Why did whites try to kill our congressman?

Why did whites try to kill our congressman?

the media and their accomplices the DNC convinced them that republicans were trying to not only kill everyone, but also the planet. there will be plenty more of these, and they have nothing to do with race.

Why do whites deny global warming?

Because murder is the most alpha thing in the world. Except when you fail at it, like this guy did.

There's nothing wrong with killing republicans desu

Come and try it bike lock man

He felt the Bern.

a cancer tried to kill our congressman. lumpy nosed bugger

New flags were a mistake. This place is even shittier than it was a few days ago which I didn't think possible.


you guys call it climate change now and nobody denies it. someone convinced you that there are people who deny climate change. see my posting you replied to for more info

How can you fail to shoot people standing in the open, with no cover, not expecting your ambush? What a failure in every sense of the word

boomers are honorary nonwhites

Only a few are new, but it was retarded. Proof they don't want Sup Forums to be a place of discussion

American hero exercising his 2nd amendment rights

not his fault Republicans got in the way of his bullets

I got the impression the guy was in his twenties or thirties, is he some kind of old fuck Michael Moore socialist?


He was just following the instructions of our president elect when he spoke to gun owners who felt disenfranchised by Washington law-makers

>"nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

didn't manage to kill any

That man right there is a national hero.

He was tried of this white congress and figured we could have more diversity if he killed a white guy with the hopes the next person will be a woman or minority. Good on him it's time for a change and this is the best way to do it.

How do we fix self-loathing white people?

>James T.
Is the T for tiberius?

Because your a NIGGER!

Allow them to die a natural death the future is black brown and vagina.

o shit


He was a nigger in his heart.

No, the T. stands for faggot, his parents where just as dyslexic and useless as he was.

He was an outspoken Trump hater, and tried to kill on Trump's birthday, similar traits to the Zodiac who said he killed on his own birthday.

Murder means killing humans.
republicans are not human.

Why do climate change doomsayers only look at the last 200 years of temperature data? How on earth DID the Romans survive their warming period, which was warmer than our current cycle?