Hi snowflakes!
Hi snowflakes!
Other urls found in this thread:
drumpf lost the 57 counties that mattered
he still lost the popular vote by OVER 6 MILLION
He won the popular legal vote
Illegals don't count.
This. If the russians hadn't influenced our election Drumpf and his Republitards would've been crushed and lost their majorities.
desu i find it disgraceful we forgot the 7 million votes Hillary had
Lol. Russians still?
Prove it was the Russians first
do you have any evidence of that, hun? Alex Jones doesnt count
Ill wait
That number keeps coming up
10 million more votes and she still lost.
someone correlate that map to the pollution produced by each part of the US.
Oh look, a population density map.
Do you have any evidence of Russia!?
The fact that she lost to Donald Trump in any way means she lost to him in every way
Thats still a lot of blue counties
Those counties house the Marjory of the us illegal population.
“If you are talking about California, the state is apparently relying on the illegal alien to tell the state they shouldn’t be registered. There is still an honor system,” said von Spakovsky, co-author of the book “Who's Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk.”
The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.
“We have an honor system, which is effective for people who are honorable, but is also an opportunity for people who are not honorable,” Bell said. “There is a gap in the system, and we don’t have administrative folks who will be aggressive about looking into that.”
One concern, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies, is that California issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, allowing them to automatically be registered to vote under the federal “motor-voter” laws. Since the AB60 law went into effect in 2015, 806,000 illegal immigrants have received a license.
>tldr: California illigals are on the honor system. ie. they can vote but they shouldn't.
Wait what!? More number!?!?!?
Friendly reminder that most of those red counties have a population of 10 people and 3 goats.
Those 10 people and goats are the reason you have food in your grocery stores, dumbass.
Didn't say it was a bad thing, m8. Just stating the alternative facts.
*breathes in*
Illegals can't vote.
10 farmers are infinitely more valuable than 1,000,000 liberal arts majors.
>California issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, allowing them to automatically be registered to vote under the federal “motor-voter” laws. Since the AB60 law went into effect in 2015, 806,000 illegal immigrants have received a license.
yes they can.
>Those counties house the Majority of the us population.
I prefer the Clinton archipelago map.
actually California is the salad bowl of this country and votes blue.
more like
>finance majors, doctors, lawyers, etc. who make more money in a year than most people will make in their entire lives
not what Obama said
Russians hacked the election.
If Russians hadn't hacked the election, this would never have happened.
I'm with her.
Yeah, I'm sure all those fags whining about white privilege at Berkeley are going to go on to save the world.
California is a meme state anyway
I live in a liberal county of Iowa and They were all legal voters!
But it's illegal for illegals to vote, you can't break the law.
we need to toss that salad...bowl
Sanctuary Cities & Blue district/district groups are part of the US Trafficking network.
Did a thread on it a little while ago:
Not in CA
Oh look, it's another Sup Forums doesn't know what gerrymandering is episode. God I wish T_D would fuck off. Absolute fucking niggers.
there's an estimated 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.
voter turnout for the 2016 election was 55.4%
that's 6.26 million illegal voters
assuming all of them would vote democrat
that's the kind of oversimplification drumpftards consider "data", that's the kind of thinking that gave birth to trumpcare
Even if illegals don't get to vote in the election they still get a vote.
California counts illegals in their census which gives California five extra seats.
How this is not supremely illegal is beyond me.
Something that has literally NOTHING to do with this topic.
Counties are not gerrymandered, those are districts. And even districts play no role at all in the presidential election.