Leftist Piece of shit Sonia Gupta

This woman needs to realize everything is public in one way or another, she lives in denver, currently looking for her employer. Would appreciate some help, thx



Take my bump.

Gotta love pajeets that move here and start telling us what to do and how to think.


Bump for Justice

Please. In Denver this tweet will help her at some of our companies downtown or in Boulder.

Bump in lump



This is fucking disgusting. People like her are sewing the seeds for events like this morning's attack on the Republican baseball team.

I'm all for focused, intellectually-formed criticism but this reads like hate speech and, before all other things, is in exceptionally poor taste.

Not to mention how incredibly damaging these kinds of things are for the left. Who does this make look good? Well, when I heard Rand Paul's account of running across the field while under fire I just kinda thought, well, he's not a pussy... and this looks awful for liberals.



This. Denver and Boulder are shit holes that deserve nukes.
There's so many pajeet street shitters in Denver. They literally can street shit here.


"Lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence" uhhhh not quite bud. Its 93 A DAY - and let's not forget to include over 60% are due to suicides

Well your republican politicians are cucks so they deserve this sort of behavior.

If I was Scalise and I saw this tweet I would use all that money of mine to sue this woman in court for slander and I would not settle.

The dude just got shot and nothing will be done about weasels like this.

More of these fucks should be sued for labeling everyone they dont like a racist. It would just take a few cases to get the point across.

>sewing the seeds
Oh so we kill the BLM niggers and feminazis when they chimp out

She went private

Anybody have a progressive false flag account that wants to friend her?

Get her pedes xD

ALL white people are racist according to PoC and white allies. so no white person should be in a position of power because they are racist and a bigot. stand down white people and let PoC run the country.