Hey Sup Forums. I got punched by AntiFA this morning

Hey Sup Forums. I got punched by AntiFA this morning.

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you look like a fag

No one cares about this Reddit larping shit

not a doubt in my mind i could beat your ass, post your pic

What you mean is you got your head split by subhuman faggots this morning.

>I know, I'll save the white race by acting like a nigger while shitposting and consuming tons of porn and anime on a hate board
>lol, you stupid church going, gf having, sport playing cucks gotta step up

You were victimized, did nothing about it, and you're smiling. Shave your facial hair off, faggot.

where you live i will fight you

Oh I just thought your MAMA dropped you on your head at birth.


Go back

why the cut? Did he wear a ring or something?



>why the cut? Did he wear a ring or something?
ayyyy lmao

post yourself pussy

Damn what's with the political violence in America these days. I had an antifa sticker on my phone and some proud boys saw me and hit me with a shovel

Keep up the good fight.

You're a wizard now, Harry.

shave your fucking neckbeard

Haha it takes two to tango, you trash bag.

I bet you baited a crazy.


Hey op got punched by antifa this morning too

Pretty sure this is a repost

Did you hit him back?

>posting your photo on Sup Forums
>expecting a respectful response

Bike lock in a sock ofc(uck).

Timestamp or GTFO

to bad your alive, next time they should punch harder!

wow nice vagina m8

reddit would praise the one who punched him

Why is your head split?

irrelevant to what he said

Timestamp or else it's fake

is he ok?

OMG did he die?

why are you niggers so useless?


T. tyrone.


Probably you deserved it anyway, just look at yourself.

fuck off diablo

no bruising or swelling. and nobody is going to try to punch a forehead. wound also looks like cosmetics.

and if someone did punch you in the forehead, they'd probably have killed you given the state of that stack-of-dimes neck. also did you need a selfie stick for this on account of the fact your nose is longer than your arms

he is a nigger so maybe and who cares?
this guy on the other hand, checked after he got rekt.

>Not carrying a gun so you can shoot anyone who threatens you and get away with it.
You deserved it cuck.
So glad i live in Florida.

I care

Why didn't you cast a spell on those muggles 'Arry?

Come at me, goy!

>raised wound
>no bruising, discoloration, or swelling
>wound left open to infection
>no blood

I guarantee you this is 100% fake cosmetics. If you were admitted into the hospital (wearing gown) you'd be in a room, not a lobby. They would have sewn the wound shut first thing. Why are people pathological liars?


I see your third eye activation is going well.

One fake ass wound.

>implying that's actually op

Sorry OP
These antifags really like attacking people with bike locks.

Here's another poor soul that got hit this past weekend


suck a fuck

O my, we have a bad ass here.

You look Syrian

look at the goblins face. You know why.

your forehead can split open like that tho

very nice


did you died?



get out reddit

HAHAHA FAG! BTFOed by lefties! Your huwiteness is hereby revoked you bring shame on huwite race.

Finger it

I've got exactly that wound once, when my forehead hit the corner of a gate. Did not bleed. Did not see a doctor(even though I should've). No infection whatsoever but a visible scar left

Sure, Harry Potter.

nigga u need to fix that

Its a good look on you.

t 2% african
just end it now desu senpai alama ding dong

>Lauren Southern after several piss attacks

you beat me to it, you just for got to say retarded.

>sure, retarded harry Potter

with a bike lock?

Nobody from antifag can punch hard enough to cut your head, even that lil cut.

Squeeze some lemon juice in there

Is this a JoJo™ reference or is this guy just checking those magnificient quads?

by the way if any of you faggots didn't realize that's not OP


Holy fuck this picture and quads

What a fuckin get

Holy shit, Phineas does exist

>tfw you will never get punched in your face vagina by radical leftists

Why live?

Not a doctor, but doesn't The fact that this guy hasnt died of infection speak to an amazing immune response?

If not proxy, then absolutely halal digits

>>You Look like a fag
>post your pic
He was pretty spot on, huh?

Really don't like changing from the Nazi flag, but fucking praise be upon this thread lads.

Antifas up in the morning?
That don't sound right.

those quands and that pic.


Really, again?

get gud you pussy
we don't need weaklings in the coming war

.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. ..- -. - .-.-.- / -- -.-- / -... --- .-.. .-.. --- -.-. -.- ... / .- .-. . / .. - -.-. .... .. -. --. / .-.. .. -.- . / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .-.-.- / - .... . .-. . ... .- / -- .- -.-- / .. ... / --- -. . / --- ..-. / ..- ... .-.-.-

Scratch your own bollocks, nigger alien

-. .. -.. / ..-. .. / --- . -.. -.. / -.-- -. / --. --- ..-. -.-- -. / .. / -.-. .... .. / -.-. .-. .- ..-. ..- / -. .... .-- --..-- / - .-- -.-- .-.. .-.. --- .-.-.-


-.- . -.- / .. ... / .... . .-. . / .-- .. - .... / ..- ...

t_D must reply to everyting