-aryans
>Hitler WAS great for the economy (question: did he get rid of rothschild?)
>1939 WW2 started
>1940 Hitler started the genocide
>1945 Hitler and Eva committed suicide, East/West German divide
>These ideas are on the rise so get the fuck off them.

Uh, basically the only part of the WW2 that gets any focus is the war between USSR and Germany (aka "the Great Patriotic War"), which is studied with great detail. Back in school we were shows tons of documentaries on the subject, learned to sing wartime songs, visited the memorials, etc. The general notion is that USSR saved the entire world from the evil of nazism (obligatory "common german people didnu nuffin and were tricked by the corrupt elites"), but didn't get much recognition for it because of the evil americans spreading lies. American contribution to the effort is generally dismissed, they tend to be portrayed as soulless opportunists selling overpriced weapons to both sides and then sweeping in at the very end just to steal all the best spoils.
The victory day (9th may) is the second most, if not the most, celebrated holiday in the country. Overall, the whole thing feels like a patriotic pseudo-religion, planting the idea that the whole world is forever in debt to Russia. Meh.

>implying there's a difference

he didnt though

The teacher talked about how hard Germany got fucked by WW1 and Hitler rose to power because of desperation. Jews died, we came in and saved the day.

I don't remember much else, all I know is I learned more about WW2 watching a couple youtube vids, then again that applies to pretty much every class I took in highschool.

Archive please archive.is/HW1cW

Surely they very briefly mention communism during Vietnam time?

my favourite one is
what does Hitler tell to his advisers when they drive near a Jewish city: "pull the gas"

He didn't die he faked his death and you Shekel snorters fell for it. Also does it piss you off that Iceland broke away from your banking cartels ?

Holy shit. I thought Americans were delusional but you Russians take it to another level.

Americans only really cared about pushing the shit in of the Japs which we are definitely largely responsible for. The European theater was just an inconvenience

>Russians literally diminishing the effect of lend-lease

What we learned:
>Germany was responsible for WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles was signed so that they couldn't do it again
>Germans were economically suffering as a result of the treaty so they turned to Hitler
>Hitler improved the economy (no mention of HOW or WHY the economy was suffering or HOW Hitler improved it, zero mention of banning usury, ignored Hitler ending the gold standard and using a labor-backed currency)
>America and Britain got involved because Hitler invaded Poland and killed millions of Jews (we were taught the holocaust came before the war and we weren't taught WHY some people were antisemitic)
I was a sperg with contradictory opinions back then and I got in trouble for saying that Hitler was economically successful. Hitler is treated so strangely by progressives, if anything he should be viewed as the lesser evil by them. He opposed the racist British Empire and their colonialism, fought against the banking families / 1%, and tried to get the support of the Arabs and blacks who were disenfranchised under the British and Americans.

White guilt to the max here in Burgerland, even though we fought against the Germans. Here's what we don't learn: how red block violence drove normies into the hands of the right, how far communists were willing to go in the Spanish civil war, or the Jewish presence in communist movements. Not saying the six gorillion was justified, just that Jews being associated with commies wasn't something that fell out of the sky, incomprehensible, radically evil, historical inertia, or other self-serving slop Jews tell themselves and others.

Communism was never a central focus of historical teachings of Vietnam. They treated it kinda of like how I imagine kids learn about Afghanistan or Iraq nowadays.

The only real Commie shit was McCarthyism and the Berlin Wall.

the answer is cuz he saw the gas bill

I went to school in South Africa. From grades 4 to 9, we'd learn about the holohoax every year. This culminated in grades 8 and 9, where we learned about it and nothing else in history class throughout the entirety of both years.

Also, by pure coincidence, the South African education system (at the time, at least) was run by kikes.

I can't remember much but mostly it was just a background story on the great depression and the inflation in Germany which caused desperation in the german people and caused the rise of Hitler. The rest is just the holocaust and like different conflicts and the aftermath, plus swedish involvement in selling iron ore and winter war

what they teach here
> Versailles treaty
> hitlers failed coup, mein kempf etc.
> 1933 Hitler gains power
> rhineland, anschluss
> munich diktat, we were betrayed by western powers, a lot of emphasis on poland taking a lot of land from us
> barbarossa, moscow, siege of Leningrad, Stalingrad, d-day , usa nuking japan
> some bs about concentration camps
> battle of berlin

until recently, it was pretty unbiased, however now they are trying to change the narative, so germany and soviets appears more evil, they are trying to downplay the role of the soviets in the war and are more focusing on allies (uk/us)

i remember it not taking too much of the curriculum. just quite a bit of propaganda in elementary school. netherlands btw.

Lucky bastard... We were forced to watch The Pianist and Saving Private Ryan(but the last one was kinda of okay since it showed allied troops killing surrendered troops , since everyone thinks that the Allies did nothing wrong)

What do you mean more focusing on allies UK and US. Like (((we))) were the bad guys or?

Well that comment makes absolutely no sense considering Eastern Canada is +95% white.

so basically you took the american narrative, just switched the US with russia.

thanks bot-kun

>>Hitler improved the economy (no mention of HOW or WHY the economy was suffering or HOW Hitler improved it, zero mention of banning usury, ignored Hitler ending the gold standard and using a labor-backed currency)
same here

>>America and Britain got involved because Hitler invaded Poland and killed millions of Jews (we were taught the holocaust came before the war and we weren't taught WHY some people were antisemitic)
actually i think we were never told when it started. he just killed jews, lots of them, and wanted to do so with every non aryan.

Reading works by Leon degrelle and the like taught me all I needed to know

American ww2 education focuses on Normandy, atom bomb and victory

>the answer is cuz he saw the gas bill
I know it gets expensive when you have to get rid of all the head lice from 6 million people.

