
This attack only proves we need gun control now. Face it, this does not happen in other country's.

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fuck u dude lol

This proves democrats should not have weapons.

>not happen in other country's.
we dont have baseball

we need common sense liberal control


DC has gun control. Also, killing people is illegal

>other countries
Who needs guns when you can buy a truck?

When will democrats disavow violence?

I support everyone's right to defend himself and his loved ones and property

then why do other country's that have nation wide gun control have much less shootings and gun deaths?


canada has a lot of guns and no insane murder rates

much less people die in those truck attacks then die in american shootings

I unironically believe the only thing he did wrong was being a terrible shot. Might as well fuck off with gun control and see how many politicians are killed before they realize it's a problem.

You're right. People just use armored transports like trucks and instead of shooting at people they run over people with a much higher success rate than firing a weapon

This has to be satire OP did you just say shootings don't happen on other countries? You must be new. like to this fucking planet.


because Canada has very few hand guns and assault rifles. and has actual background checks and gun control.

>like Mexico


You can't get a gun in the metro D.C area because fuckers like you control it and wasn't he taken out by guns. You guys just stick to "fuck glumpf" and let us win. Take Arizona and Texas were taking New England and Minnesota, probably will win by a larger margin in the rust belt and Deep South considering there is almost no ethnic change at all happening.


The only people with guns are those living far away from the faggot cities.

And who needs a truck if you can just be muslim?

with a much higher success rate?? barley any people died in those attacks from real Muslim terrorists, but here in the US some random kid can shoot up a school and kill a bunch of kids with ease.


We need Dem and liberal control.


look at the fucking statistics, and Australia took away the guns after they had shootings and guess what? no more shootings.

>politician gets clacked
>the system works
>retard OP still things its a good idea to push his kike agenda to disarm sovereign people
Kill yourself

>torrerant reft


>Be Republican
>Help implement laws that fuck over at least 90% of the population
>Be surprised when someone is pushed over the edge

>Be average Sup Forums user
>Constantly advocate for death to everyone you disagree with while staying home all day
>Complain about liberal commies when one actually takes action for his beliefs

>Imposing term limits on congressmen the hard way.
This was one of Trump's few good ideas.



>this does not happen in other countries
Oh it surely does

Too bad drumpf doesn't know what he's doing and think he's the master of negotiation only to be a puppet at a moment's notice.

Pic related

>Face it, this does not happen in other (((country's)))

that's just something called freedom of speech, it can apply to people who don't agree with you ya know.

This. Republicans are being entirely open about the fact they'll happily fuck over a large percentage of the American population while ignoring laws, precedents, and all common decency. Don't be surprised when people pushed to the edge fall over it.


But not freedom to guns

Gun against gun? WOW! Really good solution for violence! Really good bro. You're genius.

>only happens in us
France, Sweden... Germany...

that was an armed police man who had the right to be there, not just some random person who wanted to kill some people.

Fuck off m8, there was a spike in gun crime aftwr the ban, and then the murder rate stayed the same as before, but the tool changed. Fuck off you communist filth, you don't know my country, besides, something like 20% of guns actually got handed in, the other 80% are buried in backyards in PVC pipes filled with engine grease

What's this? A good comment?


But sometimes we really wish it would

Kill yourself leftist scum, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!!!!!! Bootlicking faggots

I bet you're Canadian.

head's facial structure > that cunt's facial structure

>Face it, this does not happen in other country's.

and where there any more mass shootings? (no)

AARRGH! Ye'll pry me musket from me cold, dead 'ands

>Face it, this does not happen in other country's

It does.

Exactly. gun violence only happens in the US

Remove blacks from those stats and come back to me.


its called common sense control for deadly weapons

>santa claus
can you elaborate a little never heard about this

A political assassination nonetheless. I don't understand why you insist 'muh gun control' will keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

>disarming ourselves to fight terrorism
no, fuck you

Washington DC and Chicago both had Gun Control for over 30 years....Both had The Highest Gun murder rate in the Country. Huh.

clearly outdated or fake news

>implying the founding fathers lacked common sense.

It's called infringement.

>never heard about Santa Claus

Of course not, little turkroach. Your parents never loved you.

This is a fight to the death. And we need to kill the left. It's as simple as that.

Wow, it's almost like they're dense urban centers with large social underclasses who are able to get guns from neighboring states from bum fuck nowhere or a gunshow.

>Politicians are never targeted for death in other countries

>gun violence only happens in the US.
How retarded are you exactly?

>Face it, this does not happen in other country's.

Strange , never heard about their costumes

fuck off

I think you mean niggers. If niggers stopped shooting people (and this guy aimed like a nigger, not at all) gun violence would drop by 90%


Yea I agree.
They should pass legislature immediately banning all guns from Democrats and leftist progressives.
The insanity needs to stop.


and remove hispanics too.

Go back to chugging cock faggot, your better at that than shitposting. Or better yet, come suck on this .308, we all know 90% of these shootings are false flag attacks for gun control. Never gonna happen.

When will the democraps disavow their violent ways?

No Mickey! Violence is not the answer.

Pointless. They can't shoot anyway.

Here we go. Pussies want to change the manly make up of the USA Constitution.
If you want to start a real happening, then fuck with the Right to bare Arms.

Me for example would lay it down right now

People who want to impede the Right to Bare need to be the same people who come to my bunker and enforce it.

Why should an American refuse a Police Officer when there are plenty of tough liberals to step in and visit a nut like me, then tell me I have to hand over my AR15 to them. If you are armed then You have solved the question on the spot.

Go back to fairyland and get your mommies to help.

Who are commting those crimes? Evil whites or another race? If guns are the problem, then so is the race of the shooter.

and how did vehicular and knife violence react?

Oh right, it increased because by taking away one tool of murder you aren't going to stop murderers.

Actually, it is time to physically remove communists as he supported the socialist jew

Why does Sweden lead the world in hand grenade attacks?

Why do nations with total prohibitions on private ownership of firearms have murder rates 4+ times the rate of the USA?

The answer is not the legislative controls to stop access to equipment but the nature of the people.

Niggers and violent by nature. Islamists are terrorists by nature. Leftists are delusional retards by nature.

Didn't he do that though and get expelled and sued?

Background checks for Democrats and Muslims immediately please

No soft handed faggot is going to be grabbing my ARs. If they try I will be firing and then going for minority/women's rights.

no monies for you ya dirty heeb!


Kids killed in school.
Like this will change anything

false flag to get the attention away from drumpfy boy's investigation.

No.. this only proves that democrats are hostile bigots. Like you.

oohhhh your gun makes you feel like a man does it?