Brit/pol/ Average British Seaside Edition


>Towering inferno, Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows as fire at West London tower block spreads to "at least five" floors with firemen struggling to control the blaze

>Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes

>DUP hopeful of Conservative deal soon

>Queen's Speech delayed as Tories negotiate with DUP

>Michael Gove returns to the cabinet as Environment Secretary

>Ed Miliband could return to front bench

>Gypsy scum attack pensioner

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Join the other thread.

I fucking hate those bastard gulls.


A glorious day when the black flag of Jihad flies over Brit/pol/.


Upset my fit Labour candidate didn't get in lads

Abbott having Type II DM is a shocking surprise, she clearly takes such good care of her body.

*Blocks your majority*


>brit/pol while listening to our Nige on LBC
being this comfy should be illegal

dumb frogposter

You know it's true, make way for Stormin' Norman!

the flag is very offensive!

Corbychev lost faggot

it's too late i've filtered you
i'm sure your post isn't worth looking at

deffo a burger you lad

By order of the parades commission there is to be no marching along this thread

you're wasting time


now i want a kebab but feel bad about it

not to spam this, but i feel its worth posting again:

I'm sure he was extolling the virtues of how, although his British-made engine hoist of choice was only rated for 250kg it was still able to loft the full weight of her FUPA to allow for access to her hinterlands.

know you all have a fair share of news tonight
but i wanted to bring your attention to this group i only learnt of last night:

their sites/channel:


the other day, a reporter strapped a hidden cam on and doxed them:



I like seagulls and pigeons, they're cute.

>Pulls out DUP.
>"Psh nice try kid."
>Teleports behind Labour.
>Progressive alliance plastered across the walls.
>"Nothing personal kikes."
>Sheaths the election.

I'd never have guessed that Osborne once possessed an even more punchable face.


why did he quit even.

It's not stealing if you're a bird.

dumb frogposter

cute frogposter

He's going to join the DUP and spend more time stoning gays



Was Tim all along /ourgay/?

Brighton is a shithole in summer, fucking londoners leaving their waste on the beach

Is this real?

>Be Lib Dem leader.
>Be irrelevant in general election.
Every time.



birds are not that important

Will Farron team up with Pence to form a fag fighting duo?

It's a special day today lads.
Do you know what it is?

Pop goes the weasel day?

That's October 2nd.

Far Right Groups in the UK are mostly MI5 informants and those who aren't are clinically retardarded.

They are more concerned with their image than actually having practical plans to achieve any of their aims.

But I never said anything that could get BTFO, I spoke objective truth. We do own a quarter of Ireland, or thereabouts. How could you possibly BTFO me on that?

You can't be a modern politician and hate gays with every fibre of your being. They just don't mix, he must just really not like gays.

You're forgetting that many of them are clinically retarded MI5 informants.

Your candidate lost m9, sorry to break it to you

The amount of tripfags ITT is repulsive

Poland goes nuclear

Is it Karen's birthday?

>stop paying attention to politics for two days
>milkman resigns out of the blue

wew lad

Your claim was that we didn't lose the campaign against Ireland, your definition of victory is fucking retarded.

No, idiots. Today is the end of the Falklands War.

suggest improvements on my OC

>blood and soil

More like shit and midges.

He was about to face a leadership challenge because he didn't endorse gay anal sex enthusiastically enough.

>at auschwitz
This might be the first time I've ever liked a Pole.

Come to America Tim, although remember we're 120v here my son.

kek this can't be real


Twat but at least he's left a grenade in the housing market via section 24 which will see prices correct as landlords are forced to sell.

Smug twat ruined the Evening Standard even more but at least he's BTFO of may.

Also: Coke. And Julie Hartley-Brewer once made him her GIMP.

Haha the Germans will be going nuts.

>t. Jealous GCHQ user

post farron fag fighting memes pls

>skull masks

It's just so tacky. It looks like some edgy gear antifa would wear. I'm too much of an aesthetics snob to get behind a movement with such taste. I hear they are pretty much disbanded now anyway, can anyone confirm?

Hooray! Our lads are coming home!

What is he thinking?

No, my claim was that Ireland didn't win. There's a difference. An Irish victory would see the entirety of Eire being a republic.

More like did not win.

I don't see why tories are happy about the result. If May at her strongest can't defeat Corbyn at his weakest, how can anyone hope to defeat now as he getting stronger? Tories should have nipped socialism at the bud

Fuck the commission

>daddy will you give me a lift to parklife?
>Jerome is meeting me there.

What do?

>i'm going to ban temperatures above 80c in london

When do we get the final death toll?
I have been waiting all bloody day

>implying the residents have nothing to do with it.


He was given an ultimatium before the election that he had to resign if he got less than 15 seats, to be replaced by Nick Clegg. He did get less than 15 seats, but he lost Clegg's seat by diverting resources away from it in an act of 1345D Minesweeper, but he had to resign anyway and used this gay thing as an excuse.

>one two three four five six seven

Loving Poland and Hungary politically shitposting in Europe at the moment

>giving away your sovereignty is fine if the states you give it too aren't poor


That's assuming I raise a whore, which I won't. So your entire premise is bollocks.

>Shag her mate

Part and parcel of living in a tower

>tfw when no one notices your OC, even when asking a question

"Part and parcel of city living"

I'm just an average white nationalist user like all you guys.


It's only part and parcel when the English suffer primarily, otherwise it's a humanitarian crisis.

Your flag is repulsive lad, you're not even British

Disbanded and proscribed as a terrorist movement, so associating with them or promoting them can land you in jail.

Good riddance they were retarded.
>inb4 muh PR

It's good senpai
>white nationalist
I thought nationalist were against globalization
hmmm makes you think
>your flag is repulsive
>You're not british
But I am

>the amount of communists ITT is repulsive

even Sup Forums bending to his will

Is there a state in existence called the Irish Republic?
Was this created against the will of a world super power?
Did Tony Blair enter peace talks with a terrorist group and give them amnesty?
Was a terrorist leader recently eulogised within the parliament he fought against?

Fucking bored of you lad, you're an idiot

>enabling tripfags

No you can get the bus so everyone can see what a gengenerate whore you are

Also your rent is is going up by £50