History classes in grade school are 70% civil war (the slavery part) and 30% ww2 (the holocaust).

>Complete with our schindlers list viewing.
Why not Gannibal rising?

That Hitler was evil and he hated everyone that wasn't white and didn't have blue eyes and blond hair. The victors write history.

And the holocaust

>Also there was emphasis on how USA was just as bad as Nazis
lol, joining that war really paid off for you, didn't it

Nope. Our history textbooks end in 1960. Vietnam is not mentioned at all.

USA here. This is pretty much the order it was taught in:

>Muh blitzkrieg
>Muh Poland
>Muh France
>Muh Pearl Harbor
>Muh D-Day
>Muh Battle of the Bulge
>Muh Russians
>Muh Oppenheimer
>Muh Nukes
>Muh Six Trillions

Italy was briefly mentioned but there was no more than a page or two dedicated to them.

Dude, where did you go to school? We had like two chapters on Vietnam here in Indiana.

We should have joined with you, brother. The kikes had a hell of a time getting us involved in the war since the majority of Americans were of German ethnicity and only 1 or 2 generations removed from literally being Germans.

They had to false flag pearl harbor to get use to kill our own kind.

The more things change. The more they stay the same.

>I remember a kid got sent to the principals office because we were in a temporary building made out of Tin and one of that kids said it was hotter than a oven in here while we were watching our good goyim movie.

no, they are simply more focusing on battles of UK and USA, so in the new textbooks, there is more stuff about invasion of italy, northern africa, d-day and whole western front and less stuff about eastern front. So now it looks liek uk/us did the heavy lifting.


We were shown "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" and taught how Stalin and Hitler signed this Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and occupied our country afterwards. The main reason we were taught about WW2 is because we were occupied and told how bad it was for us. Guerrilla warfare, 200k+ people exiled to Siberia etc we learnt more of how bad USSR was rather than Germany. And of course the holocaust - the worst thing to happen to humanity and shit.
Basic brainwash I'd say

>The more things change. The more they stay the same.
basically the same as ww1.
>britain wants US in the war
>us people dont want to
>purposely get some of your own people killed (lusitania/pearl harbor)
>people get riled up and agree to war
its really sad how people fall for the same shit every time just because they dont care to learn.

Seattle. This was awhile ago, but suffice it to say, the history textbooks were at least 20-30 years old.

One word

In my entire high school education we never talked about what actually happened in WW2 once. The Holocaust on the other hand, was cover once a year minimum.
Shit like this gives kids a minor resentment for the jews, we were all complaining about the holocaust by the end of our education.

Damn. You must have went to a severely underfunded school.

My school was surprisingly redpilled. Even in commiefornia I was taught that Nazi were a fringe minority that gained power in Germany following failed revolution by commies. I was taught that Germany suffered greatly between the two world wars and that a wheel barrow full of cash could buy like one loaf of bread. They taught Nazi were people that went too far and asked us to feel compassion for Germans in general. This is no longer what is taught and right about high school age they started the 60 gorillion.

We had like one half of a chapter dedicated to the shoah but that was it.

>Additionally we had to watch "The Wave" to be shown how easy such a movement can start if you arent carefull all the time.

Shit--I almost forgot that we had to watch this, too. I'm 30 years old so we had to watch the version from the 60s since the remake wasn't created yet. Indiana user here.

They over saturated the narrative and now people question it.

Surprisingly we watched one documentary in class once that actually had the real reason why Hitler hated Jews: Namely because they just so happened to be heavily involved in all the communist shit going on in the Wiemar era and all the chaos and violence caused by leftist groups was driving people towards Nazism, but usually yes, it was the "Jews were blameless model citizens that Hitler had seemingly selected out of random like he threw a dart at a dartboard full of ethnic minorities and it landed on Jews"

AP US History student when I was in HS (I got a 5 on the AP exam so I actually paid attention in class)

What they taught us:
>Germany has a history of military aggression and did a lot of evil shit during WW1 like use chemical weapons so people were really pissed at them so they weren't really thinking about giving them good peace terms after the war.
>Because Germany had done so much evil shit they had huge debts to pay.
>Germany couldn't pay denbts so all their people were broke, so irrationally they blamed Jews for stealing all their money because they were starving and going mad.
>Hitler who is #1 meme public speaker rises to power by screaming and frothing at the mouth about Jews.
>Hitler kills basically all the Jews in Germany.
>Then he invades Poland to kill the Jews there.
>Then he invaded France to kill the Jews there.
>Then he invaded Russia to kill the Jews there.
>Finally a brave coalition of Russia, the UK, and the US combined to beat Hitler and save all the Jews.
>Also the Japanese sided with Hitler because they were pure evil and ate American soldiers and Mussolini hey a Mussolini a tortelini a pizza pie he was evil too and joined Hitler so special forces fucked him up. It was basically like Wolfenstein 3D.
>There were some brave Nazis like Rommel though who weren't bad and didn't know Hitler was killing Jews even though he rose to power from nothing other than screaming about how he wanted to kill Jews but YOU RESPECT ROMMEL HE WAS A MILITARY GENIUS AND A CHESSMASTER
>muh zyklon b
>muh pink triangles and gypsies getting gassed too
>muh story of how a Jew musician survived 3 concentration camps and kept the spirits of his fellow prisoners and even his own brothers up by playing music for them and arranging orchestras that the guards and prisoners watched together and miraculously they all survived the 3 camps together dodging the ovens every time
>muh skin lampshades
>watching schindler's list in class
>watching the pianist in class

I'm sorry bro

My gramps just worked on ships in Pearl Harbor when it happened - but nonetheless ww2 should've been the west vs communism and that's the bottom line