White Terrorists: 40

White Terrorists: 40

Refugees: 0

Wake the fuck up america. You have a WHITENESS problem, not a muslim problem.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is the one of the left ded?

source it
also shill thread


>BLM faggot is still shitposting
I fucking hate the new flag system

Maybe I'm just feeding a troll, but did San Bernandini and 9/11 escape your mind?

>not mentioning that Blacks are responsble for roughly 50% of all violent crime despite being 13% of the population.

>Left is dead from beingurdered by Muslims who wanted peaceful jizya and right is awake and still alive

Really activates my almonds

>new flag system
the only thing new is you

>we could always choose irrelevant bullshit flags

>White Terrorists: 40
>Refugees: 0
>Wake the fuck up america. You have a WHITENESS problem, not a muslim problem.
You are a lying sack of shit:

Simple math is too difficult for you to comprehend, huh?

>use an insanely tight, autistic definition for what constitutes a refugee
>then use that as a basis for for an all-encompassing acceptence of anything with dark skin under any circumstance

Also under the literal definition a refugee can only come from a neighboring state you share a border with. It implies an iminent danger to your life. Mudshits passing through 15 countries to get to Germany or crossing an ocean to get here aren't refugees, they are gibs seekers.


>since 9/11
Why not include 9/11?


heyjackass.com/ just look at some of these numbers and tell me it's a whitey fault . chimp going to chimp.
( that means a NIG is going to Nog you ignorant sub species )

Whoever made this meme was never woken up at 4am by a Muslim call to prayer blasted from a minaret

>reddit thread pic
fuck off


The nigger sleeping here is the one who is most likely to be keeping people up at night and committing violent crime. KYS.

I seriously get so excited when i hear nazis complaining about muh white genocide like it's a bad thing. like what the fuck. look at europe the whitest place on earth, wars all the fucking time. now look at everywhere else on earth, hardly ever any wars. white people are fucking crazy and love killing people and starting huge world wars. fuck white people

now compare it to the attacks on a muslim country like pakistan, afghanistan, syria or iraq


>t. America is the whole world faggot

Fucking kill yourself, braindead nigger

dear watching fbi i believe this OPs post may be racist.

>now look at everywhere else on earth, hardly ever any wars

>being this retarded
seriously idc if you're a troll or a shill or just plain stupid but its posts like these that make me think twice about free speech

Kill yourself too, disgusting piece of kike filth

it'll just be even more so why bother it still shows the same thing.